I don't know where to start. But here goes.
Before SBG
What massy did?
I've reminded myself so many times to not to dress up for SBG. That I should go for comfort than trying to impress people. The one thing that is abit hard for me is to dress up. I dislike dressing up. It's the most stressful thing one could make me do. I'm not kidding. So, after a laying out the clothes that I possibly could and would wear, I make my decision. Notice the long black pants I wore to SBG? It's actually 5" extra long. Took me around 2 hours to sew it to hide the actual length *giggle.
I chat with Mimie on fb for the first time and got her on msn too. Yay for more contacts! *___* The actual plan was to go around 5pm. I don't wanna be late. But, I was slightly late coz I ran back to my room to get sweets. One can't survive without em. Ogie can, I know I know, not that I can't but I need em at times of emergency *rofl.
Here's how my day went by before going to SBG on Saturday at Roof Top Restaurant, Imperial International Hotel.
I reached there before 6pm and was happy that I met up with my bro (cubex), Irene (noooooooo I was expecting you to wear a loli dress! T_T), dias and Joanna. I also met Colin at the entrance. He said he was waiting for Jollence. Going alone makes massy a bit paranoid.
Reached the roof top restaurant. Jacq and Wei Chuen was at the registration counter. Both of them wore batik. The 1st 100 to reach there gets a goodie bag, which consist of some items like notebook, stickers, coupons etc. Oh I rike. Btw, I was actually in the same lift as Susan (osindak) earlier and was only introduced when I seated at her table *giggle. She's friendly :)

I met Mimie at one of the seats at the far end. She's definitely recognizable. The venue does have a very pretty setting. I love it. Most of the tables and chairs were arranged to fit 4 person. Noooooooo, I'm separated from my pack. T_T Oh well, we can always mingle. *giggles.
*limiting photos @_@ massy is greedy.
Here's a list of people I've already know / met.
Cubex, Irene, Dias, Joanna, Jack, Zero (Radzie), Xander (Rizal), Panja (Daniel), DJ Selina (my sis), Fara, Jacq, Impy (Dino), Amie, Joyblee, Dori (Edgar), Jassy, Uncle (Rainer), Eshark, Sotong, JoJ, Nana, Colin, Chucky (Charles), boo (Ashley), Marsie, Serena.
And another list of people I've known from blog hopping / I've just met / I didn't get to say hi / just added to my blog roll. YAY for new friends!
Perry, Syura, Shemah, Chegu Carol, Mimie, Susan (Osindak), Jollence, Roy, Lyd, Blue, Jollence, PapaJ, Joan, Evelyn, Daniel Franklin, Emelda, Nath, pairacy, Amy C, Evelyn etc etc. If there's a shortcut to the list of people, like some kinda directory, can I have it, so I can just copy and paste it @_@ TQ!
Did I missed out anyone @_@ Macam ada. I'm lost. Just check my blog rolls. Uh oh, please drop me a msg so I can "roll" (to my list) you. The list is getting longer, I need an organized list! In alphabetical order!!!
The MC was DJ Selina Light from Sabah Vfm and Fara XD
In between waiting for the event to start, we were served with coffee from Starbucks (I skipped this part coz I quit coffee, I love tea!). Uh oh, not forgetting ice cream from VedaBlu.
I was sitting with JoyBlee, Dori, Jassy, Susan and Mimie next to the er performer's table, while my bro, Irene, dias and Joanna sit at the table near us. Combine table!!! Combine table! Make it a long table like in Harry Potter *giggles. Ogie, that's random, sorry. Guess what my bro they all did, they spam sms me with a msg "GG". I got 5 "GG" smses. @_@
Speech by Daniel (SBG organizing committee).

Speech by nuffnang representative. Mr Rob Thomas *cough cough. Hey, it's not my fault if my sis said it that way.
Speech by Louis Pang.

Performance from SIA.
Feeding time!!!!

Uh oh, the plate is heavy. I had to make Chucky help me. Thanks duck. And thanks dori for sharing the ice cream *drool, chocolate heaven~

Lucky Draw. I didn't win anything T_T *cries.
Performance by Episod (hey how come I didn't get free CD? *massy jeles). Er Richado.

Performance by Terry Peter (link leeched from SBG blog).
I have uploaded 60 photos that I manage to take during the event, click here. I have to limit the no. of photos and text so that it won't be uber long for everyone. Besides, you can check all the post and photos at the SBG facebook site. *points below, I've added the address there.
Overall it's a GREAT event! And it's fun to meet new people! The bloggers community is huge, I mean HUGE!!! Look at my list, it's getting longer @_@ No worries people, I got time for everyone (I mean reading your blog post ogie, don't "otak kuning!").

