
Monday, August 15, 2011

Finally haircut

It has been more than a year since I got my last haircut.  The last time I visit my hairdresser was around July last year.  I had short hair then.  Click here for post.  My hair then has been somewhat annoying.  I wanted to cut it short so many times but I decided to keep it long this time.

It turns so fugly I don't even wanna talk about it.  But sometimes it looks nice under the sun. 

But most of the time, I had to resolve to this.  I feel like an old lady with this hair style.

So finally yesterday, I chop it off and dyed it a different color.

The initial plan was to have a Kelly Rowland rebonding hair style but then again I also want this Jessie J look.  In the end, I saw this hairstyle in one of the magazine at the barber shop and point it out.  As always, I love what the hairstylist did to my hair :D exactly how I wanted.  This is why I go to you every year Techi.  Oh yeah, I go to this place at 2nd Floor Centre Point (Yoyo Cafe is at 2nd Floor rite?), Cut & Colours.

Side view.

Went to Japanese Dream Food for break fast after 2 - 3 hours for haircut and color.

What me and sis had.

Close up soba and eel.  MINE!  Thanks Tina for treating me :)

Camwhore before workout last nite hehe.

Lets see how long I can keep this hairstyle.  I'm glad everyone likes this new look.  I also like :D


  1. Nice cut. Suits you well. :)

    Wah, besnyer Japanese food for break fast. I want! I Want! *drool*

  2. @lina: thanks ;D Yes yes, go japanese fewd go. Ngam ngam my sis mo belanja, so get that coz it's my fav ;D

  3. amoii kawaii nehhh!

  4. @Mell: thanks ;D hehe. So I thought it should be fine with this one coz masa kicik my mum cut hair macam tempurung lol

  5. this new look suits u!

  6. Very well cut,, and with that sunglasses, and a bit of sunglight, geng lah betul.

    anyway, I think hair is one part of our body that we can play with,,,,,,now I am thinking of keeping my hair long,,,,already lol

  7. i tot u gonna cut boy short lagi ur hair massy :)

  8. @eugene: yeah, the weather has been crazy lately, sekejap panas, sekejap ujan.

    @chegu: I'm keeping it long for the time being sampai bosan baru I chop it off again. Even my hairdresser also ask why I dun cut short like I used to lol.

  9. Yo... like your hairstyle. Not planning to dye it ka? hahaa

  10. @Arms: Thanks. It's dyed btw, macam brownish red color but only visible under the sun XD
