
Sunday, October 26, 2008

H Factor?

So I joined the GoShop team to attend this H Factor thinggie at Pan Pacific Sutera Harbour. The event suppose to start at 10:30am till 6pm (supposely la). But I think it started late and it ended around 7pm. I got nothing against anybody. It just that I was disappointed. As I recall, GoShop were given the opportunity to have front row seats and was "given permission" to take photos and video? Yes? No? I'm left slightly confused. Whether I'm allowed to take any photos? Coz I wasn't allowed to after few shots, and it's such a waste that I had to carry this DSLR with me without fully utilizing it. So, I'm just wondering, WHY THE HELL I'M BRINGING MY CAMERA AGAIN?

Not only that, I lost a chance in sitting at front row, which I ended sitting at 2nd row. That wasn't the problem. I seated with people I didn't know. It's awkward. Seriously. I crap don't know what to do. I had problem with how the seats were arranged. It was such a tight space and the chairs were arranged so closely that there's barely room for my leg to stretch. Not only that, it felt like I was squeezed between people. No matter how hard I tried to adjust the way I sit, it's useless. Someone seem to be taking part of my chair. It a painful few hours. I mean sitting.

I thought we might be given some kinda tag but instead it's a "Sutera Harbour" stamp upon entering the hall. Gawd, makes me feel like I'm their property @_@""

The only food session that was given is lunch. So, my RM30 is for lunch? Ogie, no problem with that. Buffet. Not my department. The food was finish when I got there. But they refill it. But I lost my appetite coz I was so hungry that I didn't feel like eating anything at that time. Lunch was at 1pm btw. I had 1 scoop of rice, 3 pieces of sweet and sour fish fillet, 1 piece of fried chicken (I ate half of it) and a sip of tasteless juice drink. I should have taken breakfast from home earlier, but there wasn't anything prepared at home too, maybe I should have brought along some biscuits?

The event started 35 minutes after the lunch break. I think it started around 2pm? I don't know, I was too dizzy from lack of energy. I seated at the back this time coz the screaming crowd was too loud that it's giving me a headache.

I manage to get 13 shots but posting it to me is pointless. I guess deleting all of the shots I took wouldn't hurt, coz I just don't feel like keeping em. Sorry Intan, I couldn't get what you've requested. It's not possible in that condition.

The event ended at 7pm. It left me feeling hungry again. I went home after the group photo. I tried to smile, but I was too tired and dehydrated to.

Harith Iskandar manage to get me laughing for a moment. Joey Khor's animations are amazing!

Overall it was ok for me. No I didn't say that it wasn't entertaining. I mean it could be great if it wasn't because of the above mentioned. But still, I think attending this event is kinda irrelevant for me. As much as I love music, movies, animation and stuff like that, entertainment is totally not my field. I don't "humiliate" myself in front of everybody. Yes, if you're into this kinda field, you must be bold and take the chances in life, it's just not me. Sorry. This is the field my eldest sis, Lyne is in. I'm a total opposite of her.

I'm blogging about this not to anger anyone, it's just to express how I feel. And this is what I'm feeling right now. And as hungry as I am now, I totally lost my appetite from how I'm feeling right now. Yes I might even sound really EMO right now. The correct word for how I'm feeling right now is STRESS!

Guess I'll fast today.

And that's a wrap.


  1. Anonymous8:40 PM

    If we do dumpbingz next month, would that cheer you up?

  2. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Relax..... go and have a nice sleep now then tomorrow go and have a nice decent Vietnamese Pho Noodle.

  3. Macam bida saja ni.

  4. Anonymous12:08 AM

    hey babes, i'm just chilling around the hotel lobby after a long day and i happen to stumble upon an unhappy blog. hehe. :) i'm so sorry h-factor wasnt up to expectations, and it didnt contribute to you in any way. however, i would like to see you cheer up. :) i'm glad at least you actually enjoyed watching my work. it gives me great joy to know that. :) tell you what, you can see more of our stuff at if that helps in any way. :) cheer up. just like i have it tattooed on my hand, carpe diem (sieze the day). :) hugs

  5. Anonymous1:45 AM

    Awww... *kipas *kipas *kipas...

    On behalf of GoShop, I apologies for any inconveniences caused ><

  6. Anonymous2:28 AM

    I hope giving u the back seat later on did cheer u up abit? :p

    I mean, u know why... :)

    can GoShop get u a ticket to the Harith Iskander show to cheer u up then? XD

    But honestly, harap maaf for any inconveniences caused


  7. Panja: I tot we're doing dumpbingz next month? o.O? U should say, if we do dumpbingz now, that would probably cheer me up a lil. U know wut would definitely cheer me up? Poke u, coz ur reaction towards it is too funny XD That would get me laffing for sure XD

    Flannie: I went directly to bed after my post, still not feeling that great, maybe I should go around the garden, or the beaches to chill. Btw where to get Vietnamese Pho Noodle? @_@

    JoJ: the part where bloggers can't take photo is totally bidak, sia sia bawa camera, burden to my unenergized body. I should have brought along my DS, at least I got Castlevania to keep me company.

    Joey: thanks for dropping by my blog. And thanks for the linkie, I'm sorry if what I posted might sound a bit harsh but that's how I felt at that time. It's just one of those days. Love your tattoo btw. Thank yew so much again for cheering me up. Appreciate it a lot.

    Fara: thanks for the invite, I'm really really sorry for my behavior earlier, it's just was too hard to cover how I was feeling at that moment.

    Sotong: yeah we both know why I moved at the back, thanks so much, that made me feel slightly better, I actually wanted to leave the 2nd half coz I couldn't take it. But glad that I stayed. But sorry for making u stand though, I felt bad seeing u stand. Thank yew very much.

  8. Kak sound depressed...

    Juice outing or dumpbingz outing coming soon!

    Come come I belanja Kak Mas 1 cucuk satay ! XD

  9. nick: oi u tua than me apa ni call me kak @_@ anyways yeah i was depressed and i've been having the fever for 2 days

  10. Anonymous7:14 PM

    heya, came round to check on ya. hehe. no need for apologies babes. what matters most is that you are alright. :) take care and God bless. hugs.

  11. joey: thanks you. *hugs

  12. Anonymous9:32 PM

    *sighs* its ok mas. Hope you're feeling better today.

  13. wahh....joeykhor reads ur blog bah hehe. im planning to go the the workshop this sun but sia tidak tau mana tu hotel pi beli map lah ni hehe. btw, hope u're ok la and not hungry anymore :)

  14. viv: hey, thanks. Yeah I'm better now XD
