
Friday, July 07, 2006

Wut did I do today? *thinks. I was looking for photoshop tutorials again. I must be really bored. Anyways, I didn't do much at work as usual. Mostly listen to music to fill my time.

*thinking again. I need to wash my car. It didn't rain for 2 days now. It's so hot. I tell you. Try standing outside for few minutes or maybe seconds? You'll probably be fried. Heehhe.

Though, I was hungry around 3pm and surprisingly my boss came in today. Ooooooo I should say dat I'm totally surprise dat the PA put on "tudung". Even our Accountant had a gewd laugh becoz of it. My gawd.

Besides that, my boss made a sarcastic remark/comment to one of my colleague by saying this: "Eh, you still work here?". Duh~! You make stewped remarks but dun do shite about it? Hello? Earth to mars? Anyways, my colleague juz smiled at him.

It took me 20 minute to reach home today. Hmmm, thinking that today I have a really bad hair day. My gel or maybe me not fully working. My hair didn't get the effect I wanted. It looks like "eww".

Btw, I'm going to Kuala Penyu with my parents tomorrow for "Sago Fest" or "Pesta Rumbia". What is this you may ask? Check the sabah tourism website for more info. Click here

Again, not much excitement. Wanted to take some shots of the new kitties, it was a bit too late. So, gonna take it tomorrow then. Till then, I need to fully charge my battery for tomorrow's event. Weeeeeeeeeeeee.


  1. later show pics of pesta rumbia :D

  2. the weather sucks hehehe. very hot. anyways, didn't take much coz follow parents walk very fast. only able to take some sago thinggies. didn't see rumbia though. got lotsa ppl selling fewd and handicraft. man wut a boring view. then got traditional dances. didn't take those too *huh~

  3. heahehaeheha ohhh I still got lotsa stuff to learn hee :D

  4. Hi dear, You have a very nice angle of photos taken and very good write up for you blog. I would like to ask permission to extract 2 of your pictures and i will post your blog in our company blog ok? :)

    Thank you in advance.

    Borneo travel Blog

  5. @Melissa: Oh okay, sure, just credit it back. Thanks ;D
