
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

CSP at KAC Street Party

I should thank Dizzy for persuading me to go to the KAC Street Party. IT WAS WORTH IT!

Met everyone at Wagamama. Had dinner. Check out the raves here.

me with the haruhi headband XD

Went to the party area at around 8pm. Juliana *cough I mean sotong master *cough I mean lee hng was there too.

*priceless! wut skittles can do to u

Here's a shot of 5 player Mario Kart DS. Intense! Look at their faces!

Next, we have the new years celebration vid.

New Year 2008 from Flanegan Bainon on Vimeo

Video courtesy of Flanegan

Usachan peace!

flan, me and rob-jr

I'm sorry, I didn't take any photos of JIAJA band. *sigh. Again, I should repeat, THIS BAND ROCK!!!!!!!!! They were playing some old number! I lurve! Me and my bro was like singing along to Oasis's Don't Look Back In Anger! XD (that was seriously random).

Special performance by Syafika.

Dance performance right after.

Wut's an outing without a group photo?

Group photo courtesy of Shadow *worship



We left after the show ended! Which is around 2 something in the MORNING! I drove home alone T_T I was putting on loud music. XD

Check out my facebook account for more photos, here. Thanks!

And dun forget to check out Flan's blog post, here. Gomen gomen~ I forgot to put linkie. Anyways, who else did blog post about this event, please leave a msg. So I can linkie. Thanks.


  1. Anonymous2:30 PM

    oh it wasnt a roof top party at KAC New Year count down?

    you guys sure had real fun that night :D

  2. chegu: well there were 2 party..1 is street party the other one 4th floor rave XD

    we went to street party only..rave haf to pay oh
