
Friday, June 12, 2009

Chop em off!

No, we're not talking about butchering any endangered animals here.

It's about cutting my hair.

I've been complaining for months. People is sick of me complaining about it.

So, today, I went to my usual hair stylist to cut my hair.

This is the shortest hair I ever had in my entire life! Hehehe. Before that, let us remind ourselves how massy look like with long hair kekekekek.

Now, here's my new hair. Kekekeke.

Maybe this?

Ogie, kidding. Trip dragon ball.

Hair wax is funny.

This is the actual hair without wax.

From the side, nice kan the layers. I love layers.

I do think I need to cut the back again. It's still too long. Don't you think?

OMG my forehead got pimple @_@"""

Feedbacks please XD thanks.


  1. Oh dear, now you look like Zack...

  2. oh hi there uhh who're u ?

  3. @duck: WHAT?!

    @yus: hahahahahhaha apani skill ka?

    @dori: hur hur hur

  4. OHMY!!!
    massy looks so so so different now!
    looks fresher :)

  5. @Ling ling: hehehehe XD

  6. yup! fresh look!

  7. look......... younger.. hehehe....

  8. @cicak: thanks.

    @jard: but I AM YOUNG! LOL XD *angkat bakul

  9. when u mentioned layer, directly it remind my the photoshop layer.. i hate it.. coz i dont know how to use it... ok thats my story..

    now u. Short hair again Massy? I hope u stay wit long hair.. nice bah long hair.. well hard to maintain lah.. but.. nice bah...

    but but but.. u do look EVEN YOUNGER with this layer cut thing... so i guess it suits u well :)
    peace to all mankind ;)

  10. PapaJPP: but photoshop layers are useful XD dun hate it bah.

    Hehehehehe, yes short hair again, this is the shortest haircut I ever had in my entire life.

    Oh and I am young XD aku inda tua bah..sepa cakap aku tua har? XD

  11. a very bold move massy!
    but very NICE!

  12. wow! XD kawaii! i like it! XD

  13. chegu: heheheh thanks. XD I was pump but when the hair stylist actually cut it I was doubtful XD

  14. serena: kekekekeke lets cut em short XD

  15. me suggestion is u cut is short...i mean really short..or make it spikey...yeaaaa spikey....ehehehee..... XD.*terover suda sa nie tau* sigh...eekekekekekee

  16. @Amy C: hahahahahhaha excitednya mo kasi spikey my hair? XD kekke I wonder why kekekeke

    But I'm gonna leave it awhile. Maybe next time kasi short it.

  17. a little shorter you'll look like pixie. me like.^3^

  18. fara: yeah, it should look like a pixie but ini terlampau panjang hahahah XD

  19. U cut ur hair!!!!!!!!!!
    nice!! i like..maybe i should cut my hair short????

    i like it woman!!!!

  20. @alus: hehehehe nice kan. Thanks. XD mari kita kasi pindik tu rambut kekekekek sot @_@

  21. lol.. i sukaaaaa.. cute eh. if u wanna go shorter, pixie cut! tapi not sure if it suits u... :)

    tapi this one's niceee..

  22. jassy: hehehe thanks XD i'm not sure if I ngam pixie cut or not. But I might try.. kalau tak ngam i put on wig la gini XD

  23. wah nice hair cut!, wish i could cut this short but i can't my pipi is too chubby too cut this short, aih aih,

  24. @baity: ekkekekeke...cute bah~ XD yang penting ngam muka sija XD

  25. yes! cut it short for the tomboy chic! it's in fashion. i took a while to think think think and at last, chop chop chop!

  26. i love snackfood: yes it is isn't it? XD besides, it's useful during this hot weather. Hey your items are nice.

  27. once short, you'll never regret. i'm keeping mine as is. is that the length in your profile pix? thanks for hearting us!

  28. I Love Snackfood: oh, it's shorter, I mean from my profile photo XD

  29. hello there!

    Woah! that's a daring move!
    I once chopped off my long hair and the stylist actually asked if I just broke up with anybody? lol.......

  30. chien: hi hi, thanks for visiting. omg LOL that's one funny remark.

  31. Ooohhh! Santek... very cool, smart, fresh!

    I was thinking of cutting my hair short too sbb it's too long suda but, but I don't dare. Short hair + chubby face = oh tidak!!!

  32. Nessa: XD kekeke thank yew thank yew. oh if not kasi layer, at least angin tiup bulih rasa XD
