
Saturday, June 14, 2008

"Another Life" Movie Audition

Are you interested to be an actor/actress for a movie? Well here is your chance!!!

There will be an audition for the new short Sci-Fi movie as follows:

Venue: Zakaria Hall, Imperial International Hotel
Date: 15th June 2008 (Sunday)
Time: 11am - 6pm


Haikal buys a black rock from a second hand shop and suddenly everything around starts to change at first it was his handphone, then it was his job then his friends even his house, his car and even he changes into someone else. He is trying to figure out what is happening to him and learns that the rock he bought is part of a pair and the other rock is actually causing him and his surroundings to change, as it was placed on top of a computer which his friend uses to play a SIMs type video game.

More info, click here.


  1. pg tulung menulung sija XD

  2. errr i dont think yer suppose to let people know about the "sims" bit, cause thats the kicker aunty.

  3. uncle..i copy and paste from forum tu @_@ blame joj XP
