
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Halal Dim Sum

We know for a fact that most of the Dim Sum places in KK are non-halal.  I only know certain place that sells halal dim sum and this includes this place that my brother told me about near the Inanam Bus Terminal, is a place called Wan Malaysia (corner shop).  There used to be a halal dim sum place at Kolombong Giant fewd court, but I don't know what happen to it.

Today, my bro decides to bring mum and tag along massy to that mentioned dim sum place.

Oh yeah, parking could sometimes be a problem during working hours.

What's on the menu?  Seven (7) types of chicken-based dim sum.  Yeap, no seafood.

The seven includes, chicken feet (kai kiok).  It's selling at RM3 each.

Here's what we had.

Shark Fin

Chicken Feet (Kai Kiok)

 Lion head


Chicken Shu Mai

There's two (2) other which is curry dumpling and steamed chicken which is not available today.

There's other fewd that served there, like nasi lemak, fishball noodles, kon lou mien, friend meehoon, fried rice and etc. Maybe I'll try those some other time. I'm stuffed~ *burps.

Check out the raves, here.

Oh yeah, I've updated my other blog with figurine post.  Click here.

Happy weekend!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Since fewd is a problem at my current work place, I decided to make my own.

This is  my lunch for the last 2 days.  I wanna see how long I can take it till I get bored of it, like the time when I had vegetarian brunch or instant noodles almost everyday.  Lets just hope this healthy meal will last.  IT was carrots and chicken burger yesterday, today's menu is carrots and french bean, or maybe additional salad? 

I seriously don't lose any weight from thinking about it too much LOL.

Anyways, November has been tense for me.  I'm guessing it's bad feng shui.  I'm tense all the time and I don't like it coz it's affecting everyone else.  I apologize for my behavior.  I need to be quarantined from everyone else.  I can't handle noise well, reason why I spend most of the time in my room.  It's peaceful there, me and my music ;)

Lets everyone eat healthy ;)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Kana sama's "SURPRISE" birthday celebration ;)

Belated birthday party / outing.

Mastermind = fallenone.  I remember he told me about the present months before.  But the plan for this party was quite last minute hehehe.  With the help from cubex of coz to gather CSPians.  A total of 20 people came.

The idea was to sign a card and give the present.  Who knows Nic added a cake? XD

Phew~ thank gawd I got the cake right hehe~ Everyone likes chocolate!

The plan:

Everyone gather before 7:30pm to sign the card.  I was rushing to it coz I had to send my sis home first and shower etc.

Location:  Upperstar Damai  (my first time there hehe).

Outdoor (more than 5 tables combined?).  Oh the lightning effects very nice but not farnie to be sitting outside.  Scary.

I had Spaghetti Bolognese.  A lot of sauce.  Nice.

Watermelon juice was too sweet.  I mean seriously sweet @_@"""

And I'm not the only one with the sweet drink.  *sweat.

By 9pm, bring out the surprise cake! XD

 Group photo :)

Random shot.

We orz to kana sama @_@

More photos, here.

FUN FUN! XD everyone left and went to watch 2012 while some of us stayed back till 11pm yamchar ;)

Note: sorry for this fast post, need to sleep.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Another pool problem

See, I blogged about this pool problem last 2 years (click here, if you don't remember what I'm toking about).

This year, we're facing the same problem, only at a different location LOL.

Never ending road problems.  Created by truck drivers orz.

No alternate route orz.

Imagine this place flooded by trucks, you just had to go through the pool.  *facepalming.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

fallenone's Wedding Dinner

Been contemplating about blogging this coz I didn't have too much photo to post but, I finally decided to blog about it on this rainy day coz I wanted to show you guys the wonderful fewd we had last Thursday.

Yes, you heard that right.  Last Thursday was the dinner.  I'll just post photos aight.

Dinner was at Equatorial Restaurant at Tg. Aru Plaza.  I never been there.  Lucky for me, my  brother drove us there hehe.  I'm such a lazy arse.

I wore one of my maxi dress that I bought online.

Yar, this is one of those rare occasion that massy descided to wear dress hmm.  Somehow I look slim here.  Tipu! I am not that slim orz.

