
Saturday, September 25, 2010

The September 20th - 25th Update

I can't think straight.  I'm drowsy from abnormal sleeping hours.

Somehow I can't come up with something to say.  Oh heck. 

21st September 2010 (Tuesday)

Went to eat at OK Chicken Rice, Likas Square with Ripz, Sakuya, Cubex and Isa.  Met Rina, Serena and Flan there.  I shared fried rice with salted fish with my brother.  Special with slices of roasted chicken and egg.  RM9.  I just notice the coffee bun kiosk.  The smell is so aromatic that I wanted to eat it but I was too full to.  Maybe next time.

22nd September 2010 (Wednesday)

 Photo credits to Nex

Last minute plan.  Went to the beach with bunch of people with lanterns and mooncake!  Bought em lanterns last minute from Servey.  Short candles is short and long ones are long.  Had fun!


Was there till almost midnite, had fruit juice after that. 

Some photos I manage to take that nite. 


24th September 2010 (Friday)

Went to Wisma Merdeka for lunch with Ripz, Clay and Panja.

And for dinner we went to Sailors' Cafe for Marsie's Birthday (more info about Sailors' Cafe, here).  Planned by Fara. 

Theme: Black!

Yes, I wore a dress XP

Dinner is served after birthday girl blow candles :)  Hehehe text copy pasta.

Russian vegetarian borsh (a very hearty tomato based soup) served with baskets of garlic bread drizzled with olive oil & beetroot reduction.

Teriyaki beef ball

Sailors baked chicken wings

Creamy carbonara with fettuccine with beef bacon

Fish & Chips - er where's the dip?

Ice Cream & fruit platter with blood red orange sauce

By the time this got to our place, the chocolate ice cream are gone.  *RAGE!

Cupcakes :)

 Stuffed!  Fewd was interesting, but I has a limit.  Maybe stomach should be empty next time. 

Some of the deco.


Oh, they were watching this video on Iphone 4.

More photos on facebook.

There's even more photos of me at Rum's album orz.  Here.  Don't know if you guys can view it or not.

25th September 2010 (Saturday)

Slept at 3am, woke up at 9am. Woobly. Went to Kirameki Cafe to meet up with my bro to Fluffeh's open house.

Some of the fewd.  Oh gawd, I wish I could eat more but I'm too full.

Me, bro and Fluffeh XD

Met a friend I didn't meet for over 10 years!   Damn small world!

Drop by KKIA for some Dunkin Donuts.  Buy 5 Free 1 for RM14.

4pm went home and continue blog.  It's almost 7pm now and I'm feeling tired.  Need sleep.  But first, I'll go showah and play Harvest Moon on DS again.  Must jog tomorrow.  Think I gained more kg liao. 


  1. food, food and food.... hehehe

  2. dari apa yang saya nampak di september blog kau kan, MAKANAN ja, uiseh jalan-jalan cari makan juga o kau Mas, cantik o gambar kau shot, jeles saya hmph....oh well bye bye September cuz' October is coming, another chapter of adventure.

    nyon :3

  3. @Aj: fewd always happen.

    @clay: yabah wth. Xpa nanti 2nd october saya try amik gambar urang kena buang botol.

  4. wahhh busy nampak... sadap jua! haha

  5. @henry: not that bz bah XD

  6. Abnormal sleeping hours?

  7. OMG, massy in a little black dress!

  8. @Donna: I know rite? @_@

  9. looks so tempting lah!
