
Sunday, December 18, 2011

The month of December

It's nearly year end.  What have I been up to?

Well for starters, 1st week of December wait, more like 2nd week of December on the 10th and 11th to be exact was HobbyCon 2011 5th year anniversary.  And since I have a costume, which I had planned and wore during halloween, might as well right?  I joined the All Star March as Evil McDonald (McMassy).  The difference in face paint.

Photo credits to Radzie

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Penang Bridge International Marathon 2011 Trip - final

21st November 2011 (Monday)

Last day in Penang.  I don't wanna go home!  Not yet!  I haven't finish exploring this place yet nouuuuuuuuuuuuuu~ *cries.  I was having a little big of regret for not impulse buying on some of the clothes which are on sale and the food, don't get me started, I wanted to eat a bunch of em.  Friend on the other hand regretted didn't buy more books lmao.  See, I say already.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Penang Bridge International Marathon 2011 Trip - Part 3

Woke up at 10pm, had about less than 3 hours of sleep, I guess I was nervous or I just have problem sleeping.  Did 30 push ups and prepared for a hot shower before 11pm, what?! NO WATER?!  WHY?! Omg, that's when I start panicking.  Went downstairs at slightly past 11pm to check what's going on.  There's a pipe burst and they're fixing it.  Only will be able to fix it in less than 2 hours time.  Oh lord, panic mode.  But owner told me I could shower at the toilet downstairs but no hot water.  Okay.jpg.  Went  back up to my room and took my toiletries and towel and went back down.  Before that, I smsed the guys to inform them about it.  Found out later that they just woke up.  Somebody set the alarm clock wrongly *chuckled.

Left the hotel in a cab to the jetty terminal.  Free shuttle bus to Jerejak Jetty every 30 mins.  Just in time.

Penang Bridge International Marathon 2011 Trip - Part 2

19th Nov 2011 (Saturday)

Rise and shine!  It's day 2.  I woke up as early as 5am.  Don't ask.  Was lying around with my eyes wide open till around 6 and did a little push ups and got ready by 7am.  

Went to check out New World Park (the place where we had our dinner the night before) if it's open but it's not open yet. It's not even 9am yet.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Penang Bridge International Marathon 2011 Trip - Part 1

I don't know where to start.

I'll make this part by part coz it's gonna be long XD

I contemplate in doing this run but decided to do it and since I manage to drag 2 more people to go with me, we went to register and start booking. I did the flight booking and accommodation for myself and 2 guy friends but couldn't find nearest to the event location. It was my first trip to Penang, I've been wanting to visit but never had the chance to.  My friend been bugging me to book it early (like 6 months early) but I only manage to do it in September, a bit late but it's ok.  Cut the story short I'm gonna start with flying there on the 18th Nov 2011 (Friday).

Been trying to add on when check in for Air Asia bookings but there was an upgrade to the Air Asia website a week before I did the web check-in that I couldn't manage my booking, I end up checking in without the add ons.  Oh well.  Lets just say that whole process of me arranging everything was a stressful one.  

I think it has been a struggle for me a month before the event, I got sick and injured my right leg and it's not healing properly coz I wasn't resting it properly.  Manage to fix it before race date but there's still some minor twitching, so decided to take it slow and don't overdo my running.  Cut down my speedwork and just did normal runs.  It was okay, I could have done better.  Anyways, back to  my flight to Penang on the 18th.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Penang Bridge International Marathon 2011 + Effective Cure for Cough

Another less than a week before the race.  I'm excited and panicking at the same time.  With all the phail runs and leg injury every now and then, today at least I could finish a 10km run.  Last long run before the race.  Do not do anything stewped in between before the race Massy.  So who's going?  Buzz buzz me!  I hope to see you gais there!

I was checking my previous 10km records on my garmin connect and very please, even though it's very minor, I've improved my pace.  So happy.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Dinner at Party Play 2011

So one day me and the girls (Jna and Sakuya) had this random request and decided to whatsapp Dino on 30th July 2011.