If I start to link the post one by one, I'll go crazy. So, instead, I link you guys to SBG facebook where you can get all the photos and blog feeds. Click here.
Last but not least, it was GREAT to meet everyone! For those I didn't get to erm say Hi or introduce myself, we'll try to MINGLE next time! XD
Oh wait, I'm not done yet. The event finishes around before midnite, well maybe it was around 11pm or something. But some of us went "yamchar". Some of us, erm is equivalent to 4 round tables combine. Gawd I can't remember the no. of people. @_@ But I reached home around 2am hee. Noticed lotsa road blocks around KK lately. *curious.
I stayed up till 4am to upload the photos to my fb account. Talking about excited huh?
What massy got from this event?
* new friends = more contacts
* more blog to stalk
* great mingling experience
* fun and laughter
* funny photos
* freebies
* hugs XD
* etc etc, which I can't think of now
Anyways, have fun people! And thanks for reading.
sya comment dulu!
ReplyDeleteGG SPAM!
ReplyDeletehahahahaha *rofl...bidak eh dori XP
ReplyDeletejna: hahahaha GG
Hi massy? Dah ok? Dah cukup tidur?
ReplyDeleteThanks for "tegur"ing me. Im glad that i've met you. Thanks for the photo. I will keep one copy, ok.
Nasib you link all of them here. I have no idea who and who. I will visit each of them through u. Thanks Massy.
You ada makan itu vedablu ice creamkah? Nice lehhh.. hahahaa.
papaJ: Blum sukup tido oh...@_@ still lacking ni..after going through reading everyone's blog and trying not to miss out on anyone's post, my eyes @_@ sudah.
ReplyDeleteHow could I miss out the opportunity to meet up with papaJ? Well since we didn't get to meet the 1st time right and it's so easy to recognize u. Sure, you can keep a copy, well I could send u the copy if u want too. Bulih bah kalau ko.
Heheheheh actually ada lagi bah tu people but erm, too many links, nanti ppl said I blog spam if terlampau panjang tu blog post *rofl.. XD
Uh vedablu ice cream, actually I didn't get too much of it that nite, but Ed was nice enuff to share me some chocolate ice creams @_@ I'm in heaven~ XD
Wah, you guys sure had a great time :D
ReplyDeleteyeah nick! u should join us next time XD
ReplyDeletethanX massy for letting me tag along wif u~~ hahaha...
ReplyDelete*wave to edgar~~~~ hehe...
ya lah, since u mention road block, sia kena tahan ooo time balik ikut p6pang highway. expired ody my lesen..
so, buat la muka kasian dis.. -_- .. pura2 kunun teda bawa lesen cuz baru tukar dompet konon~~
*i read somewhere how to 'terlepas' dari roadblock.. but forget ody sepa punya post...
Waah.. so many pics you got ere nih massy! Well done!!
ReplyDeletemimie: ur most welcome XD
ReplyDeleteomg yah!!! everywhere road block bingung se tinguk...astagaaaaaaaaaaa...u're lucky ah..go renew lesen! omg! omg omg omg! @_@
yeahhh..together we win nothing... hope i can bribe the MC next year..hahahah
ReplyDeleteaj: we need to bribe the organizers bah XD
ReplyDeletemassy........ so nice to c u... but i'm still kind of malu malu kucing to tegur u bah.......and the rest of the CSPians......... :(
ReplyDeleteboo need to be injected with randomness XD
ReplyDeleteizzit the 2nd or 3rd time we met? *curious XD
best best byk gambar!! hehe...nice to have actually met 'almost' every1..kinda makes me wonder napa sia 'busy' mlm tu ah? hmm..After party was cool too!! hahah!
ReplyDeletexander: u bz smoking XP hehehehehe...ogie maybe not..adabah ko mingle sikit sikit..mo melebeh lebeh sikit XD
ReplyDeletehello.. MAS.. wah.. best nyer ada get 2 gether.. this...
ReplyDeletejustine: yeap...it's fun!
ReplyDeleteAisey... jelezz sia tingu you all togeder-geder. I couldn't make it, but I am not sure if I'd turn up. Too shy la. I'm not the world's best socializer, but I'm not sombong tau.
ReplyDeleteThe ladies semua santek2 oh!
nessa...dun worry..i think most of em ppl are shy XD
ReplyDeleteCRAP IT!
ReplyDeleteI missed BOTH gatherings! I swear, the people at college KNOW I want to have fun doing all these things, and they DELIBERATELY start my semesters a couple of weeks before a big event like this happens! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
compy!!!! T_T uh oh..my sis send her regards. I want compy at SBG but compy went back T_T *sigh and I'm not done with the beanies T_T
ReplyDeleteSelina: Why you use the name BLue?
ReplyDeleteBLue: Cause I'm always BLue XD
sya ambil kesempatan spam skarang nih!!! XD
ReplyDeleteAunty sugar high!!!! muahahaha!!!
The Making of SBG 2008:
SBG 2008, A Night To Remember:
Nuffnang's link (lets give em a comment):
massyyyyyyyyyyy...great to finally met u girl! :D
ReplyDeleteblue: i'm blue laladi lalala XD hehehehehe
ReplyDeletesotong: wuah spam berabis boss
chegu: yes..i was so excited to finally meet u XD
Need sleep... @_@ lol Or maybe coffee... hah... SBG was a blast! What can i say other than GG!
ReplyDeleteImpy: yes it was a blast!!! AWESOMENESSS!!! GG! u had an encounter with uncle >.>
ReplyDeletethat leaves me the last blogger to blog about this event.... aiks... i still have no time.. can i steal your pictures for the event? i didn't took much photo of that night because i am seated at far back of the place.. he he
ReplyDeleteclement..sure...juz credit it back..anyways, next time we gotta mingle man...
ReplyDeleteI wonder if u're the last blogger to blog about this XD *Rofl but SBG fever is still ON! XD
A memorable event indeed!
ReplyDeleteyes it was dan...uber fun indeed XD