Anyways, I went to Karamunsing today. *sigh wut's wrong with the clothes these days? @_@ I seriously in need of a new sling bag *sigh. Hikosen Cara one is too ex *sigh. Sakit jiwa.
Went and eat at Usagi Japanese Restaurant. Shitake Tempura oishii~ XD Check out my raves here.
Other stuff, I've been bz playing Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. I'm going crazy yes. I'm addicted. *roll yes. I'm talking about games again aren't I? O.O"" gomen~
And last but not least, my 6th pinky street figure!!! MWAHHAHAH! I so loving it!!!! MANY Thanks BakaNeko! XD

Awww... so cuteee. Mana you buy all these cute stuff ah??