
Sunday, November 25, 2007

Tea at Yogur Berry

The idea of following my bro was to go to Karamunsing to look at some clothes. =_=" I didn't know that we're going to City Mall. @_@ He won this Yogur Berry VIP diners from GoShop.

Today is my lucky day! XD Thanks GoShop.

I get to try on some of Yogur Berry's most recommended. XD

The roti ikan reminds me when I went on a trip with my family to Seoul, Korea in 1997. I guess it'll taste better if you had it while it's hot in a cold environment, say like in an aircond room or during winter.

mango yogurt juice

For more reviews about Yogur Berry, click here.

Btw, here's some other shots. GoShop team XD

the lovey dovey couple *cough XD

thanks mars, for helping me take this shot XD me and mumsie. somehow my fingers look kinda extra long. i'm not an alien =_="

Btw, I saw some decorations at City Mall, but I didn't see a big xmas tree around yet. ^^;;;

Since it was kinda late to go to Karamunsing, we decided to stay around for awhile and check some stuff around City Mall.

This is a new addition to my choker collection *cough. I might wanna cut it to make it shorter nyahahah >:)

We went to Green Passion Vege. Cafe for dinner.

I love this Spaghetti Tom Yam Kung! Damn nice! Big BOWL btw.

For more info or reviews from this cafe, click here.

And dat's about it. TQ XD


  1. I want some of that Yogurberry!! :( So kempunan!

  2. kekekeke syura lai lai lai XD *give u some..

  3. I just got to stop visiting blogs with pictures of food first thing Monday morning! First it was Syura's, now yours, arrrgghhhhhh! LOL!

  4. *Rofl nick... XD i'm sorry..i can't help it XD

  5. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Aiyo. im hungy now. darn it! there goes my weight :S

  6. how i wish i can eat all the food!!! LAPARRRRRRRR.....

  7. paya: for lunch mar XD

    marmalade: go eat at the vege cafe..nice oh XD

  8. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Ugh, every blogs I go are talking about FOODS! Nasib baik aku sudah makan!!! HAHAHAH!

    Uiii.. macam sedap oh all the food! Nanti aku balik KK I must try all that. :D

  9. Next year when I balik kampung, I must visit City Mall and try this Yogurberry... cam sedap seja:D (Drools)!

    Eh, City Mall ni dekat mana ah? Asia City ka?

  10. cin: yes u should XD

    nessa: citymall er yang on the way dari kolombong pg lintas tu XD

    but yogur berry ada di warisan square oso XD the frozen yogurt mmg sedap!!!!

  11. Another yummy site..hi there.. just blog hopping from Ratu Syura's blog...


  12. hi lady java..thanks for visiting XD

  13. Someone please tell me why I want to torture myself looking at all this food?? *major drool*

    I also want yougurberry!! Another 14 more days to go!!
