
Wednesday, August 07, 2019

[Event] MILO Malaysia Breakfast Day 2019

MILO Malaysia Breakfast Day 2019 returns for the 7th year!  2nd year for me.  One of the most anticipated event of the year for me coz of the fun games and goodies.  The one in Sabah seems to run around August.  Next one will be in Kuching, Sarawak on the 25th August 2019.  Estimated 5000 participants this year which was held on 4th August 2019 at Padang Merdeka Kota Kinabalu.  It's a short 3km run and everyone can join in.  Fun run, non competitive, but I still see people running at 3 or 4 mins pace per km 😂

I arrived early and got in line slightly later to take photos, also said hi to Cassie from afar, am surprised she noticed me from the crowd and said "Hi Mas", pemes sis sekejap.

Wave.  Photo by sis Christine
Seems like they organized it better this year, more crowded than last year, wow, impressive.  I managed to get to the middle pack this time around (last year slightly more front, to avoid walkers).  The weather was cooling but it looks like we're getting a big one this year.  Before race start, did the wave for drone shot and bouncing MUG!  OMG, THISSSSS!!! Lemme just show you a video of how that thing didn't reach me, SO CLOSE!  

Next year! I will!

Apparently this year there was a lane for strollers (did not notice this, where issit?).  The run starts on time at 6:30am and off we go, the first 500m maneuvering through a pool of human before I can start running (I slow jog).  Only manage to cut through after turning to the main road after the traffic light at Menara Jubilee.  After that, just keep it easy coz am still stuck haha.  I was running next to a friend, Jason, who just finish his "15km warm-up" run before continuing to this event, am guessing it's his cool down.  Running towards Bulatan Bunga Raya when it started to pour!  YESSSSSSS! Happiest day of my life.  This is where most ran back to find shelter, only a few crazies went ahead to the u-turn and head back.

Photo from sis Christine
I was running towards the roundabout but wasn't sure where the u-turn was and realized I turned too soon, opps.  Heading back, still heavily pouring I see people sheltering at Menara Jubilee while I try to find a space to run through towards Padang Merdeka.  This is where some other crowd split and ran towards the buildings at the left side.  I gotta give props to the volunteers at the Water Station, they were still there, soaking wet.  Some of the participants went and pick up drinks at the WS and said "we're drinking rain water", the drinks were then filled with rain water.

I kept running till I reach the turn to Padang Merdeka (wasn't sure if I should go ahead towards the other roundabout before turning back since I couldn't see anymore people doing that).  And that ends my run, at 1.8km only hahaha OMFG, that's a 12 minutes of cardio people.

Goodie Bag.
People pushing behind me (just forget about queuing and manners, aiyo) to grab the goodies and medal, trying to shelter from an almost no space.  The volunteers got their hands full at that moment.  I think they should still just mark the bib after giving the goodies. 

Soaked, most were at the Astaka and waited till the rain died down.  I went to the MILO drink and cereal booth with Nic and waited a bit till we can redeem the food.  Your choice this time is either fried meehoon or spaghetti with apple and drinking water.  2 girls came up to me and asked where I get the goodies, I pointed them to the collection booth which was on the right side.


Waited my sis after had breakfast at the food collection booth and moved back to the Astaka around 7:30am.  

Got this plastic cover from MILO to get around when it rained.

It started drizzling, everyone came out and play.  Even the emcees!  Play game and get freebies.  My sis won a MILO backpack from answering question.  She also won RM5 from playing games at the Boost counter.

Stayed till 9am, I left early coz I was shivering, my extra clothes left in the car.
Bikin alas kreta hahaha
 Overall I still think it's a successful event, the crowd stayed till the event finishes at 10am.  Awesome job MILO team and the emcees!  See you NEXT YEAR!

Hope everyone had a blast like I did at this event.  Thanks for reading.

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