
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Newest Addition to massy's Pinky Street Figure collection

I have ordered some Pinky Street Figures few weeks ago and received it today! Woopie!

Anxious, couldn't wait for my bro and opened the box, took 3 of my orders and snap snap~ *click~

1st model:

2nd model:

And lastly, clothes and accessories hehe.

Doesn't this look like me?

Btw here's my current collection

Pinky Street Figures

Rements & Other Miniatures

I need more miniatures for photo journal XD


  1. kya~~ kawaii kawaii kawaii~~


  2. I am so not a collector. -_- I applaud you your enthusiasm!

  3. irt: hehehehe yesu yesu desu~

    compy: hehehehe i juz started like few years ago XD i got slightly addicted...for photography reason XD

  4. Ooh, so cute! I like the 2nd model's 2nd picture..em, the one with two models in it? X3

  5. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Fuyoh! you got new toys ya. hehehe

  6. eee.. so cute la!! nice collection you have there! now i know la what to get for your birthday next time! hehehe.. so bila can see storyline nie??

  7. fahrie: hahhahah it was suppose to be 1 but since they haf the same clothes, i decided to put them together hehe..thanks

    aceone: hehehe yeap...add up to my collection weeeeeeeeeeee

    syura: thankie! XD hehehehe *giggle..storyline i haf to think first coz inda cukup material i mean miniatures...dunno wut story to do with only figures XD

  8. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Punyalah cuteeeeeeeeeeee..... the 3rd one mmg like you. *maybe i should buy u a spectacle* Hohohohoho

  9. fara: hehehehe...i got those kinda spec..1 patah sudah. I got another one but hmmm malas mo pakai XD

  10. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Hehe, one of the dolls share a smiliar hairstyle like yours'! :)

  11. *giggle...yeah rite XD

    i need to do something with my hair again hehehe it's getting messy

  12. Anonymous10:11 AM

    hey the figures are nice. where did you get them?

  13. hey abner..thanks for visiting...anyways the pinky street figures, i got some here locally, some given by frens and some i ordered from japan. XD

  14. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
    Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!

  15. Anonymous6:44 PM

    It was very interesting for me to read this post. Thanx for it. I like such themes and everything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read more on that blog soon.

  16. Hi anonymous:

    I've moved my post about them to another blog and I've added few more in my collections.
