
Friday, March 13, 2009

The week when everything turns EMO

Not that this involves me in any way.

But I just wanna complain about the weather. It's been raining everyday after noon. There goes 1 week of jogging session after work. Not only that, the internet connection been shitty lately.

Like how shitty? Just today only, I've rebooted the modem more than 5 times. Yes, that's how shitty it is.

I've bought a new miniature furniture set from the Cottage House at Karamunsing (facing McDonalds) yesterday. I'm yet to take any photos. But I saw another set which someone already reserve. *cries. It's a beautiful kitchen set. With stove and nice woody kitchen table which I love so much. *cries again.

This week, I'll be going to the UMS Japanese Week. While on Sunday, I'll be at ButterBliz for another DnD session.


All I wanna do is to laze around at home. Maybe DIY some stuff.

Friday is always the day to be lazy. Well for me obviously. Anyways, I hope it won't rain tomorrow. It will kill my mood if it does.


  1. massy, according to my weather forecast kan...tomorrow macam mau hujan!!! just like today nie...mendung2 kan?!

    streamyx connection sure not gud..i heard many ppl complain...but luckily mine here still okay... ;)

  2. Amy C: oh nois @_@ urgh, *buat muka malas. anyways u're not using streamyx *roll eyes

  3. Yeah. EMO week. *sigh*

    I'm PMSing.

  4. Bah..pelan2 you kick those monsters butt ah..hahahhaaa

  5. kadusmama: yosh! bersemangat sudah ni.. XD

  6. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Ya bah, almost everyday hujan juga over here. But the thing is, even when it rains in the noon, it doesn't cool the air at all, it made it even hotter!!! Cilaka betui. ><

  7. cin: today raining I can't get home, I had to go 1Borneo waste time ni @_@

  8.'s raining again... kepala paning2 kena hujan..

  9. marmalade: my body aches @_@

  10. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Rain is nice, and especially so on rainy days. It has a cleansing power. Use to live in Arizona---beautiful country, but the homes were dirty looking on the outside---seldom rained. As the old Steve McQueen movie said, "Baby, the Rain Must Fall".

  11. Ron: rain is nice but not when it's flooded till I can't get home. XD I love staying at home when it rains XD

  12. maxis broadband is even worst, connection terok esp when raining, ughhh! =)

  13. baity: I think connection buruk when it rains, same goes for astro hahahahah