"Halloween party request XD"
And reminded him again a month before Halloween.  And on 29th October 2011, he had planned for a buffet dinner party at Party Play (event page, here) yay~  I think there were a lot of events and party going on the 29th, there was also a Halloween party at Cowboy Bar where L62 were playing (event page, here).

Now before we talk about the event, this is how my costume planning started.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand - Final

Yes yes, this is a delayed post.  Like way delayed. 

Actually the final was part 4 but since I sort of didn't add the photos of when I was back, so here goes.

Left the hotel in the morning, can just take the pick up to the airport.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand - Part 4

Day 4.

Woke up early again.  Had toast for breakfast with milo. After the Chiang Rai trip, this is what I realize.  I'm getting darker.  Can you see my stripey legs.

Went to Waroros Market to look for those pancakes but couldn't find it.  Instead mum and sis went and get some necklace and earrings.  After found what we were looking for, we took Tuk-Tuk to Thapea Gate, where Sunday Night Market was. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand - Part 3

Day 3: To Chiang Rai we go!

This trip is arranged by  The agent at The Plaza.  Most priced almost the same but this is cheaper.  :)  850 baht per person.  1 day trip.  From morning to night.

Sticker, but mine fall off after awhile.

Trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand - Part 2

Day 2 at Chiang Mai.

I don't have trouble sleeping but I always wake up so early.  Way too early.  Everyday I wake up at around 4 or 5am.  I must be crazy.  Morning workout, push up and mountain climber, didn't wanna do any jumping jacks coz I scared I might wake people up with my jumping *rofl.

Breakfast at the hotel.  Self service.  Milo not kick enough and the butter somehow don't taste like the butter I usually have, something is wrong with my taste buds.  Oh yeah, did I mention this place has a lot of coffee stands?

Trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand - Part 1

A week of overdue blog post.  Been wanting to blog about it but I was busy with other stuff and didn't have time to do it.  Even when I have, I got a bit lazy coz the number of photos I took seems to drain me.  Overall I took like almost 700 photos in comparison to my parents and sis who also brought along their camera but didn't use it much.

Before my trip, I decided to get a new point and shoot camera kekeke.  I had 2 choice.  1 is a Lumix (I'm a big fan) and yet another Canon camera.  After researching and getting feedback from my "guru", Flannie, I decided to get the Canon.

Affordable and cute.  I did not want to bring my DSLR around coz I know there will be a lot of walking around and I do not want to strain myself by carrying that bulky camera.  Not unless it's a local trip hehe.

So last week for almost a week I went to Chiang Mai, Thailand with my parents and sis.  Since mum been wanting to go for years, dad decided to plan this trip.  There's no direct flight from Kota Kinabalu to Chiangmai so had to transit to Kuala Lumpur via Air Asia.  And you might think that air ticket is cheap?  Guess again, it cost more than RM1k.  And was estimating it to cost less than that.  It was a 6 days 5 nights trip (well more like 5 days 4 nights since we took the midnight flight last Friday).

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The weekend update

Been meaning to update this but I've been bz being lazy.  Well maybe, not really, okay fine! Been playing Sims Social on facebook.  I need new puzzle game for DS! RAWR!

So I went to 1 Borneo to look for new running shoe with Daniel and Sakuya last Friday.  Bad idea since it's a holiday and parking full everywhere.  I end up parking at the roof top area which is at 4th or was it 5th floor?  And I got there around 1pm.  We went for lunch at Mary Brown. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Moon Cake & Tang Lung Outing 2011

I don't usually do this but I sort of forgot about this till yesterday.  Last minute plan indeed.  And it's been raining at night lately.  The outing must go on!

