
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

That's it! I'm gonna combine my post [24th Dec - 28th Dec 2010]

I'll try to summarize everything.

Before I reach the state of not being able to think straight or remember what I did during the above mentioned period, am gonna make it short and hopefully cover everything in 1 post before my trip tomorrow.

I can't believe that my Dec gonna be this bz.  Bz meeting peeps!

24th Dec 2010 - random yamchar xmas eve session at kana sama's house.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

17th - 23rd Dec 2010 KL Trip - Part 3 - final

21st Dec 2010

The morning, me and kana sama got ready and left the place early, we got separated at was it Masjid Jamek station, me heading to KLCC while she head to KL Sentral since she will be going back on that day.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

17th - 23rd Dec 2010 KL Trip - Part 2

19th Dec 2010: Day 2 Comic Fiesta

My third day in KL.  Woke up at 4am, did my 8 mins workout, took photo of the scenery at 7am.  Showered, had oat krunch for breakfast.  Waited for my bro but I decided to leave early to Sakuya and Jna's place near BTS.  I think it's way convenient to go myself rather than to wait for others.  Avoid the whole "sardine" thing in KL monorail.  Another day of traveling alone, went to BTS with them at around noon.  Met Fluffeh there. 

Saturday, December 25, 2010

17th - 23rd Dec 2010 KL Trip - Part 1

Gawd! I left this post since morning and I haven't start typing anything yet.

Been watermarking my photos since morning and uploading it via facebook.  Finishing up with Day 1 and it's 4am already and I'm still not done.

Note:  I just realize I can't combine 7 days post into 1.  So, am gonna do this in parts.

Okay starting my post now.  This post acts like a reminder to me, not intend to hurt anyone's feelings though I'm the one who's slightly hurt by people's behavior and drama *sigh.

There's a limit to my patience and so, this post gonna be slightly expressive.  If you think I'm talking about you, feel free to leave a comment.  And I would like to apologize to anyone whose feelings that I might hurt directly/indirectly.

For those who doesn't know me too well, I would like to inform that I get annoyed with peeps who talks too much.  It gets on my nerves.  I'm the kind who likes peace and quiet.

17th Dec 2010 - Morning flight to KL.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

HobbyCon 2010 - Quick Update

I'll be going to KL this Friday for Comic Fiesta on 18th and 19th Dec.  Gawd I haven't pack yet.  I'll pack tonite, I won't be able to do it on Thursday coz I'll be watching Tron Legacy 3D with 6 other friends woohoo!  *excited.  Yes, I can't wait for it.

Anyways, last weekend was HobbyCon 2010.  The plan was to rest this year and do nothing.  I ain't resting, I think I shouldn't bring my camera lol!  But definitely took less photos this year.  I went for both days.  A slightly different concept cause instead of just tables for booth this year, it's very exhibition like.  With partition, *queues my cubicle song.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Car business

So my colleague was asking me about whether I've collected my car registration card since my last car payment was around November yay~ Yes, it took me awhile, I just collected it today.  Went to the bank, seriously, it's a bit confusing that you have to go to two different bank office just to retrieve the registration card and the release letter.  And suddenly so many people today.  Weird.  Once I got those documents, went to JPJ, same case, so many people orz.  But at least settled it today.

But before I got through completing that task, I sent my sis to work and went to Segama with mum to waste an hour of time, I'm guessing bank open at 9:30am?  Or not? No idea.  It was a random guess.  Window shopping, found some stuff I wanted to buy but didn't bring enuff money to purchase, dammit!!! I could borrow from mum but I rather not do that.  Well at least it can refrain me from impulse buying.  Before we proceed to our destination BANK, I suddenly wanted to eat "Lontong".  It's been awhile.  The only place I could think of, Restoran Sri Rahmat. 

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Maintaining Weight + Stay Healthy

So I've been on a jogging spree for few months now.  Oh gosh, I can't remember when I started but I'll run every week.  Lost some weight, gained a bit and lose a bit, I can't help it, I love to eat okeh.  Weight is like see-saw, gain 1kg, lose 1kg fuuuuuuuuu!  Reduced the number of runs/jog from 6 times a week to 3 times a week, I actually like to strain myself.  Run less run faster?  Add up some workout in the morning, well except when I feel unmotivated.  RAWR! must stay motivated!

