
Thursday, August 06, 2009

Should we panic?

The weather been crazy lately. It's hazing! Where did the blue sky went? *cries. ME WANT BLUE SKIES PLEASE!

I had trouble sleeping becoz of this weather. It's so hot at nite that it's not funny. I've been sleeping with the aircond on for 3 days now. And I'm not fond of doing that. But I have no choice at this moment.

Anyways, today was bad. There I was, at the parking lot trying my luck on parking spaces. I was there for 3 frigging hours! I've waited till 11am. It's seriously not funny. So, I'd thought, hey why not I just go home. I know I shouldn't be doing that but it stresses me everytime I can't get parking and be late for work. Not that I have lotsa things to do at work you see.

Went to Karamunsing to meet up with my brother for lunch and I wanted to collect my voucher from the gift shop there. So I did. Gawd I was so hungry. We wanted to eat at Usagi Japanese Restaurant but they don't have the promotion meal anymore. Saving $ is wut I need to do now. I've been spending way too much $.

Must stop all these online shopping!

Anyways, we heard news from a friend that there's cases of H1N1 at Karamunsing. My bro panicked and bought some mask. Went to the pharmacy to get some. Funny the lady ask how many my brother wanted and suggested 10. He bought 5. The local pharmacies is definitely making money. *giggles. Didn't they say that no use for mask? *blurs for awhile. I remember my colleague said something like that from the news the other day. *blurness.

Since he doesn't want to be alone with the mask walking around the mall earlier, we, me and his gf decided to join in. Just for a moment there coz I can't breathe with it.

But seriously, does it help prevent H1N1? @_@"""

Yes, we were waiting for neko to open shop. OMG I'm so short. OTZ. Oh and mind my peace sign. I think I watch too much Vamps live on youtube.

Somehow the photos look like fashion photos. *facepalm.

Ahhh, I just remember that I didn't get to see the nendoroids at this shop. *sigh.

So, cube, dun panic ogie. *peace.


  1. neko always open around 4pm.. =_=

  2. @pjal: yeah, that time he came around 3:30pm *facepalming.

  3. Tat's y I dun go to Karamunsing anymore...

    H1N1... @.@"

  4. @nick: jangan panic bah boss

  5. 3 hours looking for a parking? Alamak, I would have just gone home after 20 minutes ... LOL!

    And yes, we should be panicking about the H1N1 outbreak. It's getting to be a little scary la ...

  6. @Nick: I think I have the patience to wait LOL, besides I dun wanna skip work all the time LOL.

  7. yalah massy, i am like nick also...3 hrs is too long to just wait for a parking space. :))

    in keningau also in panic mode already due to two cases of +ve H1N1 admin berabis already kasi distribute the face mask to the school kids.

  8. @chegu: wahhh, panic! But isn't they said wearing mask won't do any gewd? @_@ blur...

  9. i also scared tu H1N1,tapi doa saja lah kan ... but massy i respect u lah , 3 hrs?i jadi gila if 3 hrs oh...hehehe

  10. @Shana: yeah, hopefully it'll die off soon. And yes, I'm surprise for my level of patience too XD LOL

  11. Hey massy, just wanna tell u about the stuff i read about H1N1. They said that even though u had your mask on, when someone sneezes without closing their mouth, you could breathe in small particles of their germs.

    so, there's no hiding from the illness! *runs away*

  12. @Donna: Yeah I sort of know about that. LOL, I even LOL when the boss sneezes at the pharmacy, the staff sort of dodge ni. Oh man. Anyways, we were accompanying my bro bah tu. He panic.
