
Saturday, June 07, 2008

The Day Before "2.70"

My dad was out of town, so mum decided to bring us out for dinner. To Kenny Rogers we go! *vroom~ Yes it was the nite before the fuel hike! RM1.90 to RM2.70. *sigh

My bro was using the Inanam road, but when we reach the roundabout, there were too many cars around and it was slow moving, I mean really really slow. So, we decided to use the Menggatal road. Same thing @_@ but not as bad. It's crazy I tells u.

When we reach at 1Borneo, head direct to Kenny Rogers, I is want some chicken~ chicken~ I can't remember the last time I eat at this place. Why? Coz it's expensive @_@, well compared to last time obviously. It was way past my dinner. It was 8pm-ish. OMG!

a family needs family meals XD

We ordered the Family Meal, which consist of

Whole Chicken

Gravy selection: Original (gravy with mushroom) and Black Pepper sauce.

4 bowls of side dishes (out of 12 side dishes, we pick these) and

4 Kenny’s Home-made Muffins (selections of chocolate, vanilla and banana with raisins).

The drinks, Orange Juice and Lemon Tea (cost at RM5++ each).

Check out the raves here.

And this was my portion @_@ urgh~ stuffed~ too stuffed for me.

Anyways, after dinner, we couldn't get to the parking area coz there were too much dust @_@ so, we had to walk 1 big round to get there. Mum was slightly paranoid coz there were a lot of PTIs. And we get to witness them fighting. One of the sales girl at the lower ground floor told us there were a fight last week, it involves axe and blood @_@ *paranoid.

Mum didn't wanna go to 1Borneo again. heheh~

Aight I got 3 more pending post to come. Everyone needs to calm down, I'm still lack of sleep and tired. =_=" *yawns. Till then, happy drooling *giggle.

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