Found out Likas Park distance.  It's 800m + or -.  See, when I started jogging, I couldn't be bothered about the clothes and shoes I wear, I'm learning it slowly and running faster everyday now.  Not forgetting that I didn't time myself the last time.  But compared to with last time and this time, I can run 8km in 1 hour  + or - (must shave off that 15 mins).  Which is gewd, compared to when I tried running 8km the first time, I think it took me nearly 3 hours.  And been using dailymile to keep track my training, you can check it here ;D

Saturday, December 04, 2010

1st Dec Weekend

HobbyCon 2010 is next week peeps.  More info. at the official website, here.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Dat Cat

So Miu thought he could fit into a rather small box for a nap.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dad's early birthday breakfast?

It's dad's birthday tomorrow but we decided to celebrate (I guess family mealing counts as celebrating no?) early.  Bro suggested we go to this vegetarian shop at Penampang New Township.  My first time there, though I remember my dad were talking about how he used to go there almost everyday.  But before that, I finally reach 49kg again.  Sometimes if I reach 50kg, a bit hard to go down.  Hmph~  Oating works! *burps.  Been wanting to drink ginger tea since last Friday but I keep forgetting or maybe I did not forget but didn't wanna drink it coz of this crazy hot weather.  We don't want to overheat ourselves now do we?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What's in my handbag?

I'm so vain.  We need to be vain sometimes.  I hope everyone is as vain as me.  Hehe.  Anyways, I was tagged by chegu carol (you can check her post, here), and happily do this tag.

I swear I got used to having sling bags that I barely got a handbag till recently.  I have a few actually but I'm sticking to this one.

Here's my handbag.  I got this from one of the online shops.  Heheh.  Online shopping rox.  Okay maybe not all the time coz sometimes the items not up to your liking but impulse buying could cure stress sometimes okay.  Oh, and this is not brown, I can't say army green either, color of poo poo? Okay maybe not *rofl.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Rum's "surprise" birthday party at Little Kitchen.

First of all, running 8km before a birthday party is a bad idea.  Imagine exhaustion and being all sleepy, not forgetting you'll start talking gibberish.  Thank gawd aircond works.  I almost feel feverish today.  Took panadol actifast (is this how they spell it?) and drove off to Little Kitchen and reach by 7:08pm.  Must be there before 7:30pm coz that's the time lil one (not so little person) supposely come.

Yes this will be another fewd post.

Monday, November 01, 2010

B2.0 Preview + L62 5th Live Band + Halloween BBQ Potluck Outing

This is a combined post.  Reason being that I'm sort of in the lazy phase and it's better this way.  Or so I thought.  *looks at previous entry.

28th October 2010 (Thursday)

I was contemplating and decided to go and registered on that week.  I guess coz I wanted to meet some blog frens.  And since I got 1 newly online purchase polka dot dress, I decided to wear it on that nite.  Hehe.  Can't owez wear black now can we?  That nite was about "feeding" urself and mingle.  I think I had problems with mingling.  End up with just my frens.  Took some photos though.  Not much but enuff.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lunch at Angus Mama's Grill

My fren Kuyachan (not real name lmao) told me about an English setting place I think last week or was it this week and planned to go today.  Actually we plan to go but didn't set the time, so smart, and here I was at home being all laggy, wait more like I was waiting for my laundry to finish then went out around before 1pm.  Meet up with Ms. Paha coz we wanted to check out the place.  It's our first time there. 

Karamunsing Capital parking is RM2 per entry.  But looking for parking there is not farnie.  There's limited parking space and some are reserved.  The not so fun part was the fact that I had to turn 3 times and there were like 2 parking lot that were wasted because of stewped drivers.  *sigh.  I think Ms. Paha is my lady luck today coz when I pick her up nearby there, I got parking :) hehe, so happy.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

More Updates

Oh gawd, I've been neglecting my blog.  I seriously wanted to blog few days ago but I was bz doing something else, okay fine, the correct word for it is lazy.  Yes I admit!  I dun do lying very well.

