
Sunday, January 02, 2011

CSP BBQ Potluck outing at Kundasang [30th - 31st Dec 2010]

We've planned this after the Beach outing around 1st Nov 2010.  We estimated around 12 people confirmed at the beginning but due to certain matter, 2 could not make it.  We have 3 volunteered to drive there, Rendy, chucky and Lt. Munyit (replacing Ripz who is sick and couldn't make it).

Packed my stuff 1 day earlier and double, heck I might have triple check just in case I missed out anything.  Planned the pick up for Lt. coz he'll have to pick 4 girls (me, sakuya, marseh and paha) up.  I'm the earliest, he estimated the time of pick up, me at 6:45am, sakuya at 7:15am, marseh at 7:30am and paha at 7:45am.  I'd wake up at 4:30am just in case I have my 30-45 mins lagging time browsing sites int he morning.  Yes it will take me that long.

Got ready and waited around 10 mins before Lt. arrived at my place.  Went to fill up the tank before pick sakuya.

Reached Lintas at 8am and went to Sri Rejeki for breakfast.

Ordered Soto Ayam, not risking eat too much chili just in case might case "sensasi" (stomach discomfort).

The soto cost RM3.50, I think.  Not bad.  The others arrive before 9am.

We left 30 mins past 9am.  Before that, we tried to move some stuff from Lt's car to chucky's car.  PHAIL!  No space, it's okay.

Journey starts.

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On the way, spotted this.

Unfortunately I'm not that fast to snap the runner orz.  Sorry 'bout that.

Our playlist.  Half way no signal for radio station, thank gawd for mp3.

At 10:26am.

I think most of the time, we'd be complaining about the slow lorry driver hehe.

10:55am, spotted chucky's car near S.K. Bongol, Tamparuli accident with Proton.  *swt.  Nobody was hurt, minor accident.  We stop for awhile there.  Negotiating process took maybe 20-30 mins? I'm not sure, it felt long.  I'm not sure why that uncle couldn't decide and keep saying that he have no money to fix it first.  They went to Ranau to get quotation from workshop.  We left at roughly 11:20am, wish we could do something to help.

Reach Kundasang at 12 noon.  Went to meet up with Rendy and Nova at Kundasang War Memorial.  Entrance fee is RM2 per person.  It's my second time there.

Went to tapau lunch at town.

Why is my food arrive last?  Nasi Goreng Kampung at RM5.

Waited for chucky till 1:30pm and go up to Kiram's Village where we'll be staying the night.  Kiram's Village is located near the Golf Club.  I think around that area are the Dairy Farm and Mushroom Farm.  Other interesting places too but I can't recall any at this moment.

Arrived at 2pm.  It started to rain. 

Check in.  The chalet can fit around 12 peeps cost around RM350 per night.  Since there's 10 of us.  RM35 per head.  Reasonable. 

Btw, this is us.  Carrot cabin.  Located near the entrance, very near to our parking.  So convenient.

I just found out that this place belongs to my dad's friend orz.  Small world.

The 10 peeps.  We step foot here!  Okay, in other words our shoes.

The rooms, kitchen, living room, dining area etc.

Some other chalet could fit 6 is cheaper.  Some shots I took.  I love this place.

A lot of flowers, I think if my mum came along, she'd be talking a lot about the flowers. 

Apart from the awesome beautiful scenery, spotted a lot of cats.  I'm a kitteh magnet?  I dun think so but kitteh follows meh!

Had a lot of sing song session, there's 3 of us who brought along guitar.  WE NEED MORE GUITAR TABS/SONGS/LYRICS!  The initial plan was to watch SAW marathon but since Ripz couldn't make it, we improvise.

Started BBQ at 4:46pm. 

BBQ Master at work.

photo credit: Nova

I got my share of kipasing.

photo credit: Nova

Food food food! *stuffed.

I feel warm.

My 9pm walk with kuya.

My toes were freezing!  But it was fun!  Tons of fun and POJITIP ENERGY!

We were up till 2am.  A lot of sing song session and story session.  Too many EPIC session.  Laff long time man.  Before sleep also laff till stomach cramp.  

I woke up early, I'm a light sleeper, don't ask me why.  I just have this kinda problem with sleeping.  orz.  Maybe I need those stuff that sucked all my energy so I would be tired and sleep hehe.

The morning, walk around the area and took some photos. 

The Golf Club is 100m away from this place.  It's a good walk.  Damn if only I bring my running gear, I'd be running.

Please come again ;D

Before say bye bye to Kiram's Village.  GROUP PICTAH!!!!

Photo credit: Nova

Went to Nabalu Lodge for brunch.  My order almost didn't come.  I lost my cool and canceled my order.  It's Garlic Bread! For gawd sake!  How long does one have to prepare em? *sigh.

DAYUM! Do I really look that small?  Thanks to Lt. for driving hehehe I know it's tiring.  Keep ya company otw home.  Thanks to everyone else, Sakuya, Marseh, Jna, Yack Yack, Abu, Nova, Rendy, Chucky for making this a joyous trip!  Lets do it again!

More photos, Part 1 and Part 2 via facebook.  Photos from Nova, here.

More photos and videos pending for upload from friends.  Nova's edited video of our trip, here.

Fuuuu I'm sorry I had to roughly summarize this.  It turned out to be a long post after all.



  1. that trip was fun !!!
    let do one again this year !!!

  2. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I just realized that when we ordered food, yours always served last.

  3. @Nova: Yes I gotta agree, lets find one day near holiday! And parteh!

    @Lt. Munyit: Life's unfair, owez got something against me one.

  4. Good morning Massy.

    have a great 2011 ya, may the good Lord bless with with all your heart's desires,,,

    my support always...

  5. @eugene: morning. Thanks ;D