Plan to meet up at 7:30pm but I had to drop by Servey Hypermart Likas for some lanterns.  Oh thank gawd for that, the only place I could still find some.  Bought a pack of 12 with candles and lighter.  Off I go to the beach to meet up with peeps.  So there was initially 6 of us there (while waiting for the others to arrive) around 8pm and it started pouring.

Monday, September 05, 2011

The weekend

Back to work after a week holiday.  This week has been great.  Still a bit tired but it's all worth it.

Sakuya's birthday on 4th September, me and Jna plan a surprise birthday party.  Actually we thought just treat her lunch or dinner but then again just go with a plan instead.  Initially we plan to do it on Sunday dinner at 7pm at Wojamama Japanese Restaurant since that's one of the place that we could think of but had to change to lunch at 1pm instead since she told us that her parents will treat us seafood dinner on Sunday night.  Haiyahhh haiyahhhh.  I reserved 15 seats on Saturday ehem before meeting with everyone for lunch hehe.  But lucky for facebook, phone number!  I'd called to change the time to 1pm after manage to drag Sakuya for lunch on Sunday hehe.  So smart. 

So last Saturday was Otafuse 2011.  I went there with some friends.  No involvement in this event but just to help my friend with her cosplay for 2 days.  I'll just cut it short by posting photos and a bit of description.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Hari Raya 2011

Wishing a Selamat Hari Raya 2011 and Happy Holidays peeps.

Been busy with Hari Raya preparation these past few days that I didn't get to wish everyone.  Anyways, had an open house on the 1st day and invited over 50 friends over.  Initially had a limit of 20-30 invites but mum said I could invite more yay~.  I actually think my house is a bit cramp with all the stuff lying or hanging around.  *roll eyes at dad.  This year, I did most of the prepping and cleaning with mum.  My eldest sis and bro in law didn't come back this year. 

Open house start at 11am till 5pm.  But guess what, I was too busy that I didn't get to take photo of the foods.  Great! Omg.  But, I get to take photos of peeps yay.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Burger King Putatan 2nd Anniversary

So we saw this event page on facebook and decided to go today for buka puasa.  The event page, here.  More info. about as follows.

***50% DISCOUNT***
- 12.30PM – 2PM / 6PM – 7PM (20TH - 28TH AUGUST2011)

***30% DISCOUNT***



1PM -3PM ON 21 AUGUST 201


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sembulan Bazaar Ramadhan

Mum wanted to resume her baju kurung shopping spree this week too.  Difference is, she's driving hehe.  Off we go I think at around before noon.  But guess what, Saturday and nearing to raya season, traffic jam.  We were at that stretch trying to get through the Kolombong traffic light for an hour.  Okay.jpg.

So while waiting, I decided to be vain.

Camwhore time!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Belated birthday present

Went for a buka puasa with some friends yesterday and got this from Nick and Jean.  Belated birthday present.

Wait, the wrapper is pink? Okay.jpg I don't seem to have a problem with that lol.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Finally haircut

It has been more than a year since I got my last haircut.  The last time I visit my hairdresser was around July last year.  I had short hair then.  Click here for post.  My hair then has been somewhat annoying.  I wanted to cut it short so many times but I decided to keep it long this time.

It turns so fugly I don't even wanna talk about it.  But sometimes it looks nice under the sun. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Karaoke outing + surprise birthday party

I don't even know how to begin this post.  It was EPIC and it's GREAT!  Friends awesomeness level over 9000.  I can't express it in words how happy I am.  But before that, lemme get some sleep.

The plan to blog this early phailed.  I got really tired/sleepy and do that instead.  Anyways, lets start.  My birthday was on 11th August 2011.  I was waiting for my 4 packages.  3 arrived on Thursday.  Which consist of:

But before that, I got angpow from mum and dad in the morning hehe.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Being sick is not fun.

Not fun at all.  After a week of trying to recover on my own, bad idea, I finally gave in and visited the doctor.

