
Saturday, May 12, 2007

Lunch Outing at Usagi Japanese Restaurant


Today, as planned, pick my sis up from work around noon. Bad idea using the road direct to Karamunsing. Totally jam. Should have used the other road *sweats. Anyways, was a bit late to pick up my sis. I was cursing all the way driving. It was hot and yes, I dun like slow drivers and people who dun signal when they wanna change lane. Gawd!!

Went to Karamunsing for lunch. The new Usagi Japanese Restaurant. Nearly full house. People keep coming in. The place is nice.
notice the lady standing on the left, that's the owner. she'll be going everywhere around and asking for feedback on the fewd and service XD

my 2nd sis and mum. gahhh, notice the light T_T

Didn't get too much shot coz too many people. I like it when it's empty. Like the shot IRTeA took. Check her blog for that particular post, here.

wut are these monitors and mouse for? curious. hehe. yes, it was on almost every table

juz a shot of a waitress taking order XD look, nearly full house rite?
kawaii ocha cups XD

The menu is cute. They have this brief history of usagi XD Forgot to take a shot of dat, sorry. XD Oh btw, the cover, that's not bamboo or wood or anything like dat. Those are actually cloth XD cute ain't it?

karei with sauce set. there's another karei set without set but same priceclose up of the fish XD massy love fish! XDchawanmushi included XD

and miso soup for all XD

Anyways, I ordered Karei With Sauce Set which cost RM20.90.

close up of the teriyaki chicken XD

Sis ordered Wakadori Teriyaki Set which cost RM18.90 and mum ordered Oyako Don cost RM12.80.
oyako don

Some other shots. Yes I didn't let anyone eat till I get shots of it. XD

See, I even arranged this. Those colorful thinggies are cute. XD couldn't resist. Must shoot.

look at the mayo. they should give us thousand island instead of mayo omg. well my mum's fault oso coz she ask for mayo. and i was like, "inda muak meh makan mayo with salad?"
arranging em. i juz love colors. these are too cute XD

Ocha was RM1 each XD Total including tax was RM61.16. I would leave some tips but I didn't coz the girl spill pineapple leftovers on my bag. My bad smells like pineapple now *sigh.

After lunch, went around window shopping. Yeap, nothing to buy. It's so boring and my knee have some minor slight pain. Must have eaten something wrong hehe. Must be those prawns *cough XD I eat a bit only hehhehe

Yes, I shoot a lot of bugs and fewd. Kekekeke, me likey XD

Hope everyone enjoy this post XD


  1. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Thank goodnes I just came back from eating dinner when I read this post! xD Yum.. those food looks nice! Must go there when I come back to KK.

    Nice shot. Eh Mas, you really make me feel like buying a good camera la.. but I think it would be a waste lah, coz I wouldn't be taking lots of photos, anyway. :P

  2. hahahahah..i tot so XD yes yes, fewd was nice, me likey fish! XD

    thanks. yesh yesh, cin needs a camera and start shooting XD

    it's super fun taking photos. but i'm gewd at taking still image XD moving object fail ni...

    erm, u not necessary haf to use it everyday, every now and then XD when u feel like it XD

  3. Anonymous10:18 PM

    looks like a nice japanese restaurant indeed!hmmmmm, have they started "all-you-can-eat" yet .. what with all the competition around???? i go for those ... i know, i'm cheap!

  4. anonymous: er no, they dun haf the all u can eat thinggie yet...hehehe though they haf 50% off of sushi from 8:30pm onwards hehe...

  5. Anonymous9:14 AM

    most do that (sell-off) at the end of the day/night because the meats/fish can't keep!!

  6. anonymous: yeap..exactly XD

  7. I LOVE JAPANESE FOOD! And I desperately need some now (even though I'm quite bloated from too much pumpkin rice)! The black coloured bowls do bring out the bright colours of the food... =)

  8. omg! @_@ i love japanese fewd too XD

    uhuh uhuh everything was cute! super cute!
