
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Michi Japanese Restaurant 50% off on Lobster meal

2 days ago, me and my bro went jogging at Likas and wanted to eat Maguro Spaghetti at Michi Japanese Restaurant at 1Borneo after. 

We got there and found out they don't have anymore Maguro (Tuna) promotion but Lobster promotion instead.  There is still 50% off sushi promotion.  Oh well.  Lets give it a try.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The September 20th - 25th Update

I can't think straight.  I'm drowsy from abnormal sleeping hours.

Somehow I can't come up with something to say.  Oh heck. 

21st September 2010 (Tuesday)

Went to eat at OK Chicken Rice, Likas Square with Ripz, Sakuya, Cubex and Isa.  Met Rina, Serena and Flan there.  I shared fried rice with salted fish with my brother.  Special with slices of roasted chicken and egg.  RM9.  I just notice the coffee bun kiosk.  The smell is so aromatic that I wanted to eat it but I was too full to.  Maybe next time.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kirameki Cafe Official Opening

Sorry for neglecting the blog.  I have stuff to blog about but I wasn't in the mood to blog about anything.  I've been lazy.  Or should I say been busy playing games on my NDSL and been watching a lot of anime and TV series from online sites.

Today was Kirameki (Cosplay+Maid) Cafe Official Opening.  Actually it's been open for awhile, can't remember when though.  More info. via facebook page, here (I hope I properly link it).

Located at Lot 92a and 93, Star City Link Bridge (near Wagamama), Hobby Densetsu is just right next to it btw.  Facebook event page, here.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Stay away from the sun!

When your mum told you not to wash the car around noon.  LISTEN!

Massy's excuse, "but it's windy, besides it's not that hot?"


Opps, I did it again orz.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Wallpapering the cabinet

If you call that wallpapering?  Wait, what do people call this? Decorating the cabinet? Etto.  Anyways, I was cleaning my room the other day, and notice how fugly my cabinet is.  Remembered there were some decorative sheets selling at Daiso, decided to get some.  Unfortunately, I only found 2 of the same flower design from Daiso CP and 1Borneo (1 from each place, how sad is that?). 

I manage to stick it to 1 currently.  I think 1 sheet can decorate at least 2 drawers.  I guess I have to make it in 2 different design.  I wish they'd have it in colors, that would be nice. 

Kuyachan's Surprise Birthday + Potluck Outing at Kirameki Cafe

This was sort of a sudden plan.  To cut the story short about how my day started, I washed my car instead of sending it to car wash.  It was windy and I burn some fats.  Went to Daiso with Jna, and tarped self.  Went to Kirameki Cafe by 5pm I think.

I bought this today.  But sold it to my brother coz he wanted it.  LOL!  Cute rite?  Maybe I should make a frog hat hehe.