
Friday, January 05, 2018

[Activities] Polumpung Melangkap View Camp Site (PMVCS)

This year, I thought I'll get back to blogging.  I don't know how often I will write but I guess it only happens when I have good "free" internet connection and when am overflowing with ideas or when I feel like it.

Neways, recently, I'd planned for a trip for the new year's with the gang.  It's our first camping trip I reckon after few years of celebrating it at a friend's house steamboating, well not really in the wilderness but at a camp site where you don't have to worry about digging a hole everytime you gotta do your no. 2 πŸ˜‚.

Our destination: Polumpung Melangkap View Camp Site, Kota Belud.

It's easy to book and you also get fast reply via WhatsApp (012 871 5576/ 012 828 7376 / 016 824 6529 / 014 650 4122).  More info via their FB and IG.

How to get there?

We set off after having breakfast at Menggatal Ngiu Chap at Inanam around 9:30am and gathered at Kota Belud Town after grabbing some extra stuff that we needed.  I think it was fear of hunger that we had a lot of food especially meat options with us.

Got myself some fried chicken from Sugarbun, so tasty!  I feel like eating this again coz it's so good.

Also bought some sweet corn (this is so good, the stall is just along the road) for RM5 and watermelon for RM7.

Point of entry, parking available
Arrived the camp site around past 1:30pm.  Registered and got the stuff we had reserved prior.
Cost breakdown not inclusive the food that we brought with us.

Camping: RM6 per person. (Entry without camping is RM3).
4 person tent: RM20 per tent.
Sleeping bag: RM5 
Canopy: RM15
Tables and chairs: RM12 (RM1 each chairs).

Unisex toilets on the left, registration counter (pick up location for rented items), fishing area under it (not in picture), kitchen, shower, mini hall on the right, camping area by the river <3 i="">

We parked next to the kitchen area.  Only 4WD can park near the camp site.  Convenient for us.  Toilets and showers available.  Other facilities includes mini open hall, gravity water pipe, canteen, catering food.  Fun activities like tubing, snorkeling etc.  There's also a flying fox nearby, RM50 per ride.  Just in case you forgot your powerbank, they also offer charging services for a small fee. 

Our camp site *points at the blue canopy with 3 tents near the rock
Good new for maxis, celcom and umobile users, you still can stay connected to the world, DiGi users, you can say goodbye to civilization πŸ˜‚ that includes me.  But that's not all that horrible coz I've been disconnected for 4 days before.

Puteri puteri lilin yang takut gelap, sila bawa sunblock ah, panas tu noon
Our reserved tent are ready.  It was crazy hot around noon.  Thank god we rented the canopy, tables and chairs.  It was raining cats and dogs slightly after.

I went into the water for a bit with my friends.  It was fun while it lasted.  So cooling.  There's fishes too.

Set up the grill, and started preparing dinner.  We had a lot of snacks (junk food).

What we had for dinner.  Thanks Ed for being our griller for the day.  I think am good at eating on camping trips πŸ˜‚.

Our small grou, it rained so, helo mamee lol we had a bunch of junk food before dinner.
The neighbor hehe
Glorious glorious food, tons of meat!!! Lamb, chicken wings, sausages, burger patties, more sausages, mushrooms etc.  I brought some broccoli but end up bringing that back.  And booze (no, we're not a bunch of drunkards)!  Eat till your heart content!  Kuya brought some fast burn coal.  No one was left hungry.

What's wine without the glass?
Full moon!  There's stars too but couldn't capture those with my Asus Zenfone Max :(

This is the best I can do with my current phone camera (manual mode)
What a beautiful view laying on a rock looking at the stars.

We had music and played Cards Against Humanity, I was sleepy by 10pm (am getting old).

Fireworks from different sides but I missed most of it, camera phone too slow (I need a new phone), but managed to video 1, thank god.  The camp set off their fireworks a bit later, say like 12:30am when everyone's already in their tent, I didn't get to see this at all.  

The morning after.  Waking up to this on a New Year is love, magnificent view of Mount Kinabalu.

I showered earlier while the others prepared breakfast.  I felt like a little princess waiting for food.  Thanks Filisia and Ed for preparing our meal.  Sweet potato, toast with lettuce, corned beef cooked with onions and egg.


Some final soaking before leaving the premises.

Overall it was a good stay.  Friendly staffs, basic facilities and affordable with great view.

Left at past 10am to another location.  Lets do this again peeps!

One for the album

Random rant:  Why can't people throw their pads/panty liners properly in the dustbin?  It's just outside the shower/toilets.  Don't be disgusting bah people, kasian oh PMVCS staff have to clean after you.

Thank you for reading and Happy New Year 2018 :)


  1. Very interesting post I say! Must do then this one later!

  2. There are more than 1 camp site near this one. Very nice, star gazing and the mountain view from another side. Siuk.
