
Monday, August 31, 2009

Happy Birthday fallenone

I've been up roughly 21 hours now and I think I wanna shower first before I continue with this post. Waw it's been days since I last posted anything. Gewd thing I went to fallenone's surprise birthday party at VedaBlue, Citymall today.

* Shower time (advertisement)*

Continues.... *sipping tea.

Ogie, so I followed my brother today coz I was a bit lazy to drive. Yes! I admit it! I dun think there's any occasion that I never complain about the workshop near my house.

Today also blocking. They moved the other lorry, they expect my bro to drive through the opening road when my bro's car is a bit low and those bumps is unavoidable. I'm the type who doesn't have any patience while my bro is sort of my opposite in that department. Lets just say that he have more patience than me. He got down from his car and told them to move the lorry. Well see, from this picture you guys might think that nothing is going on there but, they're actually transferring fuel. Well looks like it. Fishie.

Lets let that story slide, as long as they dun bring harm to us, we won't do it to them. Back to the story. So we went to Citymall before 7:30pm as planned.

Operation surprise fallenone birthday party commence.

Our mastermind: Kana sama + maybe around 15++ CSPian.

Meeting point, Internet Arena at 7:30pm. To be notified via dori when to go downstairs to VedaBlu. Some of them were playing some online games, lets just say that some of us are facebook addicts LOL.

Operation commenced at 8:15pm. Or was it 8pm? We were sort of blur when we should go in LOL. But yeah, the "victim" arrived on time.


Double chocolate ice cream cake from Vedablue. This is seriously not farnie! Chocolate is damn gewd!

I swear I think I saw only 1 candle there. LIES!!!!! He's not 1 year old!!!!

Anyways, I think the CSPians are a bit high. We had like 3 happy birthday song repeats, 1 for fallenone, 1 to Penny (like this ka spell her name? @_@) and another 1 is a call to DaSaru. LOL. Too bad nobody recorded it. But I think we rocked Vedablu that nite LOL. For being so loud LOL.

Some of them got his presents, we got him cake! The cake is seriously delicious! XD

Card for everyone to sign. ;)

My share of the cake X3

Oh yeah and some of them were playing "photo stalking" *facepalm.

Here's some photos.

More photos, here.

From duck's album, here.

Last but not least, group photo! Thanks to Vedablu staff for helping us with the cake cutting and all. Sorry if we made a mess *sweat.

Oh yeah, thanks to duck and yack yack for taking photos. Especially the group photo. You guys rock!

Happy Birthday fallenone a.k.a Nicholas! XD


Oh yeah, if you find my post sound a bit out (looney), mind that, just follow the bread crumbs.

I think I'm gonna skip the whole eating this time, gonna drink tea instead. PUH! I hope I won't get hungry tomorrow.

Aight I'm done! My eyes are tired now, but I need another cup of tea. Happy reading! XD


  1. lolz, the candle, i actually asked the to put just one laa, cuz i think  cant put all 32 gua?lolz XDDD;;;; if so, habis kena cucuk lilin the cake XDD;;


  2. @kana sama: LOL hahahah yesth! Say his age outloud mwahhahaha. XD he's older XD saya masih muda. I'm 18 XD

  3. yes we pek kepala mas wuhuuuuu \o/

  4. the cake is naissssss~~

  5. @yus: astaga, sot!

    @dori: yeah especially the bottom layer XD

  6. You guys are awsum!!! XD

    Loved the surprise and the cakey!

    @mas - Yeah mas I'm older. But you'll too be 32... soon...
    *que evil laughter

    A big thank you to everyone who made last night my best birthday party to-date!


  7. @Nick: BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAH it'll be years for me to reach 32 mwahahha XD

  8. ehehe...... best berkumpul sakan mcm neh......

  9. So much fun. Miss hanging out with cspians...

  10. @dino: less work more fun XD
