Anyways, I think my stomach can't take the amount of delicious fewd I had yesterday LOL. And I went to 3 house only. Thanks to 540, JoJ and uncle for the invites and the delicious fewds! *burps~
- you may skip this part, oh sorry if this part spoiled your meal -
On Christmas Eve, I went to the clinic to "fix" my toe. But since the doctor told me that I might need a whole day rest after the process of taking off my toe nail, I told him that I'll see him after the holidays hehehehe.

And it's not that bad. I mean my toe doesn't hurt. It's just starting to get on my nerves that I keep on pulling it (an attempt to pull it off my toe). I'm refering to the nail. Even my mum told me to just leave it coz it'll fall off eventually. It looks like it's gonna come off soon.
- end of meal spoiling part -
Anyways, here's how my day started on Christmas. The initial plan was for me to go to 540's house with my sis, Tina. But she canceled last minute, I think she was kinda obses with her stamps bidding thinggie.
So I "literally" begged (with teary eyes) my bro to come with me hehehehe.
Thank yew cube.
We're at our first house around before noon. Oh, we got slightly lost. Yes we have map that time. When we got there, the guys were playing the new boardgame, "King Arthur". I didn't get to play this so, can't explain it here. Maybe next time, if I get a chance to play it. I will explain it here (as a new post of coz).


The fewd~ *drools.

One of the game we didn't get to play T_T

Group photo.

Cube kena jail.

Went to JoJ's place at Tuaran around 3pm. I think. We got kinda lost hehehe. Left there around 5:30pm. They have lotsa pets. Uh oh, photos have to wait for JoJ to post it XD
Then went home for shower. Left for uncle's house at around 7:30pm. We were there before 8pm. Or I think we did.

I feel bloated @_@
More photos, here.
So yeah, overall that's how my xmas day went by.
Gonna go to fara's place tonite.
Omg the food really looks very nice.
ReplyDeleteHarmony: yeah, it does and it taste gewd too
ReplyDeleteomg! I accidently lost my toe nail too, ugh it's hurt and i'm waiting for new nail to tumbuh, lmbt btol!
ReplyDeletebaity: omg~ i'm waiting for it to fall off lambat oh