
Saturday, May 17, 2014

[Activities] Sabah Indoor Climbing Centre

I can't remember the amount of times Beverly drag me to try indoor climbing.  She wasn't the only one.  It's been years and she never gave up.  I always wanted to go try at least once.  I used to jog at Likas Complex Jogging Track and I WILL pass this area but, one of the reason I didn't do it the last time is cause I was shy.  I mean seriously, I would want to drag some friends with me if I could.  I had some plans to go with some peeps but they couldn't make it and plans always just turns out to be just plans.  I'm also afraid of heights and I overthink to the state of doubting.  This time around, when Bev asked me again, I was determined to go, even if I end up going alone.  Thankfully, my awesome sis tagged along.  Mind you, my sis is quite big in size and I've been trying to make eat healthy and exercise.  I was also doubting her abilities.

Just in case, for those who aren't familiar with the location of this indoor climbing centre.  Here's a map.

It's really easy to find.  You just need to get to the Likas Stadium area, to the parking lot where the lawn bowl place, just in case you don't know where is Likas Jogging track (the place with the lake).  It's located pretty much inside of that area, next to the skating area.  Pretty easy.  There's signboard, so don't worry.

What you need?  Just dress accordingly, advisable sports wear (comfortable).  That's pretty much it.

Operating hours:

I realize it's starting to get crowded around slightly after 7:30pm.  So, come early and get more time to explore the walls.

Since it was my first time there, I decided to head over after work with my sis and waited for Bev hehe.  Manage to take some photos while waiting.

Different type of obstacles.  *nervous!

We were observing some of the people climbing.  Wow! Interesting.

Registration for first time member is RM22 inclusive of complete set of equipment hire and climb fee for adults and RM20 for juniors.  For members is RM17.

Please read the terms and conditions before signing the registration form.  Just in case of accidents.

Okay once that's done, if you don't have climbing shoe, they provide.

When picking the climbing shoe size, I notice my usual size makes my toes slightly bend, I think that's the correct fit but I was uncomfortable, so I took a size bigger.  Yes! I'm so tiny but I have giant feet!

According to Wikipedia:

Climbing shoes fit very closely to support the foot and allow the climber to use small footholds effectively. Most climbers forgo socks in order to achieve a more precise fit. As a result of their tightness, most climbing shoes, particularly the more aggressive or technical styles, are uncomfortable when properly fitted.
Oh see, it's suppose to be uncomfortable, reminds me of  ballet shoes.

You'll also need a harness for safety.

Bev said "macam pakai seluar" (like how you put on pants) and secure it, not so tight though.

You also need chalk to avoid yourself from slipping.  Bucket loads of sweat.  Going up is like climbing stairs (ya right).  You just go by feel and take whichever path that's easiest to reach.  Oh yeah, cut your nails.  I have long nails and the screeching sound is a bit awkward.

And we're set.  My sis went first.  First attempt to climb till the white line.  Bev makes it look so easy.

When it's my turn.

Hanging, intense! Sweating like crazy!  I'm actually scared.  But yay, I reached white line *rofl.

I pulled my left hamstring when trying to reach for one of the "rock"?

Next thing is to try and come down.  As instructed, just let go, "EASY FOR YOU TO SAY! RAWR!"  You just have to straighten your legs, okay you can hold the ropes and walk down.  *intensely hold rope.  STRESS!  See, I trust Bev but I don't trust myself when going down.


Next we try Bouldering (the one in green).  Bouldering is performed without ropes or harness.  You need mats though, just in case you fall.  Straighten your arm to rest.  Fuuh~  Strength! Don't fail me!

Good workout.

People at SICC are friendly.  Tips and teaching how to do bouldering.  Interesting.  I tried a bit but I think my energy level almost empty.  It was around 8pm when we're done trying it out.

I would want to try lead climbing once I get my way around conquering my fear of heights.

2nd attempt at the wall.  I managed to go up passed the white line, a little bit more but I was tired and a bit scared when I look down.  Actually I'm scared that I might not be able to come down.  Silly me.  I should have push myself.

Oh yes, I got member card now, can go anytime.  Anyone wanna go? Lets go together, the more the merrier hee~

I can't thank Bev enough for having both my sis and I there and to have patience to guide us through the whole process.

Last but not least, just in case.

More info. about the indoor climbing centre via their webpage, here.

I hope I cover most of it.  Thanks to my sis for the treat.  Yay!

I'm expecting arm sore, no sore kekeke I'm safe.  I went to 12km run on a Saturday morning with Rizwan bwahaha.  What is with the warm weather man?  Seriously?

I need to clock more runs before Sundown Singapore marathon.  Another full marathon, *dies.  Happy reading!


  1. wahhhhhhh! So fun! (And tiring!) LOL