Sunday, August 07, 2011


Hello hello :D

I'm feeling good today.  So long to all the sickness that came last Monday.  No, I did not go to the doctor at all.  I was so sick for the last few days that I lost my voice.  I'm back to my normal health now.  Yay for me!  All I did was exercise, a bit of eating lotsa oily and spicy food during break fast and drink honey tea for the cough.  It works!  I was suppose to get some cough meds yesterday but I forgot all about it. 

Friday, August 05, 2011

Asia City Ramadhan Bazaar

Just like any other year, we have "Buka Puasa Outing".  That is so random.  The place is crowded as usual.  I can leave at 4pm but since I'll only be meeting friends around 5pm, decided to wait at the office till 4:30pm, thank gawd I'm not alone cause I don't have office key.  If everyone leaves at 4, I'd had to wait somewhere else.

Fasting month - Part 1

*deep thinking. 

So, my initial plan was to blog about my break fast fewd from day 1.  But I got slightly occupied with other stuff or more like being stuffed with delicious fewd since 1st August that I was too full to even exercise.  Actually I planned to run but that didn't quite work out the way I planned. 

But still manage to do some running/cycling/cardio.  Not as much as I want though.

I got sick since Monday.  It started with the sore throat, then moved on to flu, cough and slight fever.  How do I counter this?  By exercising.  No meds yet.  I manage to clear off the fever (it wasn't that bad), temporary cleared the flu and cough.  It was this sore throat that's bugging me.  But whenever I'm at office, it somehow got worst because of air conditioning or I think it's something else coz I either sneeze like no tomorrow (*exaggerating) or I couldn't at all.  Bummer.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hello Sunday

Good Mor-zzz.

How are you people?  *looks outside the window.  Why issit to bright? What happen to this morning rain?  Gone so soon?  Anyways, lets talk about yesterday.  So yeah, I got yesterday planned out nicely in my head (I'd do this occasionally, I mean planning in my head, okay, I lied, it's all the time), I was gonna go to the tailor's, get a hair cut and go for some shopping at Suria Sabah.  Nope, that did not happen.  Instead, I skip the first 2 and went directly to Suria Sabah to check out the Shopaholic's Bazaar.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


My next favorite Android Photography Apps.

Mind you, this is sort of the probably 7th or 8th photography related apps I tried.  I was previously hooked on Little Photo/FxCamera/retroCamera but in the end, this is my current favorite.  Eventhough it doesn't have a lot of effects like Little Photo does, I enjoyed using this one.  And Massy being Massy, I'd be snapping a lot of photos.  Like since I got this umm this week? Prolly 2-3 days ago.  I've snapped over 50 photos.  Yes, I am crazy.  But I've uploaded 11 only XP

Some of the photos I took.  I love the 70s effect.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Seaside Traveller's Inn

Long post is long...

I can't remember when was the initial plan date, but Pjal suggested we have a BBQ night at Seaside Traveller's Inn in Kinarut on 23rd July 2011 (Saturday) last 15th July 2011. Trying to recall if we had an initial discussion about this but my mind left me in a blank, must be the lack of sleep. Why did I wake up so early? I'm suppose to only go jog around the afternoon not the morning. I think I had a roughly 5 hours sleep. Damn you body clock!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

It's not 24 million yet...

*troll.  I don't want a 24 million diamond ring but I would want some awesome gadgets, sekian, terima kasih.

I was feeling a bit bored today.  Actually I'm a bit tired but I didn't wanna sleep as early as before 9pm.  So, guess what I did?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

11th Sutera Harbour 7k Sunset Run 2011

My 2nd time, check last year's post, here.

Registered early and got 1 size smaller compared to last year.  Shirt still a bit big for me.  But it's okay.  This year, the organizers closed the parking area at Magellan.  Resort to parking at Harbour City which is not bad also coz a lot of parking.  Though crossing the road freaks me out a bit coz it's one big road.  Thank gawd for the Blek Yeti as shield 8D

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I think I should shower first before I start this post.  Off I go.