Anyways, my eldest sis and her husband came back home last week.  I rarely see her, I mean I do see her but it's like a Hi and Bye situation coz she was bz meeting all her KK friends.  You don't know how many friends she has.  I mean seriously.  She's that famous.  To cut the story short.  She came back to celebrate mum's birthday.  Yay for free meals.

This was on the 15th btw.  

Mum suggested we go Upperstar since she never been there and my bro been bragging how gewd that place is.  Er ok.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

2nd NDS Gathering at Kirameki Cafe

Our 1st gathering was on 8th September 2010 at Kirameki Cafe.

Prize sponsored by Cubex.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

L62 LIVE BAND @ Spices Karaoke Pub

First of all, thank gawd yesterday was a holiday for my sis, coz at least I did my runs at Tun Fuad yesterday.  I am 50kg now.  HAPPY!  I knew I won't be able to wake up this morning since I went out "partying" at Spices Karaoke Pub coz a friend's band, L62 was playing whole nite.  Okay more like 10pm to 1am (was it 1am?).  I wore a new dress and it is blue ;D

I was dead sleepy.  I should have slept earlier but I didn't.  I went to watch latest ep for tv series (Fringe, Mentalist and Grey's Anatomy) new season instead.  Anyways, but still I went.  First time there.  Thank gawd Jna was with me, or I'll be so damn blur and the place aren't so hard to find.  What's with the 1 way road man.  1 big circle!  Oh yeah, here's the event page for info.  The band's page, on Facebook, here.  Their youtube, here.  I think they'll be playing for a month at Spices.  I think.  Ngam ka ni Clay?  Blurs.  I swear I should have sleep longer.  I had 3 hours of sleep only.  I'm feeling like jello and am going to Gaya Street in a bit.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Michi Japanese Restaurant 50% off on Lobster meal

2 days ago, me and my bro went jogging at Likas and wanted to eat Maguro Spaghetti at Michi Japanese Restaurant at 1Borneo after. 

We got there and found out they don't have anymore Maguro (Tuna) promotion but Lobster promotion instead.  There is still 50% off sushi promotion.  Oh well.  Lets give it a try.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The September 20th - 25th Update

I can't think straight.  I'm drowsy from abnormal sleeping hours.

Somehow I can't come up with something to say.  Oh heck. 

21st September 2010 (Tuesday)

Went to eat at OK Chicken Rice, Likas Square with Ripz, Sakuya, Cubex and Isa.  Met Rina, Serena and Flan there.  I shared fried rice with salted fish with my brother.  Special with slices of roasted chicken and egg.  RM9.  I just notice the coffee bun kiosk.  The smell is so aromatic that I wanted to eat it but I was too full to.  Maybe next time.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kirameki Cafe Official Opening

Sorry for neglecting the blog.  I have stuff to blog about but I wasn't in the mood to blog about anything.  I've been lazy.  Or should I say been busy playing games on my NDSL and been watching a lot of anime and TV series from online sites.

Today was Kirameki (Cosplay+Maid) Cafe Official Opening.  Actually it's been open for awhile, can't remember when though.  More info. via facebook page, here (I hope I properly link it).

Located at Lot 92a and 93, Star City Link Bridge (near Wagamama), Hobby Densetsu is just right next to it btw.  Facebook event page, here.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Stay away from the sun!

When your mum told you not to wash the car around noon.  LISTEN!

Massy's excuse, "but it's windy, besides it's not that hot?"


Opps, I did it again orz.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Wallpapering the cabinet

If you call that wallpapering?  Wait, what do people call this? Decorating the cabinet? Etto.  Anyways, I was cleaning my room the other day, and notice how fugly my cabinet is.  Remembered there were some decorative sheets selling at Daiso, decided to get some.  Unfortunately, I only found 2 of the same flower design from Daiso CP and 1Borneo (1 from each place, how sad is that?). 

I manage to stick it to 1 currently.  I think 1 sheet can decorate at least 2 drawers.  I guess I have to make it in 2 different design.  I wish they'd have it in colors, that would be nice. 

