
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Illegal Immigrant?

Driving without license?

Those are the questions that ran into my mind when my bro told me the entrance to our house is blocked.

My brother said, he honk many times before he finally gave up and got into the house (in this case, he parked behind the truck).  Gave me some time to run up to my room to grab the camera as evidence.  Unfortunately, I didn't take any photo of the person (lets just say he's not local).  And he keeps apologizing and telling us that he's new.  I'm guessing he must be illegal, judging from his way of driving (he nearly bang my bro's car while reversing, what kinda retard drives like that?  You don't wanna know how he got out from this area, it's stewped really)?  I'm very rude when I'm pissed.  And he told us that he's new.  I'm the type who won't give face, especially if it involves blocking my road. 

But I manage to take photo of how stewped these people are to park this way.

Notice the blue car behind that yellow truck?  That's my bro's car.

And we thought that we didn't manage to get the company name?  Lucky!  When I took this photo, the door was slightly open.  So, lets crop that out shall we?

CnTT Group?  Hmmm..

If I spotted anyone blocking the road again.  It'll goes to my blog. 


  1. ini yang paling bikin panas, sembarang ja parking..

  2. @Ruth: Yabah! Se rasa illegal tu.

  3. saya nampak kereta cubek

  4. @clay: yeah, it was blocked. Can't get into the house.

  5. Misti mo garang2 ni Massy. Baru tu urang tau.

    Sa pun paling anti ni kalau ada yang buat jalanraya macam rumah sendiri ni.

    Kalau lepas warning tia kana paduli, spancut tu ampat2 tayar. Hahaha jahatnya diri ini

  6. @cicak: wuish, ganas ko, main pancut tayar XD

  7. ooh if illegal u can report to police tu...biar kena ambush....

  8. @Amy C: yeah I should do that.

  9. Urang baru pun ada utak bah kan?

    Surely he could have seen with his own eyes and THOUGHT that he was blocking the road. Unless of course...tiada utak lah kan?

  10. @Perry: teda utak tu. Ngox oh se rasa.

  11. Ya bah, memang bikin panas when these @ss parked their vehicle in OUR way or in front of our house! We have that a lot over here. There's this stupid @ss who always parked at my parking space depan rumah whenever my car's not around. Ambik sempat betul! One of these days if he park there again, I'm gonna scratch his paint with my keys!

  12. @cindy: wuish ganas, but i'd do the same mwahahahah

  13. Some people just don't use brains one la ... I'd have done the same thing and taken a pix and post in my blog to if this happened to me ... hehehe ...

  14. @Nick: hahahahah I see stewpedity everyday *sigh. So sad man.

  15. Invader must die!

  16. @aj: wuish ganas XD
