
Friday, June 20, 2008

Recovering 250GB harddisk

Remember the time when I got so depressed about my 2x250gb harddisk? (read here...)

Well ogie, here's the thing. I manage to recover some of my files by using PC Inspector & Data Recovery software (Freeware). Not done yet, coz it took me 2 days to finish retrieving the clusters and will take another 2 days coz it hanged halfway =_=" (*cursing &#!#%^#%&).

Which bring to the attention to the photos. I manage to recover photos. Yes, but, most of my 3072 x 2304pixel are partially recovered. Partially meaning that half of it is grey. =_=" (*cursing *^!%#&^#%()!# again). So, here, I'm asking everyone, if anyone know any JPEG recovery software. Best if it's freeware. Coz I know shareware won't work since you'll have watermark after that. @_@""" *sigh~

And when I said I need help. I mean help not gimme shite about why I dun back up my photos.

I really really hope I can recover my photos T_T


  1. next time backup all the photo in DVDs. The percentage of it fail far more better than hard disk especially the portable and external type. fyi, portable hard disk never meant to be a permanent place to keep important information unless you put it in a cpu or server. even a cpu and server has backup mirror on other hd, dvds or tapes.

  2. well unfortunately, when i was gonna back up it's too late @_@ mmg wrong timing >.<"""

  3. I hope you can recover them too! *cross fingers* Sakit hati oh if all hilang.

  4. Anonymous9:19 PM

    next time! trying using software like hddlife or hard disk inspector pro. its really help! check it out...

  5. roze: *nods nods T_T i'm backing up all my recent photos

    anonymous: er have link?

  6. I blogged about getting a new HDD, and you blogged about recovering photos from ur HDD. LOL..

  7. jacq: yeah my 500gb ancus..i got an external hddisk after that backup for my photos..padulik la duplicate beribu ribu lemon

  8. Gee, that sucks. I know how that feels. I hope you're able to recover at least some of your pictures. I'm too lazy to do back ups myself and I just upload my pix online. Not the safest of places to keep them but for a lazy bum like me, it's the easiest ... hehehe ...

  9. nick p: hmm maybe i should do that..upload my photos online..but the thing is..some of my photos can't be uploaded online or ppl will take advantage >.>

  10. I'm not sure whether I am helping at all. But download at your own risk. I had not tried it yet. But, you can give it a try.. Very popular software. It has crack or keygen or anything to make it a free to use.

    Again, the damage of your computer from this download is not my responsibility. Thank you!

  11. Lol thanks christy..I'll check it out XD
