
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Yet Another Pinky Street Figure Photo Journal

I'm gonna start today's entry with a song. I know I'm a bit slow to the liking of James Morrison's songs but since I heard "You Give Me Something" one day on tv, I somehow got my hands on the album. But, weird thing is, I'm more attached to another song which is, "The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore". This song suits my soul better. If you haven't heard this song before, here's a video and since I'm in a gewd mood, I'll type the lyrics too. So u can sing along if u like it.


I've been twisting and turning, in a space that's too small
I've been drawing the line watching it fall
You've been closing me in, closing the space in my heart
Watching us fading, watching it all fall apart

Well I can't explain, why it's not enuff, coz I've gave it all to you
And if you leave me now, oh juz leave me now, it's the better thing to do
It's time to surrender, it's been too long pretending
There's no use in trying, when the pieces don't fit anymore, pieces don't fit here anymore

You pulled me under, so I had to give in
Such a beautiful mess, that's breaking my skin
But I hide all the bruises, I hide all the damage that's done
But I'll show how I'm feeling, until all the feelings has gone

Well I can't explain, but it's not enuff, coz I've gave it all to you
And if you leave me now, oh juz leave me now,it's the better thing to do
It's time to surrender, too long pretending, no use in trying
When the pieces don't fit anymore, pieces don't fit anymore

Oh don't misunderstand, how I feel, coz I've tried, yes I've tried
Still I don't know why, no I don't know why, I don't know why~~~
Why can't I explain, why it's not enuff, I've gave it all to you
And if you leave me now, juz leave me now, it's the better thing to do
But it's time to surrender, it's been too long pretending
There's no use in trying, when the pieces don't fit anymore, the pieces don't fit anymore
Pieces don't fit anymore~~~

I've been repeating the same song for days now, I wonder how long will this song last? *rofl~ And I wonder if I typed the lyrics correctly XD

While listening to the song over and over again, I'll proceed with wut I was gonna say before all this. Yes, I'm still stuck with ndsl. But not exactly the point I'm getting at.

Well, today I haf some frens for lunch. Which would be my bro, his gf and toyboy (from toybox). We were planning to eat at Peppermint but it was close. I wonder why. I notice lotsa restaurant were closed today. Even Yee Fung is close. Why? I wanna know why?! Anybody got explanation? In the end, we had pizza. Hehehe. Tempted to try the new mexican flavour but toyboy wasn't being convincing enuff in describing to us whether it was nice or not.

So, here's some shots of the fewd we consumed. *rofl~ Actually this is sort of a repeat considering I've already raved about it. *rofl~

cream chicken soup

hawaiian supreme ka ni? stuffed crust

super supreme pan pizza

The whole of my day seems to be running smoothly, since I've been spending it with playing "Legend of Zelda" again. Yes, I know, I bore u with my statement *cough.

We had to go off early by 10 mins coz only the accountant haf the office key today. He go off, we haf to go off hehe~ gewddie~

I'm the 1st to reach home, I actually haf this idea to shoot my pinky but I think I need to spend time making "stuff", which I dun think I can commit, since I'm lazy and too attached to my ndsl. But gewd thing is, I did take some photos of my pinky street figures again. It's one of those random arranging thing. So, here's wut I got to say about em shots.

I was trying to find those grass pad around my house, but this is wut I found *cough cough. Not quite there but I love this shot. Why? Coz I was thinking of having a shot of them sort of looking at the sky kinda moment. Only if I have more figures, I might be making a hold hand circle *cough, yes sounds hippie-ish doesn't it? hehe

actually for this one, I was gonna put it on the road, instead I use the parking area at my house. which is kinda lame, I know, and another thing about it, I wanted to shoot both the figure inside the car but I also wanted it to focus on the car from front view XD er nvm~

the scenario, the ones in the car was driving by and one of em saw a fren at the road side talking to another person which in this case, not visible *cough cough, I couldn't make the other one stand ^^;;

Last but not least, this was a bit late. I'm losing light *cough. This scenario suppose to be sending the girl with the violin home or picking her up to send her home kinda thing. Well, they're probably frens for all I care, since I created it, not related to anybody. XD Well they might be childhood frens too hahahah ogie ogie enuff enuff

So, wut ya think of these? *ehem~ Actually got another one, but kinda suckie, dun wanna show XD

Till then, continue play PW2 maybe hmm *thinks~


  1. Ooh I love James Morrison! *sigh* I think he hot!

  2. acom: *rofl. but from this album, i think currently i only like 2 songs hahahahah XD but i'm totally addicted to the pieces don't fit anymore XD

  3. must...resist... pinky...


  4. hahhahaha penman *rofl~ u want it? XD

  5. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Oooo so cute! I love the car most. Comelnyaaaa.. can buka-buka lagi! :D

  6. cin: everyone seems to like the car XD kekeke i oso like XD

  7. Anonymous12:05 PM

    astagaaaaaaaa...punya cute those figurines...nice job u did there mas.

  8. carol: hehehe are u tempted XD hehehehe