Kuyachan's Surprise Birthday + Potluck Outing at Kirameki Cafe

This was sort of a sudden plan.  To cut the story short about how my day started, I washed my car instead of sending it to car wash.  It was windy and I burn some fats.  Went to Daiso with Jna, and tarped self.  Went to Kirameki Cafe by 5pm I think.

I bought this today.  But sold it to my brother coz he wanted it.  LOL!  Cute rite?  Maybe I should make a frog hat hehe.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Random Shots Week #1

This post is inspired by  Read more about his post, here.  I personally thought this is a great idea.  Well since I haven't been taking a lot of photos lately and I've been demotivated by the amount of photos that make my eyes bleed from just looking at it.  I totally forgot the whole thing of how some photos inspired me in many ways that gave me the courage and patience to wait for the perfect moment to take certain photos (reminds me when I went into the garden to look for insects and in fear for encountering snakes while I'm at it under the hot burning sun).  I'm just gonna try this thing came up.  See how it goes.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Potluck Buka Puasa Outing

It started with "begedil".  Turned into a potluck buka puasa outing.

Wut's for "sungkai"?

Misc fewd and drinks from everyone.

Monday, August 23, 2010


There has been lotsa spam comments at my blog lately and I'm so tired to keep checking every single post I have and delete em.  So I'm moderating the comments.  Sorry I had to do this, to keep track of the comments easily *sigh.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Jog Motivation Post for Cindy :)

I was so bored at work that I watched Keeping Up with the Kardashians at work.  America's Next Top Model cycle 15 only starts next month! I'm excited!  The accountant went up to me and ask me about some stuff that I had to go through calling TM customer service twice, thank gawd I manage to resolve the problem by 4:30pm.  Rushed to Suria Sabah to collect ticket from Clay (thanks for getting us the tix) and went off to Likas for my jogging session.  Don't worry, I'm not crazy, I just need to prevent my arse from growing bigger heheh~

Oh shite 15 mins left before break fast.  I can finish this post in time!

So this post is for Cindy!  Don't worry Cin, when I started jogging 3-4 months ago, I couldn't survive 30 minutes.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

poupee girl

Warning!  This is a slightly girly post!  So, guys, if ya dun wanna read it, just skip it hehehe.

Now you must be wondering wth this is.  This is the idea of fun for me for the time being.  In other words, apart from repeating picross 3D on NDSL, I'm playing poupee girl. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

30 somethang

Selamat Berpuasa to all my muslim friends :)  First day, was hungry since last nite and didn't wake up at 3am.  Tido mati! OMFG!  I'm screwed.  I hope I'll survive. 

And Happy Birthday to me yay! I don't feel my age. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! My facebook wall were flooded.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Random photo taking moments for Clay's video

I was gonna blog this last Saturday but I was waiting for Clay to upload his video.  So, today he finally did.  It was a random plan, well since I wasn't doing anything on Saturday and since the local artist did this kewl thing to this abandoned building opposite of Suria Sabah.

Clay wanted some shots as slides for his new cover song.  Death Cab For Cutie song called I Will Follow You Into the Dark.  As lazy I am, I forced myself to meet up with him and my brother there around 2:30pm.  My bro was there with his PIU people earlier.  I dislike hot weather and want to hibernate at home but I promise Clay that I'd go there with my cameras and guitar.  Yes, that dirty "Kapok" belongs to me.  No I'm still learning and still can't play any songs *sigh.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Little Kitchen Restaurant

There's a big hu-ha going on around town about this new restaurant.  Located at Jalan Dewan (that area where Hotel Garden is), same row.  My friend who went there few weeks ago (wait, or was it last week?) recommended this.  We had the plan to go eat, me, my family members and some of the forumers went there for the 1st time last nite at 7pm.

I went there after work, why? sked lost and I don't wanna go home and go out again.  Can't stay at office coz no key.  Sad case yes I know.  It was raining heavily, thank gawd rain stopped before 6pm.  Oh yeah, this place opens from Tuesday - Sunday, 6pm - midnite.  So, dun go there around noon okay, they're open nite time only.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

I'm famous for a day or 2?

