
Saturday, October 25, 2008


I've finally received one of my kebaya yesterday. This custom-made kebaya is ordered from ebay. This is Thai Silk and it wasn't that expensive hehehe. Am so happy. I'm currently waiting for another one. Which is of another material, Kasa Rubia.

I'll retake some of the shots later on.

Anyways, I was suppose to go to Giant Kolombong with my mum last nite but I seriously thought she canceled it since when I called her and ask whether she wanted to eat dinner she said no, so I figured that the plan was canceled. Silly me.

From my previous post, I was slightly disappointed coz it rained heavily all day. I didn't get to jog today. I suffered a major headache that I have to hit my head few times to feel slightly better. I couldn't say that I was hungry that time coz normally if I get headache I might be hungry or something, but yeah that wasn't the case. So since jogging was canceled (at this point, I somehow there's lotsa things been canceled @_@), mum had us follow her to Giant Kolombong to get ingredients for tonight's steamboat *burps.

We had breakfast at the food court. I wanted to eat Kon Lou Mien but the stall is not open yet. So I had Kon Lou Mien with soup at another stall. The soup was nice only that the kon lou itself was lacking of gravy. Yes I love my gravy!

I think we were there for 2 hours or so, we went back home around 12 noon-ish. But what made me angry was this whole situation with big trucks! Dumb lorries! Hmph~ Our main road home is totally blocked! *sigh.

not only they spoiled our tarred road, they also make us wait for hours *sigh

close up shot of the GG stuck truck

This was the 1st attempt.

our fear was the telephone line!

They've made few attempts in trying to move that truck. But I think after trying more than 3 method they failed miserably!

Guess how long we waited in the car? 1 FRIGGING HOUR MAN! *sigh.

Oh yeah, and guess what I saw?

*points at the trash at the side of the road. @_@"

Steamboat Session

My sis, Tina made 2 different soup. Tom Yam and Chicken Soup.

Here, you can find her cooking. She keep telling me to go away T_T *cries. Evil sister!

My bro putting stuff into the soup.

Here's everyone

And last but not least, myself. Yes, I also need to be in the picture!

er, mind the legs. I like to sit that way

If I calculated correctly, the whole ingredients cost around RM110++ and we didn't finish that whole thing coz 2 person didn't eat that much and some of the other stuff could be use for some other time. But estimated for 5 person, with all those unnecessary ingredients is around RM22 per person. LOL. Imagine this, we had I think 3 different mushrooms hahahahha.

Oh yeah there's a BBQ pot luck thing going on at Impy's place. Sorry Impy, clash with my family steamboat thinggie.

Overall it's a great steamboat session. Except the part where we did it indoors instead of outdoors. We gonna do it again when my dad gets back! YAY! This time I'll make sure it's gonna be outdoors.

Happy Deepavali! XD

Holiday~ Celebrate~

Have a pleasant weekend peeps!


  1. shantek laaaa kebaya massy

    reallly...mesti ndak sabar mau pakai ni kan :)...muahhssss

  2. angriani: yeah i love it

  3. Wow, ur kebaya looks great! I don't dare to buy clothes online cos sometime it doesn't fit me well..:( I experienced it a few times already.

    Anyways, i miss steamboat session! My family in KK used to eat steamboat at asia city (can't remember the restaurant) and there are one japanese restaurant that we always had our steamboat there as well.

    I wish i can cook like ur sis! Lucky you Massy!
    Have a great weekends and happy deepavali.

    *Labuan has no deepavali's hols..:(*

  4. sabrina: OMG, oh yeah, gewd thing about this seller is that, you measure urself and send her the measurements. Hehehehe.

    Steamboat at Asia City? I normally go to Beijing at Tun Fuad there.

    Have a pleasant weekend! XD
