
Monday, February 08, 2010

Warhammer 40k Shop: Just Wargame

Remember my post about W40k last year? (What?!  You don't?  Click here).

Well good news everybody!

Last Saturday, the W40k shop finally open at Karamunsing Capital, located above (1st floor) Old Town White Coffee cafe.  Don't forget to check it out! XD

See no signboard yet.


I manage to "drag" (I'm not fond of the weather these days and I had 3 hours of sleep that day, being out on that day is not farnie) myself there on Sunday with my brother.  Of course, my brother wanted to bring my DSLR (mr. assistant took some of the photos, but I'll let him upload the ones he took).

Currently opening hours are as follows:
Mon - close & every 3rd Sunday of the month
Tue-Thu : 11am - 7pm
Fri : 11am - 8pm
Sat: 10am - 8pm
Sun: 10am- 5pm/6pm
*Subject to change in the future.

See, it's not fully set up yet but you could have your game there.  I'm not sure about the charges though.  And don't worry about the heat, that place is air-conditioned.

What's offered there?

1) Gaming tables with terrains ready for everybody who want to rent and play (warhammer, D&D, and run event). More awesome terrains in the future.

2) Painting and modeling. Hair dryer and table lamp will be ready for those who want to sit and paint there minis.

3) Reading section. In coming future, there will be sofas ready for those who want to rent a book, sit & read. And there also will be WIFI ready.


Acrylic paint and brush.

Paint miniatures.

Pick your army.

Awesome terrains are set up.

W40k city buildings.  This is kewl~


It should look like this when it's done.

Beastmen Minotaurs.

Demo session.  Panja = orks vs cubex = space marines.



Enemy is near!  ATTACK!!!

More photos I took, here.

I forgot whether the space marine won or it's a tie XD

Anyways, sorry couldn't explain much about it coz I sux at explaining.  But you could get more reads on painting miniatures and etc here.

Btw an update on the shop progress by Seer Founder.

Black Library section: Will be ready straight after 3rd/4th day of CNY. Rent, buy, special order available.

Painting, terrain building, modeling workshop: Will be held most likely in Apr coz need to prepare the topic 1st.

Codex/Rulebook/Armybook: ALL MUST BE ORIGINAL!! Printed/photocopy are not allowed!! I believe everybody understand the reason. You can use it at home but not at the shop. (sigh... I'm must get my own original Eldar codex...  )

Unpainted miniatures: For the time being still allow to use at shop gaming. I will enforce the edict "All minis must be painted" most likely in 5-6 mths from now.
Jna's post, here.


  1. wahhh... i never thought kk will open this kind of shop.. really gotta visit it someday :D

  2. @Henry: I think there was 1, years ago. This is like a re-open ;)

  3. Anonymous9:44 AM

    The last warhammer shop was 10 years ago in Sembulan... i was the penjaga kedai back then XD

    its so nostalgic seeing the shop open now and thank god for the lower prices!!! Yeah~~~!!!

    - sotong

  4. @sotong: WAKKAKAKAKKAKA penjaga kedai XP so this time around jadi "penunggu" ka?

  5. Wow, Warhammer store in KK. I need to drop by to visit someday.

  6. @wankongyew: yeah, please do check it out. Soon, there will be more awesome stuff coming in.
