
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Puerto Rico Boardgame

Remember how I complained about the electricity problem at my house? It's fixed now, and at half price from the earlier mentioned. My mum found another electrician yay! Not yay for her but yay for me for being able to online again. OMG! I feel gewd! I'm sorry for the lacking of blog hopping and blog posting. That whole electricity problem and not being able to online kills my mood. And someone is killing my mood *sigh. But lets skip that whole part shall we?

It's been a interesting week. Can't really call it a total mess but I guess it's not as stressful as not being able to online and monitor the forum like I owez do. Lemme see now. I'm considered broke this month from the constant buying of miniatures and figures. HELP! The Pinky Street Figures that I had order the other day arrived safely today. Sadly the shipment cost increased. I bought three (3) old models. I'll update the Pinky Street blog once I took photo of it.

Anime updates: I've been watching Toradora and Kuroshitsuji. Oh I love the butler in Kuroshitsuji. Sebastian Michaelis, he's HAWT!!!! And the character Minorin in Toradora is so funny.

On another note: One of the forum members, chiaki chan has an online shop for cosplay items. Check it out, here.

I actually got lotsa things to blog about but I can't seem to find the time to. Been bz doing some "illegal printing" *cough cough at work. Aight, I'll stop with OOTing (Out of Topic-ing) and start with the boardgame review.

Puerto Rico Boargame

So well, after two (2) times canceling this boardgame session. *blames acing. I finally got the chance to play this german boargame called Puerto Rico. Minimum player I think 2 or 3 people. Max is 5? We had a session earlier at Mindslavers. Interesting game. All you gotta do when starting this game is, play! Skip all that explanation. It takes time and I don't get most of it LOL.

Here's some link about this boardgame: Wikipedia, BoardgameGeek.

I hope I remember the "rough" guidelines from dx's and acing's description from the earlier game.

Here are the players for this session, *cough cough, including me and my bro, cubex.

the pros


Here's how you start the game.

Every player have a player board.

The first player is the governor. The player gets to pick the action first.

The first player gets to pick his/her action (as follows). Oh yeah, the one at the far right is erm shipment and under it is trade goods (this one will enable you to earn more money).

These are goods. First two (2) player starts with indigo and the other three (3) players were given corn.

Items for trade. In this case, yellow is corn. According to the colors.

The brown pieces are slaves *cough cough I mean colonist/s.

These are victory point tokens. If I remembered it correctly, you only receive these tokens when you did some shipment of goods.

If you selected the build action. You could purchase these buildings.

The game ends when:
  1. No slaves colonist left.
  2. The player fill up the buildings; or
  3. The grass if fully covered XD.
This is how my land look like. See, I got lotsa slave XD

Well, once you get the hang of it. It's not that hard. I think my next round would be earlier. I want to plan my moves this time LOL.

Oh yeah, before I end this post and head off to shower, there is a times book fair at 1st Floor, Kompleks Asia City starting the 21st Nov 2008 till 7th December 2008. I was there earlier and heck there's so many books that I'm tempted to get. Oh yeah, I saw that the boxes are from MPH bookstore. Hmm. Go check it out! XD

Over and out!


  1. Glad the problem's solved :)

    Someone's killing your mood? Laa... hope it's not me... hehe

    The game looks like fun, where do you get all these boardgames??

  2. Nessa: OMG not u...XD anyways, I think my fren bought this from CarcaSean at Citymall. XD

  3. Wahh.. makin banyak miniatures kau ni!! :D And I also noticed your Wishbin makin panjang oh list dia....

  4. cin: hahahahahahah I'll try to reach my goal XD

  5. have a nice weekend massy :D
