
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Yet another fewd post

I know that for those who haven't had their lunch while reading this post wants to strangle me.  Hehe.

Amy C been talking about this Kon Lou Mee (actually I didn't know wut's that place called till I went there today) via plurk for awhile now.  And today, I finally get to eat it!  Located at Ground Floor, Star City North (formally known as Kompleks Asia City), same row as Hobby Kingdom (the old pet shop place near the staircase).

First time there.  They also serve, fish mee soup, curry mee (only on Thursday) and nasi campur.

Lunch with these people ;)

Here's wut I ordered.

Served with wanton soup for RM5.

And my rave, here.

Don't worry, this place SERVE NO PORK!  NO POK AH!

But the only problem is, if there's no empty seats around the shop, your last resort would be under the staircase.

After lunch, went to "kacau" my brother at Fook Yuen.  He went to lunch there with his friends.

He had this.

And Cammy had this. 

And I was wondering about that menu that day.  Maybe next time.   Next time.  I'm stuffed.

Oh and I wanna share songs ;)

I so love Telepopmusik.

We’re all searching
Time’s unfolding
Trying to fill our lives with meaning
Still we’re learning
How to breathe amongst the pain and suffering
When all we need is peace of mind

Stop running away

Beliefs are changing
Still we’re paying
Power holding back the people

All we need is peace of mind

Uh and, I got a new message ringtone HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

Doesn't this song brightens your day? XD


  1. Ahahahaaa, at last u go there oso..n yes u have to sit under the staircase...kekekekeee.. XD

    Wah! cubex ate rice meh? dun tell me he push away the rice.. -_-"

  2. @Amy C: He push away the rice tu. *sweat. He makan sikit jak. I think.

  3. why massy why???

    eric the half a bee song will be son much better, or the cloud song D=

  4. @Dizzy chan: HAHHAHAHA *roll eyes, u make cloud song stuck on my head.

  5. it's a good song what~

  6. i seldom go to complex asia city, seems like its kinda empty for my taste... even times square also been there for the clubs... LOL

  7. @Dizzy chan: No! you're not putting that in my head #_#

    @Henry: Yeah, a bit empty, true that. KKTS also empty.

  8. Wah... wat is that dish your brother had? Looks like unagi -_-" Isnt fook yuen a chinese coffee shop?

  9. @Donna: yeap, unagi ;) and yes fook yuen is chinese coffee shop. ;)
