Oh this is bad. I've developed an addiction. A new addiction. Check out my blog posts. Previously, it was like NDS all the way. Now it's boardgames all the way. Omigosh, I'm neglecting lotsa things now and I dun get my "me" time. T_T oh nois~
Anyways, before I get into detail of last nite's event. I would like to make an announcement! IT'S THE MOMENT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR!!!
shiVER a.k.a ninja dicey will be on air tonite, 11:15pm on Sabah Vfm. Frequency 92.7fm. Dun forget to tune in. For discussion and information, click here.
Btw, if you're curious of the other boardgames that's available and nice to play, click here.
So the plan was to have betrayal session on Wednesday around 8pm at Starbucks, Citymall. But we end up canceling it since most of the ppl can't make it. And made it on Thursday instead. Which was last nite. We only started around 9pm. Scenario, there's an immortal traitor who has a revolver. Our mission is to kill him with our item XD and we did! So meaning to say, the 4 ladies + 1 guy beat the traitor (a guy) yay~ But no ranking ka? =_="
There were roughly less than 20 ppl who came. Some went to CarcaSean Cafe (did i spell this correctly?) to check out the boardgames there. We moved there once we finish playing 1 round of betrayal. Our problem is, when we were there, 1 group playing Settlers of Catan at 1 corner and we started playing Citadel. Interesting. You win once u've successfully created 8 district. This game involves cards and token as gold.

Since we finish this at around nearly midnite, and Dizzy chan gotta go T_T. Took some photos with her.
The guys had a round of Blokus. Lol-ed to the tetris background music from the guys. I think they're high. Interesting game.

We got home at around midnite. Hmm I swear my bro use shotcut. Anyways, I only slept at 3am this morning. And woke up at 6:30am but body lagged. So yeah I was late for work XD
Not forgetting, we'll be having World of Darkness session, 3pm at MindSlaver tomolo. Check it out.
I'm currently addicted to 2 songs =_="