
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

[Marathon] Sundown Marathon Singapore 2014 (Part 2)

It took me a week to write about part 2.  Sorry about that, I was down with sickness and was in a limbo for a week or so, I'm still in a limbo, I'm not sure if it's the strong medicine or the weather keeps making me fall asleep.  Or I might just need my tea fix?  Either one of that.

Back to where I left it off at part 1.  

Day 3 - Sundown Marathon Singapore 2014.

I actually have a vague memory to what I did in the morning, but thankfully I was referring back to my photos and could at least refresh a bit of my memory.  A sign of old age I suppose.  NO!  I refuse! I'm blaming the strong medicine!

I'm typing this post while listening to Seven Lions new EP - Worlds Apart.

Brunch at Tekka Market again.  I wanted to eat duck rice actually but settled for chicken rice instead.  $2.50 enough to fill me up till evening I suppose?

Ahhh, the plan was to walk over to Sim Lim Square cause Pammie wanted to look for cover for her Ipod Touch (correct?).  This place is like Low Yat, tech stuff.  I can't really say it's cheap but since I wasn't looking for anything, I was just walking around looking at stuff while waiting for my cousin to meet me up.  I had about 15-20 minutes before my cousin reach our meeting point.  Weird enough, it rained the moment I arrived at the bus stop.  Heavy rain!

When cousin arrived, we took a bus to Safra at Mt. Faber, the place where my cousin gonna get me a new Asics Gel 105SP running shoe (only available in Singapore?) yay~  It's 10km away from our meeting point by bus.  Along the way, my cousin showed me some of the routes that we will go through during race.  

Went to Novena after that, met up Rizwan for lunch.  Had duck noodle *slurps~  Thanks cuzzie for lunch.  Oh I love this place, all the sporting shops! I regretted not getting those nice color Nike sports bra! *sobs~  It's just that I don't have enough time!  I left the mall at around 4pm by bus, it only takes around 3-4 stops back to the hostel.  

While Rizwan and Pammie went to F1 Pit Building to collect their race pack, I thought I could get 3-4 hours snooze time.  Bad idea.  It was horribly terrible to sleep so early, I couldn't even keep my eyes shut.  The mind lingers and I found myself checking my phone every now and then.  In the end, I was lying on the bed staring at nothingness till Pammie got back.  

I'm ready and obviously nervous cause I was feeling minor strain around my knee.

Got ready and left the hostel at 9pm, took the MRT to Promenade station to wait for Rizwan.  So we were wondering why so little people till we reach the MRT station, swarming with runners.  10km category starts at 10:30pm, full marathon at 11:30pm and half marathon at 12:30 midnight respectively.  Checked out some booth and went to the loo, drop our bags and we waited near the starting entrance till it's time to go in.  I was suppose to meet up with my cousin near the NB booth at 10:45pm but felt that I might rush in and not be able to start slightly in the middle pack during the race, so decided not to meet him instead.  Bummer.

When it's almost time, went in and decided to line up somewhere in the middle, I think there's no difference where you start, does not want to get caught up in the crowd from starting way behind.  Even though there's indication to the categorized target finishing time.  I actually was making both Pammie and Rizwan to go further front with me (experience from running Standard Chartered KL Marathon 2 years ago for the first time being caught up in the middle of the pack is not fun).  Did some stretching and 11:30pm off we go.  The plan initially was to go slow and just go on our own.  Instead, I decided to pace with Rizwan for the first 21km and decide from there what will happen cause I know for a fact that with my injured groin and adductor muscle, I would probably won't be able to run as fast or as long but keeping it on a positive side.

Started at around 7:30-8 mins pace/km with Rizwan, we run through the crowd finding it to be a struggle from the overwhelming heat.  Rizwan was going through this excessive sweating and I was struggling with breathing properly.  We'd stopped for water station not for drinks but to cool down.  Crazy! I think at one point I suggested Rizwan to take his cap off cause he looked like he was gonna faint lol.  No wind! For the first 10km and we were running through areas without proper lighting but the volunteers were helpful to let us know not to step into holes.  We'd be running on grass at certain part of the route cause it was too crowded at the water station.  As we got to the beach area, which is the park, strong wind and it started to pour at around 12-13km.  A sign of relief!  I swear if I have to go through that heat, I'd be fainting halfway.  Not so great that two (2) part of my bottom bib got torn off, I was running while holding it fearing that it might get taken off from the strong wind that we had to go through.  