Back after 20 mins.  Oh gawd, I need to put mask later.  I'm so tired.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

VASSAL - the open-source boardgame engine

Apart of being hooked on social networking, I've started to be hooked on this thing called VASSAL (click here to re-direct).  So what is this?
Vassal is a game engine for building and playing online adaptations of board games and card games. Play live on the Internet or by email. Vassal runs on all platforms, and is free, open-source software.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A week before Sutera Harbour 7k Sunset Run

It's been awhile since I last hang out/meet with Amy.  She whatsapp me the other day for dinner.  And since I have plans for Killing Floor with bunch of people, decided to meet her up around 6:30pm.  I went there after work with Sakuya.  Both of us were hungry.  I think there were a number of new cafe/restaurant at Citymall but one in particular had made me curious for quite awhile.

We went to Mangen Mitu.  Located at the same row as Ceryn Hotel (ngam ka nama ni hotel?).  End of the world punya location.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Roadtrip to Pesta GATA Sipitang 2011

Last Sunday (3rd July 2011) we planned for a roadtrip to Pesta GATA Sipitang.  It's sort of considered my 2nd time there.  The last time I went there was few years ago.  On this trip, there was more than 10 of us while Lea and her siblings wait for us at Sipitang.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Luk Luk Queen Outing

This year didn't join SCKLM.  Hopefully next year can join. 

Anyways, yesterday, mum showed me a big packet of two (2) packets of Indo Mee that she just bought that I had to cook Indo Mee Goreng for myself for lunch.  *kempunan.  I wish I could eat 2 packets but I do not wanna stuff myself too much since am gonna go for Luk Luk at Lido.

No event page, neh~ this somebody don't wanna do event page.  Anyways, I went to get Transformer 3D tickets for 10 peeps around noon.  Lucky still have 1 row of seats and an okay seats.  I'd prefer somewhere in the middle but 3rd row from behind is still okay.  At least it's not like "in your face" kind of seats. 

Back to Luk Luk.  Left home around 7pm and reach there slightly before 7:30pm.  Gawd, what's with the weather lately.  IT'S SO FRIGGING HOT!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Chicken Wing at Beach + Leanna's Surprise Birthday Party

Pjal buzz us to plan the birthday party since 31st May.  The initial plan was to celebrate at Windbell Seafood Restaurant at Tg. Aru on the 18th, changed location to Tanamera luk luk and finally decided to do it yesterday, 17th June at Beach 1, Tg. Aru.  Hehehe since she'll be reaching KK on that day.  And since she wanted some chicken wings.

What's suppose to be a roughly 10 people party turned doubled.  19 people showed to the outing hehe.  Coz I did an invite via CSP fb page.  SUCCESSFUL PLAN IS SUCCESSFUL.  8D

I went there after my failed 3km run.  

Still coughing but screw it.  I want a big watermelon juice.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Green Lantern Movie Outing + yamchar

I got a habit of preparing stuff really early like getting the movie tickets for 12 peeps 2-3 days earlier from actual movie date.  I think this is the most tickets I bought.  We almost took full middle row.  Coz the middle row have like 13 seats.  Btw, the movie is disturbingly funny.

I went to Suria Sabah right after work, I had to leave early coz I'm the only one left and the cleaner lady wanted to lock up already.  It's like she's shoo-ing me out from the office.  oTL.  Met Sakuya and accompanied her to do some shopping.  While walking around, I thought about that overpriced dress at Wisma Merdeka.  Gawd, I got this bad habit, when I saw something I really like, I really want it, I MUST get it.  *slaps self.  I've already refrained myself from trying it out to minimize the "damage" but it doesn't seem to work.  Guess I'll drop by tomorrow or when I'm free.