Getting my picture taken so many times in a day during the UMS Cultural Night leads to this.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

UMS Colorful Japanese Cultural Night

Yesterday was tiring for me.  I had to go work on a Saturday to arrange stuff for company's AGM, I was there till noon.  I think I overdid it coz I was slotting stuff into the bag nonstop for 2 hours till I feel slightly strained around my back, too much bending and I was sitting on that dirty carpet but who cares lol.  As long as I finish it and get to go home.

Waited for my sis at home, she only finish work around 2pm.  Suppose to get to UMS around 3pm but we were there around 4pm.  This year the UMS Japanese Cultural Night was held inside the Chancellor Hall (airconditioning!!!), compared to last year which was outside (related post, here).

We (me and sis) were discussing if we should go with our Kigurumi on or just wear it there.  But since we thought people wouldn't recognize us since we'll be wearing that and putting on mask, we decided to go with it.  Bad idea.  The weather didn't help one bit.  I was sweating like crazy.  My sis did that whole reverse psychology thing on me but it didn't work.  Anyways, met duck at the parking and we went up to the hall area. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Supermodel’s Secrets 3rd GIVEAWAY-10 prizes worth over RM 300 to be won!

Sharing is caring :) lets win something!

Btw, the online blogshop, Supermodel's Secrets is having a 3rd giveaway.  No, this is not a hoax.  It's true!  For more details, here.  I've purchase stuff (Carmex lipbalm and Wizzit) from there before, so yeah it's reliable.

Here's a photo of the interesting stuff you could win. 

The first thing I saw after I read the post, OMG so many entries!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I gots meself a haircut

Yes, after more than a year (sad but true) of complaining about the long hair (which make me look like ah poh), I finally cut my hair today.  Ahhh!~ Head feels lighter!

Recap of last year's haircut.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Opening of Hobby Densetsu (Moe Yume Branch)

Went to Star City North (formerly known as Kompleks Asia City) for lunch with my brother earlier.

Sabah Motor Bona nza Fair 2010 tomorrow.  My friend, Clay, band will be performing tomorrow.  Gonna go tomorrow to support!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Cats & Dogs Raining @_@"""

It's been raining today.  A reason for me to rest my legs and leave it to heal.  But a reason for me to go home early too.  But I decided to wait coz I desperately wanted to jog today.  But that didn't happen, why? It rained.  Not heavily but weird enuff that it flooded.  Very windy and super dark today.

Wat I was afraid of is being stuck in a jam for hours.  But that didn't happen.  I was stuck in a jam for more than half an hour.  I think.  I was so happy prior reaching home, lucky?  NOT!  I had this problem.

Sutera Harbour 7k Sunset Charity Run 2010 last Saturday

Yes! I've completed the 7k run last Saturday!  I feel gewd.  Went it with my bro and some friends.  I totally didn't expect it to be that many people.  I mean seriously! Check out some photos from my friend's album, here.  It's insane!  Next year I wanna be in front instead of in the middle, running from the middle trying to get through is hard.  And being separated with friends is not fun T_T I was running alone and I was sort of lost when trying to find the booth to change for lucky draw coupons *rofl.  Totally farnie.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Roadtrip to Music Fest 2010 at the Tip of Borneo, Kudat (Day 2)

Good Morning Sunshine!  That's my morning view.  Sunday plan, apart from going back to KK were to wake up early in the morning to check out Sidek Esplanade.  I'm the one who woke up and showered first.  Hot water ahhh.

Roadtrip to Music Fest 2010 at the Tip of Borneo, Kudat (Day 1)

I know I haven't been blogging much lately, I guess I ran out of story or maybe I was too lazy to come up with new ones lately.  Anyways, before I start with my post about roadtripping to Kudat, I totally recommend everyone to read this comic by a forumer, tetsuhighrose from LYN coz I thought his comic is awesome! XD

I'm not sure if you need to be a registered member to read this though, but here's a link, click me!  Just in case you can't and too lazy to register, you could drop me a message and I'll send you by email.  Hehehe.  Just coz I sent 77 images of that comic to a friend earlier today.  Yes, I'm such a multitasker.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Oh gawd, I didn't blog for more than 2 weeks.  Anyways, it's been a boring month for me.  All I did was erm, lemme see, I finish playing Picross 3D for DS which took me er a week or less.  Been catching up with Grey's Anatomy, I finish season 5 and at season 6 now. 

