
Sunday, July 10, 2011

A week before Sutera Harbour 7k Sunset Run

It's been awhile since I last hang out/meet with Amy.  She whatsapp me the other day for dinner.  And since I have plans for Killing Floor with bunch of people, decided to meet her up around 6:30pm.  I went there after work with Sakuya.  Both of us were hungry.  I think there were a number of new cafe/restaurant at Citymall but one in particular had made me curious for quite awhile.

We went to Mangen Mitu.  Located at the same row as Ceryn Hotel (ngam ka nama ni hotel?).  End of the world punya location.

I ordered Tom Yam Glass Noodle.  RM6.90.  Love this.

Everyone else punya order.



Then off to Internet Arena we go but couldn't play Killing Floor coz it's not updated.

We played Diablo II instead hwa hwa hwa.  OMG!  It's been I think years since I last "touch" this game.  Necromancer! My favorite character.  Just cause I could raise the undead.  *rofl.  I somehow feel old after playing it for few hours.  Max player I played with is 3.  Last Friday was 5 people with minions.  OMFG.

Anyways, have everyone tried the new Google+?  I gotta thank Henry/clevermunkey for the invite.

I also manage to download the G+ app for android.  yay~  This is awesome shite.

Anyways, I wasted my time yesterday from watching tv and sleeping.  Sucks.  My planned totally ruined by that whole roadblock thinggie.  So called roadblock.

Sunday morning is reserved for morning runs.  Today's attempt is 10km.  It's been awhile since I do a 10km run.  My usual attempt usually fails.  I mean I couldn't reach the 10km quota.  Today was great.  Eventhough some couldn't make it, some did.  Great weather too.  Met Chin Yit, I think he ran from McD to Likas.  We ran from Likas to YS roundabout and back.  Had to add roughly 300m heading towards the jogging track.

I didn't have a hard time to breathe like I usually do.  A bit strain on the shoulders but that went away after awhile.  I was dead hungry though.  Anyways, in comparison with my previous 10km attempt, I've slightly improved.  Though, I know I could do better.

I feel great from not giving up.

Went to Kah Hiong Ngiu Chap at Hilltop for breakfast.

Had beef balls noodles.

Went back home around 8am-ish.  It's 10am now and I'm hungry.  Crap!  I guess I'll go make lunch for myself.

Lastly, some photos of puppies I took yesterday.

This is Po, my bro named em that coz he? looks like a panda.

This one yet to have a name, gonna wait till my eldest sis to come back and name em.  I'm guessing he/she is the youngest one.  Always crying.

I feel like going out, should I go out?  *looks at the weather.


  1. Crap, I'm still waiting for a G+ invite la. And how in heaven's name did you get it for your android? I couldn't find it on the market or anywhere else for that matter ... siggghhh ...

  2. @Nick: I could invite you to G+ if I have your email address. Btw, the G+ for android couldn't download from market, have to use direct download. I mean you have to download the app file and save it on your phone and install it with Astro Manager.