I can't remember the number of times we stopped for water but it wasn't a struggle till we turned out of the park at around 25km, starting to feel minor soreness and twitch.  Thank god for Salonpas spray from my personal medic, Rizwan lols.  Life savior.  I was starting to get a little hungry and my legs were tired.  I had a banana at 28km *vaguely remembers.  I don't know but it was a bad idea, I actually felt crappy after that, I feel like vomiting.  I manage to pace with Rizwan till 33km before my legs totally gave up.  My whole body was straining, I feel like giving up!  I even had my back sprayed.  Energy level down the drain.  Told him to proceed without me.  I'm was just gonna try and push myself.  But the overwhelming pain and soreness I was feeling, I couldn't seem to want to lift my legs.  End up walking for 9km.  I tried to run it off but everytime I do that I inflict more pain, I was feeling slight numbness around my left leg.  My Garmin died at 6 hours 15 minutes and I'm not even at the finishing line yet.  I was literally beating myself up.  Mentally I sort of gave up.  

Less than 1km away from the finishing line, a fellow runner looked at me and said "Jiayiu!".  I ran all the way to the finishing line.  I completed this year's 2nd full marathon at 6 hours 31 minutes and 52 seconds.  At least I manage to complete it!  Oh god.  I wasn't in as much pain as the first marathon I did in BIM.  But my toe feel numb.  

This is one foine finisher medal.

And this time around, PRUNES!  And the fact that my race shirt got minor tear from the pins.

RAWR!  Tired!

My exaggerated leg pain look.

Glad that I get to meet Mohan!  I saw him during race but we were at the opposite direction and he didn't see me.  Sabah flag!  

We survived!  

After 42km still can jump! Massy's crazy idea hehehe.  I swear I don't really look this tiny.

Went back to the hostel after we had finally finish taking photos.  Showered and nap a bit.  Did we actually nap?  Can't remember.

Day 4 - Rest.

Went for lunch at Tekka Market.  Dum Briyani!  Bad idea.  I was feeling crazy warm.  We went to Chinatown after lunch.  Oh god, what is with the hot weather?

I swear we were going round in circles.  I reach a point where I feel faint.  I think cause I was feeling dehydrated.  Thank god we found the ice cream.  It's near the temple for those looking for it.  A more accurate location would be in front of Chinatown Complex!

We were actually there to look for Durian Ice Cream.

Went to Bencoolen Street to look for curry puff.  Got around till the evening but couldn't find it.  Went back to the hostel to rest a bit before we get out again for dinner.  Did not happen.  I was down with cough, sore throat and was burning up.  Crazy fever!  I was suppose to wait for a call from my aunt but I end up sleeping till 10:30pm.  It was that bad.  I manage to call my aunt after and went for a cold shower after that cause I can't stand the crazy heat.

Day 5 - Back to KK.

Decided to meet my aunt for lunch.  I was still in the state of drowsiness but I think I still can push myself to get to Toa Payoh MRT station.  Appetite was so low that I feel like lying down everywhere I go. 

Oh my sickly face.

I'm sure these Yong Tau Fu taste nice but I couldn't taste anything.  My aunt even offered some desserts but I wasn't in the state to consume anything at all.  My body decided to fail.

I'm glad that I made the choice to meet her.  It's been years.  I'll try to visit more often.  I can't thank my cousin enough for bringing me around and to have friends to go do this race.  It has been fun.  Some regrets, not able to enjoy more Singapore food!  I'll come back for food one of these days!  GAHHH~!

