
Monday, May 19, 2014

[Activities] Coral Flyer Zipline - The Worlds Longest Island to Island Zipline

Ever since I saw Jaco's post about Kota Kinabalu Coral Flyer between island on G+, I have been wanting to go.  It was open for public on 10th May 2014.  I was ecstatic!  Well, I initially wanted to go try Zip Borneo at Kiulu but no friends to go with.  I have organized misc events for my group of friends but sometimes it's just not gonna happen.  Just like trying out indoor climbing.  Mind you, if you knew me then (when my self confidence is below zero), I'm the type of person who is afraid of heights and it would take me more than 10x the amount of thinking which leads to doubts which in the end I won't do it.  I'm have and still is making changes with my life this year by trying out new things (more like clearing off some bucket list) so totally feeling it!

Thanks to Beverly for "pulling some strings" and arrange for everyone to go.  Excited and nervous at the same time.  There's over 10 people, 14 to be exact, who's on this trip, including myself.  Excited cause it's my first time ziplining, nervous probably cause I'm always nervous around strangers lol.  But that's just me.  I probably know a handful of people (or not?) who's going.  Slept at almost midnight, set my alarm to 4:30am (I think I got used to waking up at 4am on a Sunday morning, that I automatically woke up at that hour, I think I actually woke up at 3am and tried to sleep back till 5:30am).  Double check some of my stuff and off to Jesselton Point jetty to meet up with everyone.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

[Activities] Sabah Indoor Climbing Centre

I can't remember the amount of times Beverly drag me to try indoor climbing.  She wasn't the only one.  It's been years and she never gave up.  I always wanted to go try at least once.  I used to jog at Likas Complex Jogging Track and I WILL pass this area but, one of the reason I didn't do it the last time is cause I was shy.  I mean seriously, I would want to drag some friends with me if I could.  I had some plans to go with some peeps but they couldn't make it and plans always just turns out to be just plans.  I'm also afraid of heights and I overthink to the state of doubting.  This time around, when Bev asked me again, I was determined to go, even if I end up going alone.  Thankfully, my awesome sis tagged along.  Mind you, my sis is quite big in size and I've been trying to make eat healthy and exercise.  I was also doubting her abilities.

Just in case, for those who aren't familiar with the location of this indoor climbing centre.  Here's a map.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

[Event + Food] BunyiGuitar x:po @ Sabah Art Gallery + Kung Fu La Mian + Jing-Si Book & Cafe

I'd planned to do an easy run this morning but I got lazy from the lack of sleep.  I also initially planned to go for a swim but I don't want to go alone since I never been to that pool before.  I went to meet up a friend's newborn last nite after my yoga class and got back quite late, lets just say I end up sleeping at 1am again.  Planned to check out a guitar exhibition at Sabah Art Gallery today.  BunyiGitar x:po.

See, whenever I attend an event, I'm usually curious or I wanted to check out something cool to blog about.  I almost don't have anything to blog about, well I do but I prefer not to do backdated post unless people request me to, but I prefer not cause memory tend to fail, I'll end up missing out details hee~ Best to blog when memory still fresh!  Like this post hee~  Check out BunyiGitar x:po event page, here.  In this case, I sort of got attracted with these:

Sunday, May 04, 2014

[Running] Borneo International Marathon 2014

Most anticipated race in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah held annually around early May.  Just cause here, in KK, there's not much running events.  I find myself registering whenever registration announced.  This year, I've decided to get back to Full Marathon again.  I've set up for a 6 months runkeeper training program for "Beginner marathon to finish" (just in case you're wondering, here's a link to runkeeper).  Not a beginner but I don't think I can even run 42km for 5 hours, yet.  I haven't stop running since last year's final race which was the BSN Putrajaya Night Marathon which was held around October last year.  I should have blogged about it cause I PB (personal best) my Half Marathon and it was fun!  Like never a dull moment fun!  I'll leave that for another time.

Vague memory is vague, I think I started my actually training program with Pammie and Rizwan in December 2013? Everything was good till I overdid my training (too much hill training or run too fast or running downhill like a madwoman or did not rest enough, either one of these is the culprit) and got injured real bad around end of February.  I didn't know what was going on for a month.  Off running till I feel no pain.  Went to full body massage twice thinking that I might pulled a nerve and tried fixing it, nope, I was still walking funny.  Went to the doctor and was on nerve and painkillers for 3 weeks or so (meds make me wake up cranky and depressed *hates).  Went for physio at Sport Care Plus at Likas twice and went for a 10km test run (easy pace) the next day.  Mind you, I was still sort of working out by walking or hiking (my so called low impact exercise is not low impact at all *chuckled).  I constantly get scolded by close friends for being stubborn.  I think some of my friends know me too well.  But you can't put a leash on a mule (or whatever or however the saying goes lols, I have no idea what I'm trying to relate this sentence to ehehe).  Nope that ain't it either.  I actually couldn't pin-point the source of the pain for so long that finally in the end, a runner friend arranged for an x-ray at the Hospital.  I had my hip, pelvic, groin and spine x-rayed.  Finally, found out the cause of my problem.