
Sunday, December 26, 2010

17th - 23rd Dec 2010 KL Trip - Part 2

19th Dec 2010: Day 2 Comic Fiesta

My third day in KL.  Woke up at 4am, did my 8 mins workout, took photo of the scenery at 7am.  Showered, had oat krunch for breakfast.  Waited for my bro but I decided to leave early to Sakuya and Jna's place near BTS.  I think it's way convenient to go myself rather than to wait for others.  Avoid the whole "sardine" thing in KL monorail.  Another day of traveling alone, went to BTS with them at around noon.  Met Fluffeh there. 

Went to check more stuff at CF and COD with a fren.  More stuff.

Met Jason from Animetsu for the first time.  Alah I didn't take photo with his wifey.

Tenshi no cafe meido!  I didn't see you girls on first day *swt.  Tenshi no cafe is a maid cafe, delayed opening due to renovation *cries.  It's only be open on 20th January 2011.  I'll travel to KL again!  Btw, for more info, click here.

So today, I decided to take picture with peeps.  Nendorians I manage to meet and take picture with :D

chizzu - insane nendoroid collector.  *worships

PM - another nendoroid collector

PatPatPat - there's mugs and badges of his artwork.  MUST GET!  Also nendoroid collector.

sakuradesune - kaito army!

To the other nendorians that I didn't get to meet or take photo with, gomene.  Must meet next time!

I went in and got myself some badges and mug.  Also collected comic from kana sama and bought another.  Didn't get much stuff.  Fluffeh was looking for badges.  I think his bag were fully covered by it.  Meet up with acom and bibing and we left at around 3pm.  Oh before that we, eh?! okay, I forgot to take photo of my expensive vegetarian lunch with Nova, Rendy and Fluffeh at Level 10 hahahahah zomg.

Went to Krispy Kreme Doughnuts around before 4pm. 

Another treat from Bibing.  OYE! I must pay u back!  Shared a piece of Original Glazed Doughnut with 3 other.  We were full okay.  Went around BTS to shop.  Surprisingly couldn't find anything that I'm interested in.  I was trying to find bowler's hat but couldn't find the kind that I wanted *sigh.

Were walking till around 7pm then decided to eat dinner at Subway! 

My sammich!

Met with the others there.  I had to leave at 9pm or was it 9:30pm coz my bro is leaving.  My bro had to accompany me to take the train coz I didn't want to take the cab home.  Didn't want to waste too much cash when I'm still at day 3.  The others took cab home coz one of the peeps in the group is sick.  I think she was sick since Day 1.

Saw Cammy at the opposite station.  *waves.  Nouuuuuuuuu, I didn't take pictar with u! 

The stuff I got from CF.

My room - Day 3.

Bro told me that they're moving out to one of the friend's place at Tamarind?  No idea where that is but okay.  He told me that he might stay.  But when we reach there, guess wut?  Everyone moved out including my bro.  So there I was, home ALONE in a condo with 3 rooms lolhuat.  I did a lot of texting to my frens hoping that one would come and stay over but then again, I dun like to trouble ppl unless they're related to me.  My heart sunk for awhile but then again, it's not like I never stayed alone before.  Heck! I stayed in KL, okay maybe not KL, it's more to PJ area for 4 years.  So I guess it's fine? 

To why I was left alone on that nite puzzles me.  

I don't know 'bout you guys but I was paranoid.  I went and check the main door, lock it, close the window at the living room (which was left open btw) and lock my room door, block it with my luggage hoping that it would slightly calm me in a way?  I think you could call it a wake up call.  I'm in the state of completely have 0% trust towards my brother.  I like to thank all my frens who got me through the nite, my credits were almost at its low state hehehe.  I manage to sleep at 1am and end up waking up at 6am.  Oh okay.  5 hours of sleep could work.

The left overs courtesy of peeps who stayed over and complained about comfort (reason why I don't wanna share my room, I'm in it for comfort and enjoice).  Like I said, if you can't travel and don't have money to travel, please do yourself a favor, DO NOT! By all means DO NOT travel at all.  Well unless you have peeps who could pay for your everything.

There are bottles on the floor, can't pile it up at 1 place.  I mean this is normal for some but it's an eyesore for me.  Comic magazine? Clips? Watch? CF Day 1 ticket? towel? bottles? bag? @_@""" I wanted to mop the floor at 1 extent. 

What I didn't get was the part where one of the person with a place to stay want to "cramp" at our place?  I'm all about making sense and that doesn't make sense.  Thank gawd for not sharing my room.  I have space!  There's no space at the living room!  I mean seriously!

20th Dec 2010:  Shopping day at Sg. Wang with kana sama, sakuya, Jna, Fluffeh and Pin!  

Penman tweet: "@ why so emo early in da morning? GOOD MORNING!!!"

My respond:  "I'm not EMO, I'm just EXPRESSIVE"

Yes, after the whole being abandoned by own flesh and blood incident, it takes awhile to reboot and make a new day fresh!

I went to Sakuya and Jna's place in the morning.  Left at around 11am.  Meet up with Fluffeh, kana sama and her fren Pin. 

Went to Nandos for brunch.

Had 1/4 chicken with 2 side dish and ice lemon tea.

Started our shopping session from top floor.  Manage to get 1 short pants, I think me and Jna were a bit depressed coz we wanted to get a lot of stuff but didn't get wut we wanted.  Sakuya couldn't be bothered with clothes coz she got distracted by comics *facepalm.  We saw some bootleg nendos, me and Fluffeh nearly cried.  We moved to Berjaya Times Square at around 5pm.

Had a drink at Timeless Penang at Berjaya Times Square.

Bought a blouse (convertible to a short dress *giggles) and a handbag.  

Had dinner at Teppanyaki at around 8pm.  The others decided to watch Tron, but since I've already watch it, I decided to head home.  I'm sorry kana sama, if my place weren't that far you could watch it too. 

That was dinner.

Went to UNIQLO.  Winter seasons clothing.  I couldn't think of anything I wanted to get.  I might have to get but I wasn't interested in any.  But somebody got a fluffeh fleece *giggles.

Me and kana sama took the cab home to my place.  Cab driver is talkative and weird.  I'm considered lucky coz she overnite at my place.  If not, I'll be ALONE again.  Thank yew so much.

I'm BLESSED with GREAT friends. 

- to be continued -


  1. UNIQLO!!

    the fleece jacket i wore last nite was from UNIQLO...

  2. @dori: But ur jacket not as fluffeh as kana's.

  3. nando's is dayum sedap!!!!

  4. @jna: dayum that chicken!

  5. oh nandos, sad when i look at the portion, need at least 3 plates of that *point at picture* to rage :)

  6. @Nova: you should go eat at chili's
