
Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The reason behind Coffee

I couldn't think of a better title. Having a title when creating a new post is er, hard. I mean HARD! So I'm gonna leave it as it is.

Anyways, not many people know this but I DON'T DRINK COFFEE! Not anymore. Well I used to. I started drinking black coffee since I was young. I used to drink it with my late grandma, well both my late grandma actually, from both of my parents side. I have no idea why I liked it so much then but know this. I QUIT COFFEE!!! I think I stop drinking after college. Or maybe a year after work. Can't remember. Why? My body system seems to be rejecting it. In what sense? Well, lemme see, every time I drink coffee,it gives me a headache. Not the normal headache where you feel it at the back of your head. But the excruciating pain you feel around 1 part of your eye till the back of your head. Lets say it's like 1 whole part of your head hurts so bad that you feel like banging your head against the wall. Well maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit. But yeah, I can't stand it. It's been years since I had my last coffee.

I also can't stand the smell of coffee. I used to love it. I don't know what happened. Maybe I got really sick of it. Coffee smell makes me nausea these days. And I have a sensitive nose. Well not as sensitive as the dood in the movie "Perfume: The Story of a Murderer" but lets just say that I'm sensitive towards erm smell. You know like when you're sleeping, you woke up to the smell from the kitchen and you can't help but to guess what your mum is cooking/making. LOL. Sorry, out of topic a bit. *rofl. But yeah. That kinda thing.

So yeah. I don't drink coffee. But, you could offer me tea instead. I love tea. Some tea could make me sleep like a baby. While some could make me stay up for so long that I turned hyper when I reach my limit. Not funny. We don't wanna go there. It's like I'm drunk but I'm not LOL.

I hope that explains it all, even if it doesn't make sense LOL.

On another note, there's a 999 potrait project going on at the South Atrium of 1 Borneo. More info, check Gerry's blog. So what are you guys waiting fore, go there and get your picture taken! Support!!! XD

That's about it for today. My post always end up out of topic.

HOBBYCON 2008 this Saturday and Sunday at Kompleks Asia City, 11am to 7pm. Don't forget, SEE YOU THERE!!!


  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    i know what you mean the other way round..i need coffee or else my head will start throbbing but inda la sampai mata sakit and all but headache saja la :)

  2. mel: ahhahahaha coffee kasi stay up ka ni? @_@

  3. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I hate coffee too, used to drink it when I was much younger, dip the famous roti bengali into the coffee. Yum.

    Nowadays, coffee turns me into a zombie.

  4. I drink 2 glasses of coffee everyday except weekend..still loving it until now..hehehe

  5. kadus_mama: OMG, 1 in the morning 1 tea time ka? @_@

  6. i never like black coffee, i prefer nescafe or tea, hehe :)

  7. baity: thanks for visiting XD uh i love tea! XD

  8. wah that 999 faces cam sioookkk oh..i was there tadi, tapi dunno wat is going on la to join one?

  9. Joan, I think you can erm approach any of the MSJ representative?

  10. Anonymous10:41 AM

    i dont drink black coffee but nescafe will do for me.. And i love tea too.. :-)

  11. maika: boh tea sedap!

  12. Ouch... I can't imagine being in your position. My dreams of drinking and smelling the best coffee in world would be ruined. =(

    Anyway, tea is good. ^^

    You can try English teas like Earl Grey Tea, Darjeeling Tea and so on. They taste really good without creamer or milk.

  13. I've tasted Earl Grey Teas. most of the chinese tea also, but not everything can be drink everyday XD so i'll stick to the everyday tea which is boh 3 in 1 XD

  14. Anonymous11:53 PM

    I'm having a nescafe now..

    previously, Alitea teh tarik..

    but how come I feel so sleepy ah?

  15. saiful: hahahahah I dunno, shouldn't u be like all hyperly wake up with nescafe? XD

  16. I don't drink coffee either. Cannot tahan the taste lah. It makes me want to throw up. Bau dia lagi so strong. Ish ish ish. For me it's almost as bad as bau rokok. Hehehehe

  17. I don't drink coffee either. Cannot tahan the taste lah. It makes me want to throw up. Bau dia lagi so strong. Ish ish ish. For me it's almost as bad as bau rokok. Hehehehe

  18. rozie: yes, the smell is so strong @_@

  19. yea the smell is strong too, even when u pee the smell still have, hehehe :)

  20. baitycariem: omg lol

    nick: omg u coffee addict
