
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Maple Down = TM Conspiracy?

It's a conspiracy!!!! Uwaaaaaaaa!!! I can't play~!!! I can't play!!! >_<" Since yesterday 4pm. Today also still can't play >_<" But why?!!? Izzit becoz of Streamyx again? It's always streamyx. They're the ones behind all this mess!!!! *sigh~ Oooo so today. One of my colleague told me that we no need to jot down our attendance starting next month. She's saying that sarcasticly. Obviously saying that coz yesterday the boss looked angry when bitch wasn't at office. But once bitch at office, he started smiling? WTF?! Is she using some kinda spell? Coz everyone seems to "bow" to her everytime she did something wrong. *sigh~


  1. Maybe you guys should check if that bitch is related to your boss..

  2. related? i dun think so...once the boss wife cursed her for smsing. hmm...i wonder

  3. hahaha.. now u feel hahah i've been calling and calling ... no solution damn....

  4. Of let me give u guys some info.

    MAPLE SEA host by STARHUB... and not just us having the issue... Singnet User also... i dont think ISP problem..leh...

  5. FYI : Streamyx is using internal proxy... so by right they dont block any connection... meaning to say... not our ISP problem... the ISP hosting the GAMES --- suck

    hehehehe... mcm membela TM pulang...

  6. aceone: she's not even attractive ewww...seriously, TM sucks big time argh! i so wish there's some other company with better service provider!!! seriously! >_<" 3 days oledi can't play maple.

    justine: u backing TM on this? TM sabotage tu Starhub tu!!!! hahahahha man i sound so sick rite now

  7. seriously... tak kan ppl frm s'pore pun having d same problem... funny rite... i haven't ask my fren frm holland...

  8. justine...yay problem solved..can play maple...but..*pftttt so gawddamn slow >_<"

  9. hahaha... damn slow rite... u call ISP.. they said nothing wrong... damn.. lat nite i play.. take sempat bernafas pun... kakaka lag..