I've also been spending a lot lately.  I think I overspent on figurines and clothes.  I wish I could stay away from figurine sites but I check it everyday and blog about it lol. 

Friday, June 04, 2010

Sutera Harbour 10th 7k Sunset Charity Run 2010

It'll be my first time joining.  I owez wanted to join but no friends to go with hehehe.  But this time around, my bro is gonna run with me! YAY!  I'm not sure if I could run all the way but I'm gonna do my best!  Besides, donate for charity and feel gewd doing it.  In my case, make use of the everyday jog to run for this.  Gewd to keep fit and maintain weight *uhuk~

Monday, May 31, 2010

During the holiday...

I don't dislike holidays but when it is a holiday, eating habit kicks in.  I mean who would crazy enuff to hate em rite?  It's the time when you could laze around and do nothing.  Especially when you're out with your family.  But it also means that less time jogging.  It has been hmm 2 days? since I last jog.  I got the weather to blame.  It's been raining cats and dogs for days now.  Come on!!!

Am I getting old? It took me a bit to remember when did I last jog.  I think I didn't jog yesterday and today, yesterday I dun remember the rain though.  I was out with my family to 1B.  Parents wanted to check out the Sabah Best Expo while us siblings go check out the 80% Parkson Warehouse sale.  I got myself a new pair of running shorts since some of the old ones were loose.  Yes, I lost roughly 4.5kg in the past month and no, I'm not at my ideal weight yet.  Oh yeah, my bro also got himself a new shorts but guess wut?  He's one is cheaper than mine.  WTH!  He got it for RM18 while I got mine or RM24.90.  Pft~

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Luxury fewd

Since dad is outstation and my bro spotted something in the newspaper yesterday, we decided to try this.  It's like an early b'day dinner for him.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Accident in front of KKTS

The day started off kinda weird.  This morning, as I drove myself to work with the usual U-turn road, I come to realize the cars sort of stopped for no reason, well since I was trying to make a turn I'd be looking at left instead of right?  A kancil made a turn to another junction, that made me even curious.  Why is everyone stopping?  I only found out what's going on when I reach my turn.  The road ahead is filled with smokes.  I mean, mind you, there's like 2 lanes but seriously, I can't see shite capta'n.  It came from one of those lorries.  I was reluctant to go through that thick smoke, decided to wait till I saw another lorry drove through it.  Oh ogie, at least it helped make it clear LOL.  Oh and you must be wondering why I didn't pull out my camera and snap the incident?  I was too stunned by what happened before leaving the house and that.  When I was gonna take my camera out, I was too late heheh~ my bad.

Ogie, roll back for a sec, something happened before I left the house.  Yes, I saw my dad.  With his new look.  He dyed his hair, which is quite common if you ask me.  But wut got me speechless is the have this dark moustache.  I guess I'm not used to it.  Or maybe I just dislike moustaches?  hehe~  Regardless, I still love you dad! :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I have been bz losing weight and sleeping early.  I thought of changing my layout to a layout I chosen from a free template site but it didn't work as planned, so I'm gonna use the classic default layout.  Don't worry, I still have your blog links at my reader.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

I had soft crab ;3

I can't think straight.  Must be the lack of sleep lately.  But...

Yesterday, went to Salut with some friends and my brother.

We had...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Miss Pahaness / JnaGG's "early" birthday surprise

When I said early, I mean early.  Like coz her actual birth date is on 29th. 

Nex prepared light (you call that light?!) snacks and cake for the "parteh".  Location?  Internet Arena, Citymall.  L4D2 = camouflage.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Vina Panduwinata - Aku Makin Cinta

The purpose of this post is just to promote my friend's youtube ;) kekekekek.

It's a song by Vina Panduwinata - Aku Makin Cinta

Original video;

Saturday, April 17, 2010

America's Next Top Model Cycle 14

I've been waiting for the new cycle for ANTM for months now.  Can't believe I missed out on the actual release date.  I got Ruth to thank for that.  And it's been a month?  Or a week? since the release of cycle 14.