I planned to have fruits for dinner but surprisingly the food court doesn't have any?  Y U NO fruits?  Had to eat chicken rice instead.  I had too much rice ARGH.  *hates.  gained 500g from that.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Mini Quest by experimental playground

After weeks and weeks of sms spam (okay maybe not), acing (my friend) finally agrees to meet me on Monday (yesterday) for dinner.  Since he wanted soup, and since I couldn't think of any place that serves soup at nite, we decided to go Olde Station Kopitiam at Citymall last nite.  Yamchar!

But before that, I went to pick my sis up from work yesterday.  First time to the Cosmopoint campus at Tuaran ByPass.  Mum with her directions, lucky I roughly know where it is.

Reason why I had to pick her up from work and had to wait for an hour coz I leave work before 5pm and she only finishes around 6pm.  Means I have an almost an hour gap of time to waste.  1 lorry stuck and 2 container blocking the road yesterday.  Mum couldn't get out and I probably couldn't get home.  Scared I might be late but I manage to reach Citymall exactly at 7pm hehe.  No, I didn't speed.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Huawei IDEOS X5

Remember my previous blog post about the smartphone?  So, I finally got it, but a latest version.  Not the one I wanted.  I got tempted with the extra function in the above mentioned phone.  Cost more but it's WORTH IT!  I went over budget though but it's alright cause I still can survive. 

Been downloading free apps from android market.  I currently have 4 types of camera apps installed hehe.  And in comparison with my "tarper", sakuya, I've taken more photos and uploaded more photos to facebook hehe.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Bro's early birthday dinner

What's with the weather today.  It's so hot it's crazy.  Since today is a holiday, everyone seems to be sleeping in.  Weird enough for me, I slept at 2am and woke up at 7am.  My body clock is screwed that it's not funny.  Anyways, I think in this crazy weather, not only you get sleepy, you also get a lot hungrier.  I had bread and egg for breakfast, in between had cornflakes, 4 slices of raw papaya, 1 banana, rempeyek, tom yam soup and dinner at Thai restaurant.  OMG!  I'm stuffed!

I also fell asleep while watching tv.  I moved to my room to stay awake by playing Picross 3D on DS (yes, 3rd time to complete).  Yes, I'm crazy.  I think I was on a massive complaining spree today.  Anyways, was gonna go to cardio workout tonight when mum told me we gonna celebrate my bro's birthday today with dinner at Nok Thai Restaurant at Damai.  I can't remember when was the last time we went there.  A year ago?  Maybe longer.  I miss this place. 

It's been awhile.

It was a random suggestion that we (my family) decided to have a steamboat "parteh" at home.  There's only 4 of us.  Cut down on food choices.

My sis made this, tom yam and chicken soup.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Plank at Tg. Aru Beach Outing

My knee has been paining for few days.  I have no idea what's wrong with it.  Taking running a bit slow these days.  And what irritates me is when the pain comes and goes as it pleases.  But then again, I sometimes can be really stubborn.  Anyways, my whole plan to jog in the morning yesterday failed.  I woke up feeling all crappy because of the knee pain.  Couch potato for the day.

Planned for a plank outing at 4pm at Beach 2 Tg. Aru but Sakuya called me to go early to swim at the beach.  Yay!  It's been awhile.  It was fun.  I just hope I don't get sunburn.  Cause it was hot.  On another note, I sort of almost forgot where Beach 2 is located, till I saw the signboard.  It took me 20 - 25 mins to get there from home.

Friend made these.  A bunny and miku.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Burger King MADNESS!

Okay maybe not madness, more like craving. 

See, I've been wanting to eat some Burger King burger/s since before the marathon.  But since I was scared that it might interfere with my performance and weight, I decided to wait after the event hehe. 

So, last nite, me and bunch of friends went to BK, Damai yay.  I met my mum otw out from the house with my sis there, I ask if she'd like to join me.  And she did, somehow it was funny coz she nearly fell trying to get from my mum's car to my car lol.  Slippery road is slippery, more like muddy.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

It's Tuesday already?