Better news, my injury has been healing but not fully healed yet.  I went for doctor's review today and got referred to Likas for massage.  Hopefully it'll help with the blood flow.  My legs are fine, leg strength back to normal, just that I have this annoying bulge around my under hip which is connected to the hamstring, it doesn't really bothers me that much, just that I can't run as fast.  My current fastest with this annoying bulge is probably around 6:30 mins pace/km.  If I'd go faster, I'd start feeling minor twitch and certain part of my left leg will feel slightly numb.  I would hope I could be free from injury till my next run which is around August.  28km trail run! 

Till the next update!  Over and out.  Run safe people! :)


  1. hiya Mas;

    great to finally read ur experience on this year's Sundown Marathon. glad to know that you are recovering from your adductor muscle and groin problem, i sort of understand your pain as i'm currently having similar injury as you has, but not as serious as you till your left leg locked up, but i'll certainly cut down on my mileage after this coming Sunday's Spring Live Active run in Kuching is done, just to let my right leg to get a much needed rest time for it to heal... so yeah i understand your need for speed again from your run, but i'm sure u will get back to previous crazy pace soon, just remember don't over do it again... :D

    1. Fan Teck Tsen: Thank you! Omg bummer, I wonder if it's the excessive hill training that causes it? I know definitely for sure it's overuse of muscle. I'll train smart! That's what I always say to myself hehe. All the best for Spring Live Active run! Would love to join next time in the future.

  2. hi Mas;

    i'm not quite sure wat causes it, whether it's the hill training or speed training, and yeah definitely overuse of muscle. you should join tHe Spring Live Active Run in the future, as the route is mostly flat so it's a great hunting ground to improve on your HM PB, which i managed to break my own HM PB which i achieved during BIM by 4mins, and now my HM PB stand at 2hrs01:58sec, still waiting for the official result. I guess the weather play a huge part in the race yesterday, it was cloudy throughout the whole race and there was really cool breeze as well, even at around 8:30am the sun still no where in sight.. not like in BIM when we were all cooked by him as early as 7:00am...

    1. Fan Teck Tsen: That's so kewl! Congrats on your HM PB. Damn fast! Yeah, I hope it won't clash with anything next year so I could join it. And hopefully I could recover, my physio treatment is finish already, now start on massage treatment at the hospital. Hope it helps. Weird that I feel ticklish instead of pain during the session. I still have a sub 2 target for my HM, my current PB is 2:19 huhu~

    2. Mas;
      good to hear that your physio treatment has ended, and yeah i kinda know the feeling of ticklish... i think i'll have the same problem as you if someone massage me on tat area... wahahahhaa... sub 2hrs HM is also one of my target.. and i got so near of reaching it last Sunday, although deep down in me before the race i knew that with my current fitness level a sub 2hrs HM is still beyond me, since you need at least a 55mins 10km time to achieve a sub 2hrs HM, and my current PB for 10k was only 57min before the race, now after the race it's at 56:02... but still not a 55min 10km.. i guess there are more work to be done, train beyond 21km perhaps? as i always ran out of steam at the back end of each HM race.. nevermind Mas, you will get there too, i guess the monthly mileage is crucial, my experience told me that the case.. for now, just make sure u get well then start building your mileage and your pace will come back..

    3. Fan Teck Tsen: Thank you, yeah still slowly building back up the mileage, can't seem to run more than 10km at a faster pace. My previous 10km record was 58 minutes *cries. Oh god, take care, injury is a bitch, I started having minor twitch before that pop sound months ago. Massage is so good! XD

  3. Okay, that's a long post. And detailed haha.

    Sim Lim Square, ya banyak gadget stuff. I always go to the bus station at Bugis if going back to JB. Senang ba ambi bas sana.
    Congrats on finishing the race yo. And yeah the medal looks so fine hehe.

    Siok o ada bendera Sabah. Kamu la wakil kan :)

    Dui, I usually ulang-alik from JB to Singapore. Kalo sia taw, buli meet up kejap kan haha.

    1. Ya! I actually planned to meet u but I don't have your number and I was down with high fever after race+briyani+chinatown hahaha. Huhu~ next time la, belum jumpa IRL lagi ni.

  4. Nice toenails! Hahaha

    Congrats for the completion!

  5. Makaseh, it'll take few more months to recover lol. Kalau nda lari konon.
