
Friday, October 21, 2011

Trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand - Part 3

Day 3: To Chiang Rai we go!

This trip is arranged by  The agent at The Plaza.  Most priced almost the same but this is cheaper.  :)  850 baht per person.  1 day trip.  From morning to night.

Sticker, but mine fall off after awhile.

Where this place located.  Actually it's easy.  It's at The Plaza, head downstairs you can see already.  Next to the massage centre.

The elephant earring my sis bought yesterday.  Cute no?

Woke up early, had breakfast and waited for our van.  I think around 7am the van came.


There were 3 other tourist with us. 2 female from Myanmar and a dood from Kuching, Sarawak.  Including the driver and tour guide there's 9 of us.

I'm not sure if it's the road or the way the driver drives, I was woozy from the beginning of the trip.  I had a plastic just in case I vomit in the car at all times.

1st stop, Chiang Rai Hot Spring.  It takes 1 hour 30 minutes to get there.  This is also the place for toilet break.  I was so drowsy that I had no mood to shop.  This place sells a lot of accessories/jewels.

Boiling eggs.

I think we were here for half an hour or so.

With our knowledgeable tour guide, Tass.

The shops.

I've adjusted the chair.  Hoping that I won't get all drowsy again but that didn't work.  I'm still dizzy.

Next destination took 1 hour 30 minutes is the White Temple or Wat Rong Khun.  It was designed by Chalermchai Kositpipat and constructed in 1997.  Part of the temple is still under construction.  The temple is white and was build with a golden toilet.

Free entry.  And you get free postcard with stamp.  There's also a souvenir shop of the artwork printed on shirts of the artist.  Also a lost and found cabinet.  

The artist.

Not allowed to take photo inside the temple and inside the golden toilet.  And wear sarong if you're wearing shorts like me kekekek.

There was a monk inside the temple and he wasn't moving.  Mum thought he's not human.

Under construction.

I bought a cute skirt from the shops nearby.

Another 1 hour 30 minutes drive.  *burps.

Next stop is the Golden Triangle, the river connecting Thailand, Laos and Myanmar.  This place used to be famous for opium trading during the old days.  Okay I can't remember how much was the boat ride, 300 baht?

I remember the tax to enter Laos was 20 baht per person though.

Other tourist on the boat.

Hot day indeed.

Buddha on a boat.  Facing it's back on the casino.  There is a casino at both Myanmar and Laos but not in Thailand.  Myanmar casino has a Thai owner *chuckled.

Myanmar casino called "Paradise".

Entry fee 500 baht and they will hold your passport.

Mekong river, this heads to China.  By boat is 3 hours.

The boats to China cruise.

Laos casino.

Reached our destination.  Don Xao, Laos.

Whiskey @_@ ewww  Got free sample.  Good for married couples *uhuk~

This place is famous for branded bags like Jimmy Choo, Hermes and etc.  Leather!!! *smells leather!  Trading in Thai Baht.  And they speak chinese hehe.

Heading back to Thailand after an hour.  Not enough time!

Lunch time!  Included in tour package.

Buffet lunch!  It was roughly 2pm.  No wonder everyone looks a bit cranky hehe.

Stomach filled.  Next destination, Mesai, border to Myanmar.  Yet another 1 hour 30 minutes drive oh lord here we go again, drowsy.  I should have stayed in the van.  While everyone was shopping, I was walking like a zombie.

I think we were here for a short while.

Next destination, yet another 1 hour 30 minutes drive to Karen Village Long Neck where the Ahka Tribe lives.

We were only able to see the normal akha people with craft shop outside, coz to see the long neck people we have to pay extra money.  And everyone wasn't that interested.

The protector at the gates?

Modernize living style.  Got electricity riao.

That's the end of the tour.  We drop by to pump fuel and I was in the van.  Pops 2 panadol oh lord I feel so sick.  Slept all the way back and banged my knee few times oh lord.  Once reach hotel, I went straight up to the room and sleep.  I later woke up after lying dead for few hours to shower.  *rofl.   That's how sick I was.

My parents and sis were hungry that they had late dinner at odd hours.  I, on the other hand wasn't feeling hungry.

Next post, Day 4.

- to be continued -

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