This is yet another attempt to make my readers hungry. *chuckles. KIDDING!
There's a new place in town.
Located around Jalan Haji Saman near Ang Hotel (the same row as Milemewa Supermarket, only it's in the middle). Simply say it's considered as near Jalan Pantai and Jalan Gaya. Just in case you guys still don't know where it is, refer to my previous post, here, there's a map there. This is after all in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah ogie. Just to remind everyone.
This shop only can fit 10 people. I think. There's only 10 chairs when I went earlier. *sweat.

You can get other info about the fewd and feedbacks from the forum (CSP), here.
Ogie, so far so gewd to proceed talking about fewd.
There's 3 types of pasta, 6 types of pizza and er the meatballs.
What I had earlier?
Er, I forgot what this called. Let us just call this meatballs. Hehe.
Look at how big it is. This is Aust. Beef meatballs btw.

Close up

The pastas.
One of the pasta (this is what Jack ordered).

The pizzas
"Are we gonna measure the pizza too?"

Available pizzas (the ones I could remember).

Pricing? RM6 each. Get 20% off if you got coupon.
Get a pasta and a slice of pizza for RM12 gets a free drink.
Oh yeah, you need to pay first before get your fewd. Hehe.
Friends who went for lunch earlier hehe.
"Can't see double chin from this angle huh?"

Oh yeah, check out the raves, here.
I haven't rave about the Meatballs yet coz can't remember the name. *giggles.
I hope I didn't leave anything out. Lets go eat at Bus Stop Pizza! XD