So fast.

Last nite went dinner at Pizza hut with mum and the siblings.  It's because of this 50% off promotion thing.

But sad thing is, it doesn't apply on Public Holiday.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Borneo International Marathon 2011

The whole jogging/exercising idea a year ago was suppose to be just about losing some extra pounds which lead to my first half marathon this year.  It got me so excited that I had dreams about it.  Weird thing is my dreams were about missing it.  I wonder what was that about?  I've been training really hard to improve my running.  I, who, a year ago, could barely survive 1km now can survive over 20km.  Okeh, maybe with a lil bumps and bruises, not forgetting tons of blisters, I think I need a new shoe soon.  Heck I've been using this Adidas Adizero Boston for more than 4 months and apart from my 2 black toe, my foot keeps blistering.  Recommendations on a new shoe please.  I think I wanna get a hiking shoe too. 

Anyways, back to BIM 2011.  Had the race pack picked up on 28th April 2011. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lyne's early birthday

My eldest sis and her hubby is back for the holidays (well more like they went impulse buying on cheap air ticket) for few days.  She'll be going back to Langkawi tomorrow, I think, so we decided to treat her dinner and celebrate her birthday 3 days earlier.  Me and my 2nd sis been wanting to go for months, finally get to today.

Before that, last Friday, I wanted to blog about some Sushi Tei sushi but I only took 3 photos and I got a bit lazy, I'm gonna post some photos.  I think I'll go again for more sushi!

 Volcano Roll RM8, I actually saw someone raved about this

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

11th April 2011

I decided to skip Monday's workout and went for shopping with sis today.  Went to 1b.  She wanted to find some working clothes while I just wanna get more running attire.  I am a bit disappointed with the new adidas collection.  Why only men have greens?  I want greens!!!

Oh yeah, did I mention I finally got contacts?  Yes, as in contact lens.  Uh oh, degree went lower too.  Must be the carrots or the trees? Didn't have any problem poking my eye everyday.  It's kinda fun.  I don't need to be bothered by my glasses when I run/workout.  I though have problem with when at air-conditioned place, eyes get blur every now and then, somehow.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

April 2011

*brush off spider webs.

I seem to have less things to blog lately.  I been wanting to but I got distracted with some other stuff. 

On another note, I have less than a month to "train" before BIM (Borneo International Marathon) in May.  Been running every Sunday at 4am these past few weeks. 

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Bag it

I've "bag" my foot 3 times to prevent the bandage from getting wet. Thank gawd tomorrow I can remove it. YAY! My foot is feeling good somehow. I was running up the stairs earlier. So exciting. I wonder how it'll feel tomorrow when I remove that bandage. I won't say it's annoying but I had to cover it with a plastic bag and tape it before I could shower, and that will take quite a few minutes. A bit time consuming no?

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The Twisted Ankle

Not running for a week really gets on my nerves. No, I'm not an addict, I just feel bored and fat at the same time that it's making me depress (in a way of putting it), so after that whole testimonial from Nex and Rendy last Monday about this sinsang at Likas, I decided to go this morning. Lets get this whole ankle thing over with. Well since I've been resting it and it's still not fully healed yet. I tried ice, hot water and put balm on my ankle and even convinced myself that it's healed.

Was suppose to go with Nex but I didn't wanted to wait so decided to ask my mum to send me there, dad sent me instead. Thanks Nex for the number and map.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Workout Progress

After 3 days of resting my leg.  I decided to jog today.  I though, manage to run roughly 3km.  Had to stop coz I feel so much straining on my left leg.  Gonna rest it again today and try to run again on Saturday.  At this point I'm not sure if I would be able to run on Sunday.  *sigh.  I hope I can.

Look at the map, loop.  This is Likas Jogging Track  Running 10 rounds of this could be so boring.  1 round is below 1km I think.