
Monday, May 01, 2006

Labour Day!!!

It's a holiday today. Yay~! I woke up around 10am. I guess. Went for lunch with parents at Nok Thai around noon. Ooohhh I'm so full~!!! Went to Damai. Dad bought me "Salt Lamp" thinggie (as shown above). It's said to help you to reduce/prevent stress? I think that's what I red earlier. There's few more benefits but I can't seem to remember coz I was thinking about the Lilian Too Show I watched last Sunday. About feng shui and your face? The only thing I could remember is maybe that ladies/girls with long hair is good. People with wide forhead good (something about politics and power?). Big nose <--- good also. I think something about money? *paranoid. I can't remember specifically. Oh, ladies with egg shape face is gewd. Square face is no gewd. Heheh. Crap. I can't remember that much information. *smack~

Hmm, my bro had loaned me some anime DVDs. I've watched "Read or Die" the other day. Ooooo interesting. But maybe the subtitles wasn't so great. Coz it's in chinese. *nyeee~~~ Pffttt~~~ ok. I can read but a bit only. Anyways, I'm back to into japanese music again. Lately I've been addicted to "Grey's Anatomy Soundtrack". Now, more on japanese again yay~! I'm back. Oooooo I'm so into Indie music! :D~~~

Should I get a hair cut now? I wonder. I want a very straight hair!!! My hair damn messy already. Boo~. Ohh, Hotlink sent me a message about RM1 for 1000 sms. Hmm so, I guess I was bored till I was testing it out. Well, it worked, that for sure. The waste? Maybe not being able to finish it by today. *pfffffffftt~~~ what a waste. Anyways, I was bugging some people. So, I did sms to my friend, Eric. And he was calling me. Hahhaha opps. He was wondering whose I am again. Hahahah. I think I finish most of his credit hahaha. We talked for more than 30 minutes. I think he was thinking about his credit and I was thinking that when we're gonna finish the conversation coz I need to get some sleep. Well, at least it was fun toking to him. Bahhhh~~~ I need to clean my room again. Dusty!!! I need to remove some old clothes from my room too. I think I have a lot of unwanted clothes here. Well, I think la.

Tomorrow have to go work. Lazy~ am so very de lazy~

Bahhh~~~ sleep!

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