
Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Daiso Craze & Dinner at Wagamama

So, yes, I admit it! I've been going to Daiso, 1 Borneo almost everyday. It's not my fault. I blame my bro (cubex) entirely for this. @_@ I'm serious! He's far way too GG compared to me! He could tell me which item is restock and which is new. He goes there everyday OMG! And if I'm not there with him, he'll spend like running water at Daiso only. Which is still GG! I'll show you guys some item I bought last nite later. My bro took it to take photo with his Toro and Kuro. Check here. I bought the same cat ceramic pot. It's a flower pot but it's too cute that I can't refrain myself from buying.

Before I get on about my dinner experience at Wagamama. Lemme show you guys something exciting! Erm, what?! Not exciting?! But it is for me!

I did a lil camwhore at work LOL. Darn I look weird @_@ But I like this angle~ XD

I've received a package from Japan! XD

Sorry I've open the box when I got it. I totally forgot to take a shot of it before. This is one of the reason why it looks like this. XD Too excited. After 1 month++ wait! (from my previous entry) It's finally here! Weeeeeeee!!!! 3 new pinky from series 7. Check for more updates at my Pinky Street PhotoJournal. I've yet taken any photo of this series yet. I'll make time to. I haven't even post my previous photos yet. My bad.


There's new series coming out OMG! I want! *greed mode ON!

I wanted to eat Lo Mai Kai so badly that I got em at Gaya Street. Not so tasty T_T isk~

It's acceptable if the sauce use wasn't too overflowing. I mean the thick sauce bring some "shock" to my brain. And there's egg in it. I thought it's usually chicken and mushroom? @_@"""

Anyways yes, I had dinner at Wagamama (more raves here). This japanese restaurant is never my 1st choice for japanese fewd. Why? Coz I'm not fond of it. Darn it, dx! What's wrong with ravejoint?! =_="""

We got ourselves some dinner sets. I actually wanted the Nizakana set but they didn't have the fish *sigh. Totally spoiled my appetite when I'm so hungry! *roll eyes at Panja.

Waw big ocha cup/glass thinggies at RM1.50 refillable.

We took 1 of em sushi plate coz we were so hungry. Seriously, they need to improve on the service. Slow shite~

So instead, I got myself the Chicken Kimchi Set. Mine was the last one to arrive. Damn slow service @_@ Uber hungry. Massy is bored and slightly tense.

This set comes with miso soup, fruit, radish, a bowl of rice and appetizer.

pickled I love this

I love this too

the miso soup was fine. I mean I liked it

When it arrives, 1st impression was oh ogie, waw, looks nice and smells nice. But when I had my first bite. I had a weird facial expression. This dinner set cost around RM16.80. Yes, I look so terrible that my bro offered his spicy chicken to me. *sigh. Such a disappointment. They had lost the kimchi taste. It tasted more like kimchi mix with tomato sauce *sigh. I manage to finish it with the help of my siblings. *cries. I wasn't happy at all.

My sis had Chicken Teriyaki Set at RM16.80. *another sigh. The fried chicken fillet was ogie. The sauce was er acceptable. But the amount of sauce serve there is way to little. I mean seriously. It's like eating fried chicken. @_@ What's the point? Sauce needs to be overflowing la my friend. This was a disappointment to me too.

My bro had Spicy Tori Set at RM15.80. Another *sigh. Again it's the same chicken use in this dish. I tasted no spice at all. No chili whatsoever. A forgetful taste if you ask me. Is there even sauce there? More like water. @_@""" OMG!

PHAIL~! That is why, for me to go and eat at Wagamama is very unlikely unless we have no choice. *sigh.

I woke up around 5:30am this morning. Yes, I'm all pumped with jogging again. I had to wake my bro and sis up though XD Some "body oduor" incident while jogging. I tried really hard to hold my breath. I'm not trying to diss people but, the smell coming from this 1 dood is just too unbearable. He ran away nearly 500m far from me also I still can smell it @_@ Ogie maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but it took awhile for the smell to go away @_@"" I think he passed us 3 times. *faints~

Uh oh, I need to shower and go out again. Have a pleasant weekend peeps! XD


  1. massyy...EVERYDAY at Daiso??? Whoaaaa....salute you eh!

    That cute little Pinky thingy...u go take pictures of 'em like u always did before lah....kasi close up pic...i like oh.

    and have u tried Usagi at Karamunsing? I think i prefer that jap restaurant if i wana have my jap food fix. :)

  2. chegu: I live around Inanam. So yeah can go everyday no problem XD

    oh yes! Usagi I like. So as Hana and JDF. XD wokeh, once I finish feeding my kitties, I go take photo of my pinky street figures XD *cheer~

  3. Wui, everyday go shopping, syiok nyer ... hehehe ... that loh mai kai looks good :D

  4. nick: bwahhahaha sot, gara gara bonus, berleluasa terus. anyways, the loh mai kai looks gewd but taste a bit salty T_T

  5. hi, can you let me know if you saw lots of bento boxes at Daiso? Are they all RM5??
    Can't wait to go...will be there (KK) in november sometime.

  6. gee.w: hi thanks for dropping by my blog. Anyways, yes all the items at Daiso is at RM5. Yes, there's bento boxes available at daiso, none too big though. It comes in different shapes and sizes, some are in onigiri shapes too. XD
