
Friday, April 18, 2008


With all the HU HA going on about the recent event, the KL Freeze in Unison. doridori/Edgar/Rumil decided to have it here in KK. In sync with the one they're holding in Sunway Pyramid this weekend. Check more details, here.

Freeze for 5 minutes
Freeze at 8pm
Sunday 20th April

This is in conjunction with the Freeze for World Earth Day on Sunday, 8pm.

So, wut ya waiting for? Lets join the fun and MAKE IT HAPPEN!. YOSH! XD

Will update more on the details once it's confirmed. TQ!


  1. let me read again.. apasal nie.. heheh

  2. I might be going to the one at Sunway!! Dunno if I'm up for it though.. Lama bah tu 5 minit! Haha.. But I'm going anyway.. Bestnya kamu buat jugak dia KK!! Yeah, make it happen man! :D

  3. Anonymous9:00 PM

    good luck to you guys!

    CSP rocks!!!

  4. Good luck! I heard about it a couple of days ago..Freeze requires a massive amount of cooperation oo..but I know you people can do it! :P

  5. justine: yes yes baca baca..for world earth day!

    syura: yes, i'm gonna be there to support and take photo well document it..we oledi asked permission from citymall management

    saiful: ahhh yes, we'll get more's so last minute omg!

    free: yeah, it's very last minute and we're hoping it to be a success! XD

  6. Iiih I want to ikut the one in KK. :(

  7. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I'll be there to record the event! :-D

  8. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Hey there!

    Was blog stalking.. I found ur blog ;p n i saw this! This is supercool!!! Will be there to support u guys!! n need to take some shots too!!

    Gid luck! U guys rawk!! ;)

  9. compy..lets freeze together! XD

    impy: yosh! gewddie! looking forward to it

    craziesexacool: hey thanks for visiting...yay! XD yes yes come come support support yosh!