Here are your top 14!

I got my eyes on some to win this but *sigh.  Some of my favorites got booted out for being emo.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Usagi Japanese Restaurant Lunch Promotion

Been meaning to blog about this since last Tuesday.  I got a bit distracted with doing other stuff and my photos didn't uploaded to dropbox somehow.  Sorry 'bout that. 

So, last Tuesday, I went to Karamunsing with my brother and had lunch with my sis.  Been wanting to buy her a birthday present since last week but I was busy with some other plans.  There's a lunch promotion at Usagi Japanese Restaurant. 

Your choices are:

Monday, April 05, 2010

1st Week of April 2010

I don't think April started fun. More $$ fly away, well more like I spent it on figurines and new set of tyres.  I need to focus on something else!

On another note, my house been on blackout spree for 3 days now.  What's wrong with SESB lately?! =_="""

Didn't go anywhere on Saturday.  It was pouring.  But I manage to take photo of this.

Friday, April 02, 2010

Ice & Fire Cafe @ Lintas

Oh gawd, I smell like fewd oil so badly that I need another shower today (before I start my rant).  After shower, I realize my room smells like kitchen.  OMG! #_# 

Tonite, we (the CSPians, there's like 13 of us) went to Ice & Fire Cafe at Lintas for the first time to try the ice cream.  I actually wanted to try their ice cream coz Fara blogged about it and was tempted by the ice cream sotong ordered.  Her blog post, here.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Duck @ Chucky's Birthday + Appreciation Party

This was a short-notice plan masterminded by fallenone (Nick).  I'm the co-organizer since this started from the conversation I had with him via msn.  Duck has always been there for us in parties/outing/events and never fail to take photos of us.  And he's also the one poisoning people with camera and lens.  Last nite, we threw a birthday party for him (most of us (CSPians) know each other since the forum started), and uh oh, he is not the one taking photo this time ngehehehe.  A day plan is not farnie, but the outcome sure is great!

I manage to gather less than 20 people to this party.

And Duck's birthday was on Monday but we only celebrated it on Tuesday kekekekekek.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weekend and Misc.

Last Friday, I went to 1Borneo with my brother after jog.  Was planning to try something for dinner but since bro wanted to eat at Michi Japanese Restaurant, we went there instead.

Our usual order.  Maguro Spaghetti.

In addition to that, he ordered Salmon Sushi.  I love it!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Lunch at Kenny Rogers Roasters

It's a trap! Set by my brother to get me.  LOL.  Kidding!

This was suppose to be yesterday's post but somehow my time was limited yesterday.  Couldn't blog about this.  Or wait, maybe I was bz doing something else.

Anyways, back to the whole having lunch thing.  Actually we planned this since last week since my brother said that  the promotion for Spicy Flamin' Chicken meal gonna be end of this month.

So, there I was, ordered 1 set for myself with drink.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Lt. Panja's Surprise Birthday Party

First of all, I'd like to apologize to the people who don't get the invite.  Sorry, I have to limit coz my advisers said I'm crazy to invite 20.  I seriously wanted to invite more but I can't.

Secondly, thanks to those who made it to the party (myself, cubex, Clay, JnaGG, Ripz, Ben, dx, namor, kana sama, yus, yack yack, fallenone+fallentwo and the birthday boy himself) and thanks for making it a great success!  You guys are the best! 

Now lets start with the process.

Monday, March 22, 2010


I started playing Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth on DS last nite and slept sort of late.  I like this kinda game.  I woke up at my usual time but I guess the bad weather is affecting my cheery morning.  Anyways, I was expecting my package from Japan today and received it earlier, like around 3pm.  Yeah, I called up Pos Laju Centre and told me the delivery guy didn't pick up my package.  LIES!!!!

On another note, I went to Suria Sabah for lunch again.

This time tried Nasi Campur at different stall.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sotong's Advance Birthday Party

I really should be sleeping but I can't help it.  I have three (3) pending blog post.

Two (2) days ago, his gf, Fara planned this.

Mind you, sotong's birthday is next Tuesday actually.

Before we get to that, lets have a lil advertisement shall we?

