
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The excitement

I hope we get to go to Chiang Mai this year. Looking forward to it. I had a short chat with an ex-colleague of mine. He's one of the kewl boss from my old company. I wasn't under his supervision but it's very nice to talk to him. We used to talk about computers. Yes, sometimes I get really hype up with tech. And we talk about handphones and holidays. He's planning to go Bangkok for holiday. So, I was telling him about my trip.

Omg. I wanted to go to so many places. But with this little cash. Forget it! I mostly would save few hundred to my personal savings but I didn't do that for 2 months. Which sucks. OMG that sucks!!! 2 months man...wadda~

Oh, my boss came to the office today. Hmm, that's odd. I'm hungry. I'm so so hungry. Too much acid. HUNGRY!!! I wanna eat!


  1. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I'm also hungry. hehehe.

    You know what, I'm itching to travel this year as well. Trying to go Manila this year ~~

    Let's hope Air Asia will have more cheaper fare again!

  2. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Sure can wan. People go to London airfair at RM9.99 oni what!! Chiang Mai ar? If you board fokker i think lima linggit oni!! wuahahahaha!!!!!!!

  3. cindy: Oh I saw air asia punya seats yang tu promotion..still got lotsa free sits for manila..hehehehe

    aceone: wahahhahaha london so far man...i doubt it's gonna be that cheap man

  4. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Yea, some seats were FREE some were cheap - but you still need to pay airport tax. LoL

  5. hergg..makan seja ko ni massy..look at me, slim and handsome one hahahah oversea are that cheap??? i wanna go japan or korea or africa to see wild animal..pls massy take me there hahah

  6. cindy: as usual..air asia...mana ada yang free hahahhaha..

    zaini: dat ka? i bring u pay la ahahahah weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :P gumuk la...ko kurus tu pasal genetic kali? hahahahahah and besides...macam banyak acid bah dalam badan..lapar jak~

  7. yeah ure right bout genetic haha..none of my sibilings fatty one..only boroi one hahah itu pun sbb byk minum tapai kali
