
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

That's it! I'm gonna combine my post [24th Dec - 28th Dec 2010]

I'll try to summarize everything.

Before I reach the state of not being able to think straight or remember what I did during the above mentioned period, am gonna make it short and hopefully cover everything in 1 post before my trip tomorrow.

I can't believe that my Dec gonna be this bz.  Bz meeting peeps!

24th Dec 2010 - random yamchar xmas eve session at kana sama's house.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

17th - 23rd Dec 2010 KL Trip - Part 3 - final

21st Dec 2010

The morning, me and kana sama got ready and left the place early, we got separated at was it Masjid Jamek station, me heading to KLCC while she head to KL Sentral since she will be going back on that day.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

17th - 23rd Dec 2010 KL Trip - Part 2

19th Dec 2010: Day 2 Comic Fiesta

My third day in KL.  Woke up at 4am, did my 8 mins workout, took photo of the scenery at 7am.  Showered, had oat krunch for breakfast.  Waited for my bro but I decided to leave early to Sakuya and Jna's place near BTS.  I think it's way convenient to go myself rather than to wait for others.  Avoid the whole "sardine" thing in KL monorail.  Another day of traveling alone, went to BTS with them at around noon.  Met Fluffeh there. 

Saturday, December 25, 2010

17th - 23rd Dec 2010 KL Trip - Part 1

Gawd! I left this post since morning and I haven't start typing anything yet.

Been watermarking my photos since morning and uploading it via facebook.  Finishing up with Day 1 and it's 4am already and I'm still not done.

Note:  I just realize I can't combine 7 days post into 1.  So, am gonna do this in parts.

Okay starting my post now.  This post acts like a reminder to me, not intend to hurt anyone's feelings though I'm the one who's slightly hurt by people's behavior and drama *sigh.

There's a limit to my patience and so, this post gonna be slightly expressive.  If you think I'm talking about you, feel free to leave a comment.  And I would like to apologize to anyone whose feelings that I might hurt directly/indirectly.

For those who doesn't know me too well, I would like to inform that I get annoyed with peeps who talks too much.  It gets on my nerves.  I'm the kind who likes peace and quiet.

17th Dec 2010 - Morning flight to KL.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

HobbyCon 2010 - Quick Update

I'll be going to KL this Friday for Comic Fiesta on 18th and 19th Dec.  Gawd I haven't pack yet.  I'll pack tonite, I won't be able to do it on Thursday coz I'll be watching Tron Legacy 3D with 6 other friends woohoo!  *excited.  Yes, I can't wait for it.

Anyways, last weekend was HobbyCon 2010.  The plan was to rest this year and do nothing.  I ain't resting, I think I shouldn't bring my camera lol!  But definitely took less photos this year.  I went for both days.  A slightly different concept cause instead of just tables for booth this year, it's very exhibition like.  With partition, *queues my cubicle song.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Car business

So my colleague was asking me about whether I've collected my car registration card since my last car payment was around November yay~ Yes, it took me awhile, I just collected it today.  Went to the bank, seriously, it's a bit confusing that you have to go to two different bank office just to retrieve the registration card and the release letter.  And suddenly so many people today.  Weird.  Once I got those documents, went to JPJ, same case, so many people orz.  But at least settled it today.

But before I got through completing that task, I sent my sis to work and went to Segama with mum to waste an hour of time, I'm guessing bank open at 9:30am?  Or not? No idea.  It was a random guess.  Window shopping, found some stuff I wanted to buy but didn't bring enuff money to purchase, dammit!!! I could borrow from mum but I rather not do that.  Well at least it can refrain me from impulse buying.  Before we proceed to our destination BANK, I suddenly wanted to eat "Lontong".  It's been awhile.  The only place I could think of, Restoran Sri Rahmat. 

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Maintaining Weight + Stay Healthy

So I've been on a jogging spree for few months now.  Oh gosh, I can't remember when I started but I'll run every week.  Lost some weight, gained a bit and lose a bit, I can't help it, I love to eat okeh.  Weight is like see-saw, gain 1kg, lose 1kg fuuuuuuuuu!  Reduced the number of runs/jog from 6 times a week to 3 times a week, I actually like to strain myself.  Run less run faster?  Add up some workout in the morning, well except when I feel unmotivated.  RAWR! must stay motivated!

Found out Likas Park distance.  It's 800m + or -.  See, when I started jogging, I couldn't be bothered about the clothes and shoes I wear, I'm learning it slowly and running faster everyday now.  Not forgetting that I didn't time myself the last time.  But compared to with last time and this time, I can run 8km in 1 hour  + or - (must shave off that 15 mins).  Which is gewd, compared to when I tried running 8km the first time, I think it took me nearly 3 hours.  And been using dailymile to keep track my training, you can check it here ;D

Saturday, December 04, 2010

1st Dec Weekend

HobbyCon 2010 is next week peeps.  More info. at the official website, here.