The "slave" (Koby) was bored.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Yet another fewd post

I know that for those who haven't had their lunch while reading this post wants to strangle me.  Hehe.

Amy C been talking about this Kon Lou Mee (actually I didn't know wut's that place called till I went there today) via plurk for awhile now.  And today, I finally get to eat it!  Located at Ground Floor, Star City North (formally known as Kompleks Asia City), same row as Hobby Kingdom (the old pet shop place near the staircase).

First time there.  They also serve, fish mee soup, curry mee (only on Thursday) and nasi campur.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Misc. Wednesday

It's weird not having anything to watch on Tuesday (since Biggest Loser Asia already finish).  It's also weird not jogging for two (2) days.  I hope my leg in top condition tomorrow.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I just realize I didn't watch American Idol today. I dun feel like watching it anymore. Maybe coz no more Alex Lambert. Everyone else didn't interest me *pft.

On another note...

I'm no Monk

No, I'm not talking about monk from the temples.  I'm actually referring to Adrian Monk, from the TV series Monk starring Tony Shalhoub.  I'm not gonna talk about the TV series but it's sort of related with this post.  I think.

If you watch the series, you know that Adrian Monk is a brilliant detective that has OCD.  He's scared of germs.  And no, I don't have OCD but there's just some things in life that just disgust me. 

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Saturday Morning

I don't recall any song called Saturday Morning.  But it's gonna be another usual lazy weekend.

This week started different coz I went to jog with my brother and some friends at Tun Fuad.  I love jogging in the morning, it's easier to breathe compared to jogging after work which is hot and the weather makes it harder to breathe.  I manage to finish 1 round only (first time jog there) with a knee pain.  My knee has been in pain since yesterday.  I must have forced myself too hard yesterday.  Or maybe I ate something that triggers the pain?  No idea.  It doesn't matter, I mean it does but I just couldn't be bothered.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Alice In Wonderland

Don't worry, I'm not gonna spoil it for anyone.  But, you can check out the forum thread for the spoilers, here. Hehe.  We (I think there's 10 of us, were there 10 of us?) went to watch the 8pm show at "tumbuh biji" (Growball).  It was crowded and it was frigging hot.  I mean seriously.

Come to think of it, I can't remember what time we got out from the cinema.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lunch at Japanese Dream Food, CPS

Note: I'm sorry if the photos color looked weird (if it does), I'm editing some with this yellow monitor screen.  It died a moment ago.

I've been craving for Kenny Roger's Garden Salad and JDF's Salmon Belly for days now.  My bro finally went with me for lunch today.  I skip the whole sushi scene this week.

I got off before 12:30 noon coz it was "hazy" in the office.  And there's lotsa weird sound and smell going on in the office.  I just got to get out it's driving me nuts.  I guess it's the being tired and sleep lacking which is affecting my mood today.  Nothing seems to be farnie today.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Slap Me Why Don't You?

I'm currently downstairs at the living room and watching the finale of Biggest Loser Asia. 

What's with the episode repeat man?!

Anyways, apart from that, I'm currently checking some new updates on clothes.  I pre-ordered two (2) bags *uhuk~ I need bags ogie?  It'll only arrive after 1 month.  Why did I order?  Coz I can't find the bags I wanted from the local store.  *sigh.  Iono man.  Why's that?  I need more bags.  Maybe I should fix my old bags huh? Or wash it?

Monday, March 08, 2010

Lunch at Suria Food Court

Out of the blue, my bro suggested we go eat at Suria Food Court today.  It got on his nerves when we (clay and me) keep asking him the same question.  I guess coz the plan was too sudden?

We're suppose to meet up around noon but my bro was late, that's expected.

I went to Times Bookstore and saw some neat notebooks but selling for RM29++ *cries.  I think that price is a rip off.  Might as well I make one on my own.  Oh wait, I think I have some materials at home.  One of these days, I'll make those notebooks.  Oh, there were also some neat glasses there too.  I think it was selling at less than RM15 each.  But, those aren't mugs.  I like mugs better.  I used to collect em, but since I don't have space to store em, I sort of stop that whole collecting thinggie.