
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Attention!! HobbyCon In Progress

HobbyCon Logo Voting is currently in session!! Please vote. We need all the vote we can get XD

About HobbyCon

Thank yew.

More updates soon XD

Q: What forum is all about?
A: No, it is not an online game site. Yes, it's a forum. This forum is created by Sabahan for everyone to keep track wut's happening in Sabah, in general (please correct me if I'm wrong).

Q: What's interesting there?
A: We have KK Cosplay Club, Artworks and Designs, Pump It Up, Special Hobbies (such as Magic the Gathering, Warhammer and etc), buying and selling thread, Dances, well almost everything and anything u could think of. Well except porno of coz. (dun join the dark side)

Q: Who is this forum open to?
A: Everyone! I mean everyone! We have members from overseas too XD Thank yew for supporting!

Q: How active is this forum?
A: We have ppl there everyday. I'll be there everyday if I can XD I'm a watchaaaa~ I mean watcher XD nolah kidding kidding.

Q: Events?
A: We had 8 session of ArtJam (the ones I attended are ArtJam 2, ArtJam 3, ArtJam 4 and ArtJam 8). Alice In Wonderland Photoshoot (if you followed my blog posts, I posted some of the photos from that shoot), KKCC Gathering, *thinking, I know I missed out a lot events ^^; gomen~

Q: Current event/s?
A: HobbyCon (Hobby Convention), currently planning for this event which will be held on 8-9th of December this year. Refer above.

Q: What is this HobbyCon?
A: It's a combination of hobbies club in Sabah with PIU competition. (refer above link).

Q: What else we do there?
A: WE SPAM! heheheh *kidding, the correct word is interact with each other. It's fun! I know and met lotsa ppl from this forum which is great for me coz I dun socialize that much XD Must talk to ppl more often only I get use to them, if not I'm slightly a snob for some, well I think la XD awkward situation.

So, wut ya guys waiting for? Join us! XD

I know I know, there's more to explain but hmm, I'm lost with explaining, juz go there and check it out. XD


  1. Advertising, huh? And Massy, Studio W is opened by my ex-classmate's sister, haha...