Dinner is served around 8pm.  I think.

Entertainment, oldies songs, Nick's uncle?

More fewd.

And in between waiting for the next fewd to arrive.  Neko decided to make something for cube.

Which is this... *speechless.



And more fewd ;)


And a video of Nick singing MWAHAHAHHAHA.

Oh btw, check out the kid at the end of the video XD so cute.

Last but not least, CONGRATS TO NICK AND JEAN ;)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Little Nyonya

I know I'm a bit late in watching this chinese drama series, I just have to blog about it.  Who knows there's others like me (those who didn't watch it *cough cough).  The first time I watch it was on NTV7 (it was episode 11 mind you) and I couldn't move till I'm done with it.  Interesting storyline.  This TV series is produced by MediaCorp and was aired last year November.

Colleague told me that it was on astro last year ;_; why I didn't know about it de?

Since I couldn't wait for the episode on NTV7 and wanted to watch it from the beginning, I end up watching it nonstop on youtube (click here, full episode) for 3 days.  There's obviously some pausing moment coz I have to sleep, eat and go to work.  I have a life, hello?

Oh yeah and there's a total of 34 episodes.  I'm not gonna put any spoiler or anything.  Just watch it!  It's worth to watch.  (though I hate the ending).

More info about this TV Series, here.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Weekend DIY Project: Camera "Box" Pouch?

I've been wanting to sew something but I tend to laze around and watch tv every other weekend too.  This week was different, I was motivated.  ;3 kana sama.

Since my current camera pouch (for the PNS camera looks fugly, gawd, sometimes I'm embarrassed by the looks of it that I decided to make one today).

Anyways, lets get started.  Tried to draft my pouch and try to imagine it as a box.  Could roughly see how my pouch gonna look like.  Phail.  Then, I took an A4 paper and try to fold it into what I think it should look like, quite successful in making it with paper.  And I'd referred some photos from Project by Jane, click here.  Written instruction seriously doesn't help.  I'm too lazy to read.  So, I decided to go with the flow and try to make it my own way.  Trial and error.

Aight, so first, I lay an A4 paper (I'd measured the camera for a rough estimation of how big the camera would be but an A4 paper worked), cut two (2) different cloth, in this case, the red hippo design that I bought online ;) (so cute) and for the inner layer, I'd use a blue polka dot cloth I bought from Kamdar (Kamdar is your friend).  And since I need protection for the camera, I'd added sponge.  Now, of course you can't forget the zipper.  7 inch ones is enough in this case.

Next, I'd cut the hippo printed cloth into two (2) cause I didn't want it to look like it went through a loop and look weird (of course if you have a single design you can skip all those cutting it into half part).  Sew the edges  and attach it to the zipper (shown as photos below).

It looked something like this.

Once I'm done with that, I took the blue polka dot cloth and sew the sponge together.  This is to prevent the sponge from moving around LOL. 

Then I attached it to the sewn hippo cloth, should look something like this (as shown below).

Done with this part.  Look, can make it as arm cover :) *giggles.

Last minute changes to the pouch, I add a strap holder.  I think it's easier to hold in this case.

It was tricky fixing it to the pouch.  Oh yeah, that ended my session with the sewing machine.  I hand sew the rest.  I was gonna sew it the way the tutorial had shown but it doesn't seem to work, lets just say after that whole arm cover thing, I had been sewing and taking it off coz my brain stop functioning at that time.  It was 2am btw.

I'd continue my sewing today after lunch.  And this time my mind was clear.  Had to took off the sewing I did the night before and started folding it.  It looked like a pencil case.  I'd ironed it, and folding it in so that it'll look neat.  In this case, I got tired and almost give up and it really shows in the way I sewn it.  *procrastinating.

Thank gawd, I finish one side, it should be folded like this.

Once done, I fold it in a triangle shape and attach it to the outer layer. and cover it up.

I did the same for the other end.

FINALLY!!! I finished it! ;)

And this is the final product.  Cute no? ;)

Hang it.

I'm very satisfied but I need to sew the other side just in case.  Soon.

Till then.  Happy weekend and thanks for reading ;)