
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Moment Like This... *sigh

It's moment like these dat I become really tense/pissed. The caused of all this? tmNUT steamyx. Intentional spelling error. *sigh.

The first thing I hear when I got into the office is, "Mas, I can't browse". I haven't even put my stuff on my table yet. >:(

Did some troubleshooting. Not working. Next thing I did was calling up technical support and they reset the connection coz it hanged. BUDU! And off everything and turn it back on after few minutes, also not working. Wadda!?!

Yes, am a smartarse in this case. I went to change the setting. Also not working. In the end, guess wut made it work? The DNS server address. I put it in every single computer. IT WORKED! Budu! >:(

I should end my anger with this. TMNUT BUDU!


  1. Yeah! TM NET BUDU!! :D

  2. aahhahahahahahahha XD

  3. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Hate them but we have no choice! Silaka! Between me and Streamyx, we "communicate" often. Like at least once a month - complain calls. Hahaha!

  4. cin: omg..ko lagi teruk only problem is my office line's like i had to complain every now and then..bikin panas oh..and the things they can help us we oledi know hahahah kuyak~

  5. got no problem with my connection...

  6. wow that bad huh cindy?heheh apa buli buat nasibb badannn...mas ,happen to me too sometimes and stress man stress!

  7. saiful: u're not using streamyx :P or r u? hmm..

    shana: yeawor..kin panas eh..sikijap sikijap tu putus..malas se..

  8. i agree.. tmnet memang budu betul! I would have been approved by PPP oredi if they "fixed" the line earlier. 1 MONTH to fix the bloody connection whatever thingy. And still they dont wanna compensate on the bill.. Really budu!

  9. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Yabah TMNUT Budu... kekkeke. Ini barulah sabahan slang. You go girl. Bah, ndak heran. TMNUT memang gitu. Kalau ndak slalu, slalu-slau lah tu. Pernah gua ndak bayar 3 bulan.. baru diaorang tau. but during the time, rugi semua perniagaan internet beta. satu sen pun takda masuk. So terpaksa lah beta angkat kaki ke tanjung aru bayar all the due bills. guess what, balik rumah trus ada lain, laju lagi tu... 1Meg uploading. so cool.

    tapi tapi kan... balik lagi... isk isk isk. office punya ok. sebab sia boleh curi wireless orang lain..kekekke. ooops. don't wquote me on that ok. Gua pinjam aja. :)

  10. shemah: yeah, omg, we should have like other better services..

    papa: 3 bulan kana cut ka? wakkaka kedapatan curi ppl's line bah bah kestau ni XD bagus jua if tau di mana wakkakaka XD

  11. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Mine also tu hari langsung tia bulih browse apa2.

  12. makin buruk oh this streamyx hmph~
