
Friday, November 24, 2006

I'm always terrible with title for blog posts. I'll simply type anything I want starting from now weeeeeeeeee. Friday is always the best day for me. Especially today. SALARY DAY!!! mwahhahahaha. Though I hate it when they give cash *sigh. Walk 2 blocks to bank >_<" I had fish nugget and bread for breakie. Was planning to skip lunch. But then, my brother asked if I wanted to join him for lunch at Rafflesia Chicken Hut. How could I say no? Am tempted again. This is so bad! I'm so gonna gain weight again. *sigh. At around 1pm, we decided to go to CPS. To kill time actually coz Friday's lunch time is always from 11:30am to 2pm. Guess wut we saw on the road there.
my bro said this look like a puding? *hiks. i think it would be interesting if they could cut into some other shape? like say animal? or something like Edward Scissorhand <-- did I get this right?
the cars waiting in line to get to the other side... >_<"
ogie. this suppose to be like "A Quest in search for Julian" hahahah but i have no idea why i took this pix actually?

Back at around nearly 3pm. My bro actually bought 2 giordano umbrella. You'll only get RM16 each if it rains and yes it's raining hahahhaha. OOOOoooo am so tempted with giordano clothes. I want another pants!!! So costly, after discount gonna cost RM93.90. I recently bought one that cost me around RM100++ *sigh. Am so broke!

Have you ever wonder how each individual actually think? Say like, if people ignore you. Wut are your thoughts? I dun give a damn actually. But if it's a person I really like, I would probably go crazy hahahaha literally. There's this somebody who is overly sensitive about a certain matter that everything that we say to this person even we're teasing find it offensive. *sigh~ Now dun you say that you're optimistic? Wot?!


  1. wah sooo good leh pay day sudah... mee :( end of the month...

  2. how's KK... got something NEW??? in town ??

  3. Yes! Warisan Plaza. Starbucks, Secret Recipe, Baleno, Roxy, Quicksilver omg so many!!!!

  4. Xcuse me... warisan plaza was there ma... hahah but empty la...

    - that all a yoooo

  5. warisan plaza is filling now. hehehehe...umm i dunno wut else is new...heheheh
