Mission: Warhammer 40,000 minis assembling and painting session!
Location: Ben's place.
I didn't go early coz I scared I might get lost and go blur. And I dislike being in that situation. So, instead of going early, I went to ButterBliz for breakfast/lunch/dinner (what does this combination called? A DAY'S MEAL?).
Today we have, Chicken Stuffed Pancake Crepes! Well this is not the actual one. Since this was the last one available and they're out of vege. Yeah well, blame me coz I went there kinda late *giggles.
Improvisation. This will do. I even had I think half of fallenone (Nic)'s fried meehoon. Yes I was that hungry.
Underneath the egg is the stuffed chicken crepe. Oh the cream sauce @_@ I love it!
Actually there's Kon Lou Mee and soup at home but it taste kinda weird. So yeah, since I was hungry, I had to go to ButterBliz for fewd today. At least I had watermelon. Not the yellow types one though T_T *cries.
Oh yeah, before we get into the exciting part of the day today, the books that Jack ordered from Amazon.com, finally arrived. Yeah and it took 2 months. GG!
And acing, the b'day boy (for the month of Feb) is happy to receive it! Present long overdue. Jack, next time don't panic! XD He nearly gave up on waiting for it. Poor fella.
My sensei nendoroid arrived from Japan the other day. SHIPPING IS SHITE!!! *sigh.

My 3rd ever nendoroid. This cost less than RM200 with shipping. Yet to play with it. Hmm, I'll make time to make a setup room for photoshoot. Soon. I promise.
Ogie, back to main topic for this post.
Assembling and painting session.
Drove to Ben's place with my bro. We sort of got lost in the area. Instead of going right, we went left *rofl. We were turning from 1 section to another. It was funny.
My bro did the assembling while me and arine help with painting the "mushrooms". Ogie, coating em not entirely painting XD
It's an easy process since we have to paint it black.
We had pizza for dinner hence not much work done on our side. But arine manage to paint one of it pink. OMG! it's fink! @_@"""
Here's some other stuff I took photo of.
I hope there's more session. I'm liking painting minis XD
I don't think I'll like assembling those things. Too small XD
More photos here.
More sessions next week! XD
Stay tuned!
waaa.. its cool to see ppl so absorbed with their hobbies.. tp yola.. kecik sgt tuu...
ReplyDeletelook at all the hard work *.*!!
ReplyDeletepunya banyak mini mini mini mini tiny soldier!!!
Jard: sangat kicik. tapi the end product is so kewl~
ReplyDeletevam vam: yah!!!! they went on doing it again yesterday
It reminds me of my time assembling my radio control cars, truck and buggies. It took me 2 full days.. 48 hours with 1 weekend to test it.
ReplyDeleteI am happy that you all happy doing this. This is much2 better than go lepaking doing nothing kan :)
Papa JPP: yeap XD something to do on the weekends XD
ReplyDeleteI'd probably need glasses trying to focus on all those small figures :D
ReplyDeleteNick: kekekeke I'm on glasses XD